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I sat on the hospital bed waiting for the do to to come back with my results. A couple months ago I got news that I had ovary cancer. I was at the first stage and they went to take more tests to see if it had spread.
"Ms. DeBlasio we are going to take out the cancer." The doctor said as he walked in.
"Ok then take it out as long as I live I'm ok right?" I asked.
"Yes unless you want treatment that can possibly save your reproduction organs?" I shook my head.
"No I'd rather not have them then be sick forever. Plus it's rare  what's the point of treatment if I'm just going to get even sicker?" I asked stating the obvious.
"Ok then we need to get you into surgery. Is there anyone you want to call to come down here and stay with you or anything?" I shook my head. No one was going to know except Adam and Eddy I knew they could keep it a secret.
"No let's do it." I laid back against the pillow.
"Ok then I'll go see if there is a room open and get people assigned. It'll be about two hours till we are all the way ready. I'm going to have a nurse come in and run a few tests before we get started."
He left the room and I just sat there.
I guess this is good right? I didn't want kids in the first place so what does it matter if I can make them or not? I'll get a dog. As long as I'll be ready for practice in a few weeks I'm ok.
A nurse walked in with a huge cart and started talking and running tests and doing X-Rays and other procedures. I called Adam and told him that I won't be into work for a while and the reason and to not tell anyone not even Lana or my dad. He promised.
When the doctor came back he started an IV to put me out. I laid there and didn't even feel the needle go in. I felt nothing. But at the same time I felt everything.
I closed my eyes thinking this is how it goes.

Lanas POV
I was sitting in my under the covers reading. It was about nine when I heard my phone ring.
"Lana! Don't tell anyone I'm the one you heard this from." It was Ginny.
"Typical some times you do act like Snow." I giggled.
"Har har. But seriously! Emilee just went into surgery about an hour ago for what I don't know. I heard Adam on the phone with who I think was Emilee." My heart stopped. Fred had gone back to the states with the boys a week ago and I was only here with Lola.
"What?" I whispered.
"I don't know which hospital but I'm pretty sure with our connections we can find out which one."
"No I know what one she went to it's the one she's been going to the past couple days. For what I don't know" I pulled myself out of my bed. I was wearing leggings and a big shirt. I pulled the shirt off and pulled a bra on.
"Ok do you want me to come with you?"  I pulled on a tank top then grabbed My Brooklyn sweatshirt over my head.
"No I'm good if I need anything I'll call." I hung up and put it in the big pocket.
I ran down the stairs and let Lola in from the back yard and shoved some Nikes on.
I grabbed my keys and flung the garage door open. I ran to my car and jumped in. I started it and sped out of the opened door tired skidding on the concrete.
God Emilee! What happened?!
I drove for about an hour till I came to the hospital. I ran to the front desk.
"Excuse me is Emilee Deblasio here?" She looked up at me and typed something into her computer.
"I'm afraid not." I rolled my eyes knowing she was lying.
"Look lady that is my daughter so if your lying to me you'll here about it." I growled. She looked at me shocked then typed something into her computer before writing something down and handing it to me.
She's still in surgery. I can't tell you why but they are almost done go sit in the waiting room and I'll come get you when I can.
I read it twice then looked at her. She nodded to the right and I nodded shoving the paper in my big pocket.
I walked over to the waiting room and went to the coffee maker. I made myself a cup and walked over to a seat. I sat there every once in a while taking a sip of the coffee.

Mrs. Di BlasioWhere stories live. Discover now