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"Where else could she have gone?" I asked pacing my living room.
"Lana calm down we'll find her she'll come back as far as I know she didn't take money with her so how is she going to eat?" Fred reasoned sitting on the couch.
"I know it just worries me that something might happen to her." I ran my hands through my hair. There was a knock at the door which me made me jump and run to it. I flung it open to reveal Jen and a man I didn't recognize.
"Lana this is my good friend Turner. He's going to find Emilee for you." She smiled. My mouth dropped as I let them in. He carried a suit case to the kitchen counter and set it on top sitting on a stool.
"Okay so to find where she went is easy but her exact location might be a bit tricky sense she doesn't have a card or her phone." I nodded and watched as he unzipped it a turned the lid over revealing what looked like the top of a lap top.
He pressed the top down and it shot up moving to the side to reveal two screens and a key board along with a mouse and speakers.
He typed in his password and clicked a few things faster than I could wrap my head around. On one screen there was a servalince video   Of a woman running down the road. It changed as she went into a building.
"Can you get in there?" I asked pointing at the screen. He looked at me as if I asked a stupid question.
"Of course if there's cameras." He typed a few things and it changed to the lobby. She went to the stairwell and went up each floor twice till she went to the ground level and turned. "Lost her. She must know what she's doing." He mumbled to himself.
"Well we can go look to see if we can find something that will take us to where she's at." Jen offered. Turner nodded and turned his computer off.
"I'll go and help you I might know what to look for." I scoffed.
"You?" I asked irritated.
"Yes I track people for a living. I find people that don't want to be found. Or have been kidnapped. But I find people." He stated. I nodded and left to my car. Jen, Fred and Turner walking after me. Jake was looking in the places that she normally goes or would go but so far no luck.

We got to the building and walked to the area she disappeared. But it was a corner nothing in it.
"Great a dead end." I huffed. I noticed Turner feeling the wall. Till his finger stopped and he pushed in and it was like a pen top going in. The small part of the wall moved in and out before sliding to the side. Giving way to the forest.
I nodded and walked past the man and out. There was no obvious trail that I could see. When everyone was through the door automatically closed.
"Wow I wonder how long that's been there." Fred whistled.
"Come on she went this way." We all looked at the buff geek. "What I can see he trail. See here there's a slight heel print which if it was made yesterday it would be more covered which its not." He said pointing with the toe of his shoe pointing out a small dent in the ground. "Then over there is a mark in the tree." He said walking up to a tree but all I saw tree markings. "Now to the untrained eye it looks like a normal tree but if you look closely you'll notice that it's not it was made by a knife but I won't go to into detail what kind of blade." He looked at us.
"What kind of blade?" Fred asked looking like he had an idea.
"Just a standard four inch ortinario, army knife."
"Emilee has one but she said she misplaced it. I bet she used it to mark the trees then lost it out here." Fred looked hopeful. I knew that if Emilee did lose something she would always remember where she left it because of her brain.
"All right lets get going." I followed the man up the mountain. Half way up Fred grabbed my hand and Jen linked her arm with mine. I looked at her for a second but she was concentrated on hiking. He stopped next to a rather large tree and looked around.
"I lost her trail." He said dumbfounded. I rolled my eyes.
"Are you sure?" I asked annoyed sitting on a rock.
"I don't know how unless she flew away it stops at this tree." His face brightened. He turned around and started to scale the tree. Struggling up each branch.
"Where the hell are you going?" I asked standing up and walking to the tree and looking up.
"I'll be right back I need to check something." He grunted. I watched as he went out of view.

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