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They convinced me to get in the ambulance and drove to the hospital.
When they helped me out Emilee was already inside.
"What the hell happened?" I asked the closest cop.
"She was shot in the left lung right above her breast." She informed me. I started panicking.
"I need to contact her dad and fiancé." I said mending my fingers together as they started to hook me up to different machines. She nodded and got me my phone. I dialed Fred.
"Hey baby." "Fred you need to come to Vancouver." "Why what's wrong?" "Emilees been shot." "What?" I had to pull the phone away from my ear. "Yes and I was hit in the head with the hilt of a gun but I'm fine it's Emilee I think she's in surgery." "I'm on my way I'm gonna pull some strings to get up there." "Ok I love you. "Love you too stay strong." I hung up and dialed Jake.
"Hey what's up?" "You need to come to the hospital closest to Emilees house." "Why is she ok?" "She's been shot." "Oh god." "I know please hurry she's in surgery I think." "Ok I'll be there." I hung up and placed my phone between my legs.
"Ms. We'd like to ask a few questions." I looked up to see the man that carried her out of the house.
"Anything." I assured.
"What relationship do you have with this man besides what happened." He said holding up Tyler's picture.
"I don't but Emilee did." He nodded and set his hand by his side.
"What can you tell me about it?" I sighed.
"Well he used to date her mother." He looked confused.
"I thought you where her mother." I nodded.
"I'm her step-mom. I dated her dad when she was fourteen. Then married him last year. He Tyler used to beat Emilee when she was younger." I paused.
"And you didn't report it?" He asked.
"I did t know about it till last week and as far as I know she has t been harmed for s couple years. If I knew it was happening back then I would have helped her but back then Emilee and I didn't see eye to eye." He nodded taking notes.
"Anything else?" I nodded.
"He attempted to rape her she she was younger that's how she broke a rib when she was about fifteen. All the broken bones and hospital visits where because of him. She never reached out. I asked her a lot of times why she broke so many and the bruises but she always said she was clumsy and brushed me off. It hasn't been till recently like the past year that her and I have gotten along. And by along I mean not picking the other away. Or her pushing me away." I took a deep breath and let the nurse unhook me.
"Thank you. If you need anything here is my card don't hesitate to call." He smiled and walked away. I yawned.
"M'am we would like to keep you over night to monitor you." The doctor said walking up to me.
"How is Emilee?" I asked. He sighed and set his am chart down.
"She's not expected to make it through the night. Right now she is getting the bullet taken out and getting fixed up." I nodded.
"Wait is Dr. Frey here?" He nodded and went to page him. A few minutes later he walked in looking at his chart.
"Ok I'm here." He stopped talking when he looked at me. "What are you doing here?" He asked shutting the curtain.
"Emilee was shot." I whispered. His eyes went big.
"Oh my god I need to get to her surgery room her brain needs stimulated." He opened the curtain and rushed out. I sighed annoyed. A nurse came up to me with the same wheel chair that brought me in and helped me into it. She walked me to an elevator and in. She hit the third floor button and waited for the doors to close. When we got to my room she helped me into the bed and asked if she could get me anything.
"Not unless you can take me to see my daughter which you can't so no." She nodded and walked out. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I was about to fall asleep when my door opened and in rushed Jake.
"Where is she?" He asked out of breath. I looked at him worried.
"Still in surgery." That's when I noticed he was crying.
"I should have been there! But no I had to go and." I stopped him.
"You where doing something for her that not many people have been willing to do for her. Don't blame yourself. I thought I could protect her and looked where that ended me up." He nodded and sat down and whipped his eyes.
"I know. It's just I never thought I would lose her. And look she might not make it out." She chocked.
"Hey don't think like that. Emilee is a strong and smart woman. She will get through this. I don't care if I have to do the damn surgery myself she is not dying. And you of all people should know what she isn't going anywhere." I growled getting his attention.
"She was right you can be scarier in person than on screen." I chuckled slightly.
"Look I know her and I know what she has been through. But if anything I know for sure she never stops fighting."
"I know you might hate me but I called a few of your guys friends." I looked at him confused but the door busted open and in walked Jen, Ginny, Josh, Bex, and Jared.
"What are you guys-" Jen cut me off by hugging me tightly like I would skip if she loosened her grip.
"Never scare me like that." Ginny scolded. Jared walked to my other side and hugged me when Jen pulled back.
"Mom." I smiled weakly. But glared at Jake who was smiling slightly but still had sadness in his eyes.
"Now Lana do you want to in form is what the hell happened?" Bex said sitting at my feet.
"I-" but Frey rushed in.
"Sorry didn't expect company but I need to talk with Mrs. Deblasio."

Mrs. Di BlasioWhere stories live. Discover now