Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed. I sighed and rolled out from under the covers, shivering when my bare feet touched the cool hardwood floor. I walked into the living room and saw Claire already laying on the couch. I went over to her and asked if she needed anything.

"No, but thank you. I want to discuss more baby names, especially boy baby names."

"Alright," I mumbled, "I'll freshen up quickly then come back. I didn't mean to sleep in so late..." Claire shook her head. "Xavier said you needed the sleep. I didn't ask beyond that."

"I was remembering my mother's death is all. I still haven't quite gotten over it yet."

Claire gave a sympathetic look before she smiled and put her hand against her stomach. "The baby is kicking. Come feel it."

I did as she said and put my hand where hers was. I felt the baby kick my hand and I couldn't help but to give a giggle of joy. I wanted to have a baby of my own, but I knew I should be there for my brother and sister-in-law. I couldn't wait until their baby was born.

"I'm going to go freshen up now. Yell if you need something, okay?"Claire nodded, so I took my hand away from her stomach and went into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. After that was done, I joined Claire on the couch.

"I think Daniel Lucas Silva will be a cute name for a boy."

Claire seemed to run the name through her head for a moment. "I think you are right. It does have a nice ring to it."

"Amethyst Jane Silva or Daniel Lucas Silva, either way they will be the cutest baby."

Claire laughed along and shook her head. "I hope it's a girl. I have always wanted a little girl."

"Well, soon we will see if you get your wish. Lets just hope not too soon."

"That wouldn't be good," Claire frowned as she rubbed her stomach lightly.

I agreed with her and we talked about everything we could until the men returned home again.

A month after that, Claire's water broke and she had little Amethyst Jane Silva soon after. We all were anxious to hear if Amethyst would be okay because she was born early. The doctor said Amethyst looked fine and perfectly healthy. Everyone in the room visibly relaxed. Amethyst was letting the world know of her existence and she wouldn't stop crying until Claire was finally allowed to hold her.Seeing the look of pure joy on Claire's face as she got to hold Amethyst for the first time made me yearn for a child of my own again. I pushed down the feeling and absorbed myself in the moment. My niece snuggled closer to Claire and fell asleep, content it seemed. Xavier and I left the room to allow Caiden and Claire time alone with their newborn.

"Are you okay? You were rather quiet." Xavier questioned, concerned.

"I am fine," I smiled up at him and kissed him. The truth was I was rather emotional lately and I had no idea why. I would get angry over nothing and cry over ridiculous things. I also realized I was eating more than usual, but I pushed the thought aside.

"Ready to go to sleep? I am so tired," I yawned as I shuffled towards our bed.

"Goodnight, Zaylin."

"Goodnight, Xavier." 

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