Chapter Twenty-Five

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It's been a month since baby Amethyst was born, and everyone has finally gotten into a schedule. Xavier woke up and left to go to work, along with Caiden. I stay in bed and sleep a little longer. Around six in the morning, Amethyst woke up again and I rolled out of bed to make to breakfast, which is pancakes and sausage. I got dressed first, but the dress I tried on first didn't fit. It was too tight, even though it fit a month ago. I put on a different dress and went to the kitchen. As I finished cooking, Claire came into the kitchen, Amethyst in her arms. I set the food in front of her and sat down myself, plate in hand.

"Claire, you know that red dress I have-the one you helped pick out?"

"Yes, why?"

"It doesn't fit anymore. It's too tight, which is odd because it fit a month ago."

Claire just laughed when I said that. I gave her a confused look before I had to rush to the bathroom, feeling very queasy. I didn't get sick because I had not eaten breakfast yet. Once the feeling subsided a great deal, I went back to eat.

"Do you know what is wrong with me?"

"Yes, it is hard to miss that you have been craving pancakes lately, you just had a case of morning sickness, and your dress didn't fit. Your pregnant."

I stared at her in shock. I think back and realize I must be two months along. "Oh my! I am two months pregnant, and I never knew!"

"It's fine. You haven't done anything that could have harmed that baby. Speaking of baby, can you watch Amy? I need to go to the store to buy a few things, and it will be easier if she isn't with me."

"Of course. Amethyst and I will have fun, won't we?" I cooed to Amy causing her to giggle.

Claire left soon after and I waited for her to return. I had lost track of time while watching Amy, and was startled when I heard Caiden and Xavier walk in the door.

"Hey, Zaylin. Where is Claire?" Caiden asked when he kissed my cheek.

I whispered, "She left after breakfast for the store. She hasn't returned home yet."

Caiden immediately ran outside and got in a carriage, going to the police.

I was beyond worried and guilty that I had not noticed her absence earlier. Xavier came to my side and hugged me close to him, being careful not to squish Amethyst.

Caiden returned home and informed us that the police would search for Claire. Three days later they found her in an abandoned building, with a hundred King Cobras locked in the room with her. Her lifeless body had several thousand bites on it.

"Thank you for finding Claire," Caiden choked out before he shut the door.

We all cried for the next few days, morning Claire's death. Three days after Claire's death, I was home and watching Amethyst while the men worked when there was a knock on the door and a slip of paper slid inside under the door. I picked it up and read what it said.

'You thought you could get away from me. Now your family will pay for your mistake.'

I wanted to scream, but I didn't. With a shaky hand, I put the piece of paper on the coffee table as I sat down on the couch roughly, making sure Amy was okay.

I kept the paper hidden from Xavier and planned how I was going to sneak out of the house.

I woke up in the middle of the night to get sick. Xavier held my hair for me and once I finished and brushed my teeth, I thanked him.

"You should see a doctor. I do not want to leave you here if you are ill."

"Xavier, I am fine. All pregnant women get sick." I mumbled, not fully awake.

"You are pregnant? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It didn't seem like the right time. Claire had just died and I forgot about it with all that was going on."

Xavier nodded and we both went back to bed. I pretended to be asleep until I heard Xavier snore softly. I slipped out if bed and left the note that was given to me on the beside table. I rushed out of the door and into the chilly night. I hated sneaky off like this, but I needed to. I had to protect them. I looked around the still neighborhood until I saw a man at the end of the street. I cautiously walked to him, and saw that he was the man I was looking for as I neared him.

"I see you finally made the right choice." He grinned.

He sent horrible shivers of fear down my back, but I followed him as he led me from the town I had grow to love into a new one. His house was smaller than I imagined. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards him.

"You are mine now. You must do what I want." He smirked evilly.

"As long as it doesn't make me break laws. I'm still married." I told him coldly.

He glared at me and threw me towards the floor. I made sure I landed on my back and that it wasn't obvious I favored my stomach.

He ripped me off the floor and dragged me to the cellars. "This is your room. Better enjoy it."I am shoved down the stairs. I stumbled, but managed to keep my balance. I heard a heavy door slam shut above me and I walk over to the cot in the cellar. I laid on my back and let the silent tears run down my face.

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