Chapter Twenty-Six

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I was jarred out of sleep by a door being thrust open and slamming against the opposite wall. Gareth's heavy footsteps came down the steps and towards me.

"A servant will give you your meals and your new dresses. I need your size to get them however."

I was emotionless as I told him my dress size. I said I was four sizes bigger than I truly was since I wasn't sure how long I'd be staying here. I hoped I would be able to leave in less than a month, but I knew that impossible considering Gareth would kill my family if I would.

I heard Gareth storm back upstairs and put of the cellar while lighter, smaller footsteps came towards me.

"Your breakfast, Madame."

I took the tray from the servant, and thanked her. I saw how little food there was and I worried for my unborn child.

"I am sorry to ask, but is it possible to get just a bit more food? I can't tell you why I need it, but know that I wouldn't ask if it wasn't necessary. If it is too much trouble, I understand. I don't want to be a burden."

The servant smiled gently and nodded her head. "I'll see what I can do." She left and I ate my breakfast thinking about Amy, Xavier, and Caiden. I missed them so much. I finished my food and set the tray at the foot of my bed. I saw a bathroom in the left corner of the room, and got up to brush my teeth and go to the bathroom.

I leave the little bathroom and wonder what I will have to do today.

Gareth storms back in the room. "My beautiful Zaylin, you will wash the dishes and clean every room in this house. You will have to dust as well. As soon as you finish these chores, you are to go straight to the cellar."

I nodded my head and walked up the stairs to start on my chores. As I was doing my chores, I was reminded of my life with my father. I knew that I couldn't upset Gareth or I would be hit and I might lose the baby. I finished my chores and walked down to the cellar once more. I heard someone descend right after me and I looked up, worried I was going to be beaten.

"Madame, are you down here?" the servant called down.

"Yes, I am."

She came deeper into the cellar, food in her arms. I noticed that there was more than before and I smiled, extremely thankful.

"Thank you, you have been a tremendous help."

The servant smiled and replied, "My name is Violet. I am almost surprised I remember because Mr. Gareth never calls me by my name."

I gave a sad smile to Violet. "I think your name is lovely. I am sorry Gareth treats you so horribly."

She sighed, "You learn to get used to it."

I nodded, understanding what she met.

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