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"Mrs.  Lana Deblasio?" "Yes this is she." "Hi I am Detective Sara Dearden With the Custer, South Dakota police department." "How can I help you?" "I'm to inform you that your step-child has been found. I tried contacting your husband Fred Deblasio but it went to voice mail." "You found her?" "Yes I unfortunately can't give you details over the phone. But will you make your way to Rapid City Health Care in South Dakota?" "Yes I'm on my way is she alright?" "At the moment I do not know." "Thank you." I hung up and started pulling on clothes. When I was dressed I nudged Fred.
"Get the hell up." I growled. He just rolled over. I picked up my pillow and hit hit with it.
"I'm up." He mumbled.
"Get your ass out of bed they found Emilee." His head shot up. I started pulling my shoes on.
"Ok!" He shot up and ran to his dresser pulling out clothes. When we were both dressed I was about to leave the house but Fred stopped me. "We need to tell Jake." I raised my brows.
"No I'm not telling him shit." He raised a brow.
"The only way they are going to get through this is if they talk. Running is not going to fix it. She is still married to him he deserves to know." I shook my head.
"He hurt my daughter I don't care what happens to him." I growled and opened the door. Fred followed.

When we landed in Rapid I was a nervous wreck. When we got to the front gate there was a couple officers waiting.
"Mr. and Mrs. Deblasio?" A woman with brown hair in a bun approached.
"Yes that's us." Fred said extending his hand. She shook his then mine.
"I'm Sara Dearden." I nodded. "We will be escorting you to the hospital." We fall owed them out to a Suburban and placed our things in the back.
When we arrived I was practically dragging Fred by his hand into the building. I followed Sara to an elevator and watched as she pressed the button for floor two.
She walked us to the room telling us she was asleep. When I walked in the lights where off and Jake was sitting next to her bed holding her hand while she talked to him.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I growled. Emilee looked at me and what I saw broke no shattered my heart.
"I see they called you." Emilee whispered.
"They did because I asked them to." I looked at her husband with my mouth slightly open.
"You did?" Fred asked just as shocked.
"Jake I understand that you where trying to surprise me and I should have voiced my thoughts more but will you give me and my parents a moment?" He nodded and kissed and unbridled part of her face.
When he left my hand flew to my mouth as I started to cry.  Fred took me in his arms.
"Happy late anniversary." She whispered. I chocked slightly before turning around and taking my place in in the chair Jake had recently vacated.
"Who?" She half smiled that's when I noticed a stitched up cut on her bottom lip on the left side.
"It doesn't matter they found him." She assured. Fred moved her hair out of her face and kissed her hair line.
"My baby girl." He cried.
"Daddy I'm alright I'm not in pain. For more than one reason." I took her hand and noticed her waist wrapped.
"What happened?" I questioned kissing her hand.
"I was slapped a few dozen times and accidentally shot in the side. But it just grazed so I'm fine." I chuckled.
"Fine? You have been missing and where beat and shot and you say you're fine?" She half smiled.
"I'm fine because I got out and I'm alive. What happened happened. There's no changing it." The door opened and in walked a muscular man in a suit.
"I'm Detective Noah Lance. I'm here to ask Emilee a few questions. I need to ask you to leave for a moment." Emilee held my hand tighter.
"Can my mom stay please?" She whispered. He nodded. Fred kissed her forehead then pecked my lips before leaving.
When the door closed he pulled up a chair on Emilees other side.
"What can you tell me about what happened?" He held and note pied and pen.
"I was on a run around maybe two in the afternoon. I had gone to the purple pie place like I do before every run. And I had turned down a road and before I could do anything I was hit upside the head and shoved into a van. I don't remember mush of the ride but when I woke up I was strapped to a chair with my hands behind my back my feet and hips tied down." She paused to take a breath. " He taunted me then slapped me. After that it was just slaps." He nodded.
"How did you escape?" I reached out and carefully whipped the tears away.
"His brother found me and helped me escape after he left for the store." I saw the pain even though she tried to cover it.
"Chad Wendler?" He asked looking up.
"Yes. He didn't have a phone on him and his wife is pregnant and he had to get back to her." He nodded again.
"Did Brent ever sexually adult you?" He looked up.
"Threatened but never did." After a few more questions he left and both Fred and Jake walked back in. I turned back to Emilee to see her sleeping.
"Jake can I talk to you in the hall please?" I asked getting up and walking out. A moment later he walked out and closed the door.
"What is it?" He asked.
"First of all loose the attitude only I'm allowed to have one at the moment. Second thank you for having them call us. Third what did the doctor say?" I questioned.  He sighed.
"She has major bruising to the face which you saw it should heal with the medicine. A bullet grazed her side. She has minor concussion. Cut lip that was stitched. But the most serious thing that happened was the blood loss. Frey came out and checked her and cleared her for everything." Fred opened the door frantically.
"Somethings wrong she is swelling!" He shouted. A couple nearby nurses came to check her out.
"Is she allergic to anything?" The main nurse said checking her vitals.
"Keflex." Fred answered automatically. The nurse picked up her shirt and gasped.
"Get her out and into the emergency room now!" She shouted. "They gave her a small dosage to help with the wounds!" I brushed back against the wall as they wheeled her out.

Mrs. Di BlasioWhere stories live. Discover now