Chapter Eight

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I saw Xavier laying on my bed, still in the clothes he wore from today. I knew he probably wanted a new set of clothes, but I didn't have any for him. We were already breaking many rules, why stop now?

"Xavier, if you would like, you can take off the clothes you wore today." I told him while moving towards my dresser for a nightgown.

"Would you be uncomfortable if I slept in my underwear?" Xavier asked.

"No, I wouldn't be. And you do know that we are breaking a number of rules, right?" I smiled at him as I strolled to the bathroom to get undressed and brush my teeth. I left the door cracked so I could better hear his reply.

"I know that we are, and I know that you have a little habit of breaking the rules." I could hear his smile through his voice.

I emerged from the bathroom and smirked, "Me? Never."

Xavier laughed quietly along with me.

I took my dress and put it in the dirty clothes basket. I noticed that Xavier's clothes were on the floor and that he was under the covers. I walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers just enough so that I could slide in them. I shivered a little because they were cold and the nightgown wasn't much help with that. I felt Xavier's arms wrap around my waist loosely.

"Cold?" he teased, whispering in my ear.

For a second I could only focus on his nearness, but I managed to answer, "Just a little. Though I have a feeling I won't be for long." I moved as close to him as I dared, unsure of how he would react.

He pulled me closer to him and I smiled. I blushed a little at the impulse to kiss him.

"Mind telling me why you are blushing?" Xavier whispered.

"I was just thinking of kissing you." I responded, also whispering.

Instead of saying anything, Xavier leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back and managed to move closer to him. We both broke the kiss, slightly breathing heavier than before.

"I love you Zaylin, goodnight."

"I love you too Xavier, goodnight." I curled up to him and lay my head on his chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the rhythmic sound of Xavier's breathing.

I woke up when my head hit the bed and I heard a light 'thud' of something hitting the hardwood floor. I looked around for Xavier and realized he must have been what fell. Just as I was about to ask if he was okay when my bedroom door is opened.

"What was that thud? Why are you still in bed? You should have already been up and had breakfast ready!" my father stood in the doorway, angry.

"It must have been the book that I was reading last night. I went to bed later than usual and slept in. Father you know how to cook, you could have made yourself breakfast." I said calmly.

My father didn't seem very pleased with my answer. "What did you just say?!"

"That if you knew I slept in, you could have made yourself breakfast."

"Zaylin! You know that it is your job! Get up, now and go make breakfast!"
"May I get dressed first?"

"Don't take too long!"

I watched as my father slammed the door shut and heard his retreating footsteps. Once I couldn't hear him anymore, I looked under my bed and saw Xavier laying there.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that," I said softly.

Xavier moved out from under my bed. "It's fine. I'm just glad I was awake and heard him coming. I'm sorry for rudely waking you up."

"I'm glad that my father didn't see you, it's perfectly fine." I kissed him quickly while I grabbed one of my many dresses and went into the bathroom to get dressed. I came out soon after and I walked back to Xavier's side. I was thinking about all the chores that had to get done that day and I didn't notice that Xavier was kissing my cheek and working his way down to my neck.

"Xavier! We have to get you out of here!" I yelled quietly, wondering how we were going to accomplish that.

"No worries, I'll just sneak out through the window like I did last night. Maybe I can find a job today."

"I wish you luck. I'll be here all day doing my chores. Which I must be going down to do right now. I don't need him angry again." I said, subconciously brushing my fingers against my cheek that I had hidden underneath my hair.

"Again? Zaylin, may I see your cheek?" Xavier asked with concern evident in his voice.

"Yes," I answered, "but you won't like what you see."

Xavier doesn't say anything else before he moved my hair aside and sees the huge black and blueish bruise on my cheek. I knew it was in the shape of a hand. I saw Xavier flinch when my whole cheek was in full view, and I looked down at the floor.

"Xavier we are wasting precious time and it really didn't hurt that badly. It looks a lot worse than it felt. You have to go, now. I'll be fine, I promise." I reassured him, looking towards the door, praying that my short tempered father would be able to wait one more second.

"If anything else happens today, tell me as soon as you can. I'll see if I can stay at someone else's house instead of running the risk of getting you in trouble."

"No, please don't. I love you and I don't want to have to be separated from you anymore." I pleaded with him. "I can take whatever punishment he gives me. I can't take being away from you, not when we are finally together against everyone's wishes."

"I understand. I'll be back tonight. Try to stay out of trouble for me please?"

I smiled at him and kissed him one last time before he left for the day. "Of course." I said after we stopped kissing.

Xavier looked relieved, then he moved towards my window and climbed out of it at the same time I walked out of my room and called to my father, "Breakfast will be ready shortly."

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