Chapter Eleven

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The end of the day came rather soon. I was glad that it was night time because then I could see Xavier again. I hurried up to my room and saw him laying peacefully on my bed. I smiled brightly and ran to his side. I couldn't help but to kiss him. He smiled in the kiss and we broke apart soon after. I heard him gasp and I looked at him confused. I then remembered this morning and I instantly turned away from him, not wanting him to have to see my bruised face anymore. I felt his hand gently grab my chin and turn my face back so that I was looking at him.

"Zaylin, I'm sorry if I made you think that you needed to turn your head away from me, I was just shocked. The bruise looks a lot worse than before. What happened?" he asked softly, his voice full of love and concern.

"I was late getting down the stairs to make my father his breakfast. He hit me harder than before since I am his maid now. It's fine though," I said, intentionally forgetting to mention that I probably have bruises on my back. I lightly shudder at the memory of my father shoving into the wall harshly because I was taking to long to do my chores.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to join you in the shower this morning." Xavier apologized sheepishly.

"It's fine, I truly didn't mind all that much," I smiled as I stood on the tip of my toes to kiss him. We were about to deepen the kiss when we heard someone knocking on the door downstairs.

"She's in her room." I heard my father speaking to someone. I few seconds later we heard the stairs creaking as someone was coming up them. Xavier quickly goes into my walk in closet and shuts the door. I sit on my bed, acting like I was just relaxing. I expected to see Gareth at the door, but I didn't.

"Zaylin Silva it's been a long time since I have seen you," I heard Caiden say as he walked in my room.

"Caiden?!" I squealed as I hoped up and ran to hug him. "I haven't seen you since you've gotten married! When do I get to meet her?" I asked, bouncing up and down excitedly.

"What happened to your cheek? She's downstairs and ready to meet my little sister."

"You are only a year older than me Caiden," I laughed. "Tell her I will be down in a second. What's her name?" I asked, avoiding the topic of my cheek.

"Her name is Claire."

"Is there a particular reason you are visiting?" I asked him, curious.

"You didn't hear about the ball that is coming up in a few days? I'm surprised. We thought that it was the perfect reason to visit. You never answered what happened to your cheek."

"It's nothing to worry about. I slipped and landed on my side, my cheek hitting the ground. Besides I want to see Claire, but after I hide this bruise. Please go tell her I will be down in a minute?"

"Alright, but don't be long." Caiden said right before he walked out of the door.

I opened the closet door and let Xavier out into the room.

"Your brother is back to visit. How long has it been since you've seen him?"

"Two years and did you know about the ball coming up?" I asked him.

"Yes, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to go because I would have to ignore you the whole time." Xavier pouted which made me have the urge to kiss him again.

"Oh, that is right. But I might not even be able to go because I am only a maid to my father."

"I think he will have to let you go now that your brother is here." Xavier responded.

"I hope so. I have to go down soon, just so that they don't start to worry. I won't be long." I kiss him quickly and then fix my hair to cover my cheek and hurry downstairs.

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