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I woke up laying on some one. I panicked. Who the hell am I on?! A thousand more questions went through my mind when the person under neath me stiffened. They were awake.
"Hey." It was a raspy female voice. I sat up but didn't turn around.
"Hi." I sighed then glanced back. She was staring at me. Lana. Oh god my heart had stopped.
"You all better?" She asked sitting up.
I nodded and stood up and got myself a drink.
"Ya thanks for staying the whole night plus some." She bolted up and looked at the stove clock.
"Shit Fred's probably wondering where I'm at." She grabbed her phone and dialed his number.
"Yes....everything's ok......shut up......no....of course not Fred why would you think that?.....ok love you too. M'bye." She ran a hand through her hair and sat back down.
"Why did you do what you did?" I asked quietly.
"Which part the have you trapped or talk to you part?" She asked with a chuckle.
"I know why you did the first its the second one. Why did you come to talk to me after everything I've done?" I sighed.
"Because. There's something about you that just draws me in. Not in like I'm in love with you but I just like want to be there for you. Like a mother. I know that sounds crazy." She looked away embarrassed.
"No ones ever said anything like that to me." I whispered. She looked at me.
"Emilee can I ask you a question?" I smiled.
"You just did." She glared at me.
"You know what I mean." She scolded.
"Fine he's ask away." I took a sip of my milk.
"Where did you get those marks on your back?" I panicked.
"What do you mean?" She raised a brow and stood up. We were about the same hight except she had at least an inch on me.
"You can tell me I saw them." She assured. But I couldn't let anyone see those.
"I don't want to talk about it." I moved away and started to clean my trailer even though it was clean already.
"You should come over to the house with me. I'm pretty sure your dad and the boys would like to see you." I sighed and nodded. She handed me clothes from my dresser in the room over and let me get dressed.
I was wearing jean shorts that came just above me knees. My tank top was black with arrows on it. I left my hair up in its messy bun and grabbed my deodorant. I cleaned my face and did light makeup and grabbed my converse.
I walked out to see her texting.
"Ready." I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my back pocket. She put her phone away and lead the way to her car.

We pulled up in the drive and we sat there for a moment.
"What do I do when I go in?" I asked looking at the beautiful house in front of me.
"Just don't do anything you'll regret." She got out and walked to the door. I followed reluncuantly.
She opened the door and was meet with my dad hugging her.
He looked over her shoulder and saw me.
"Emilee." He whispered before dashing to me and hugging me. I thought in the car I was going to cry at this moment but I didn't. I didn't feel anything.
"Dad." I whispered back. We hugged for a moment longer until Matt pushed him away so he could hug me.
"Em! I haven't seen you in forever! Where'd you go?" He was 15 and about my hight.
"Away baby boy." I smiled. He pulled back and smiled widely. That's when I saw Patrick. I frowned. He's the reason mom caught me two years ago.
"Hi Emilee." He said like nothing was wrong.
"You. Thanks for letting me see my dad and brother Lana but I must be going will you take me back please?" I asked giving him my back. She looked confused but didn't ask she kissed my dad.
"Ok let's go." She lead the way back out to the car and got in starting it up and putting her seat belt on. I sat down and buckled.
"What was that?" She asked when we got to the lot.
"Nothing I'm not on good terms with Patrick at the moment." I replied harsh.
"Ok I won't push just know if you want to talk about anything I'll listen. And I will always wait up." She said with a wink. I got out and smiled.
"Thanks Lana." She nodded. I walked to my trailer as she left.
Shit what do I do now?

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