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Run. That's what I do. I run and don't look back. That is unless some one is chasing me for an autograph then it's to make sure I'm loosing them.
I was currently on my mourning run. It's the hiatus still. Two a.m. For the past month my body wakes up at two in the mourning and I can't sleep. So I go on runs. I don't use my will power to get rid of the pain until it's unbearable. I usually go to the gym but this mourning I'm running in the woods. Yes the same woods that we have filmed in many times. I ran and ran till I could see the well coming up ahead. I pushed myself even harder and almost fell into the well. But luckily I stopped in time.
I stopped my timer on my Apple Watch and turned the music off. I took my buds out and disconnected them from the device. I stood there panting. I took my bottle of water and flipped the nose back taking a long needed drink before setting it on the stone that stuck out of the ground.
That's when my watch dinged. I had hooked it to wear it was set up with my phone. Any texts or calls notifications anything I got on my phone I got on my watch.
I looked down to see a text from Jake. I smiled and opened the message.
J-I know ur awake😜
J-u know it
E-do I? I don't recall knowing before now😉
J-look up
I looked up to see nothing.
J-made u look😆
"That's hurtful." I started and turned around.
"Jake! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I had my hand over my heart trying to calm my breathing. Which is easy but hey can't tell him.
"What are you doing up at three in the mourning?" He asked walking forward till he was right in front of me.
"On a run." I smiled shyly. He chuckled softly and came into my personal space. "Can I help you?" I asked sarcastically.
"No but maybe I can help you." He whispered. I raised a brow and was caught off guard as he pressed his lips gently to mine. I closed my eyes and got lost in the feeling. I raised my hands over his shoulder and intertwined them in his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up onto the well ledge knocking my water bottle in. He pulled back but was still holding onto me. I laughed at him.
"I'm so sorry." I joined in on my laugh and kissed me again. I pulled him as close as I could get him.
"I'm all sweaty." I mumbled against his lips.
"I don't care." He mumbled back. Our make out session came to an end as my watch started to ring. I sighed and pulled back slipping my buds in and plugging them into the square.
"Hello?" "Emilee? I didn't think you'd be awake." It was Dr. Frey. "You knew I'd be up." "That I did it still didn't hurt to say." "Har. Now what can I do for you?" "Some one is trying to pay the staff to give you up." "What? I'll come talk to you about it later I'm in the middle of something." "I see I'll see you at my house go in the back door." "Will do." I hung up and took my buds out and placed them in my jacket pocket.
"Who was that?" Jake questioned.
"A friend." I smiled at him.
"Good now let's go to your place but if you prefer we can go to my hotel." He pulled me down and intertwined our hands and led me back to the cars.
"We can go to you hotel." I said as we came to my truck.
"Truck woman. You know how to drive this thing?" He asked quest wrong to my 2012 Ford F-350. It's red with cowboy lights.
"Of course I do. Why would I buy one and not know how to drive it?" I giggled as opened my door and gestured for me to get in. I hoped up and leaned back down kissing him on the cheek. He smiled and shut my door before walking over to his black Camaro.
I waited till he pulled away to follow. We drove for about a half hour till we pulled up out side a fancy looking Hotel. I parked and dropped out. I tucked my keys in my jacket with my head phones and walked over to him. He took my hand and we walked into the building and to the elevator. The doors opened when he pushed the button. We stepped in and he pressed the ninth floor circle.
When the door opened again he guided me to his room. 1203. I smirked as he unlocked the door and walked in holding the door for me. I patted his cheek.
"Such a gentle man." I teased. He rolled his eyes smiling.
"You can borrow some of my cloths if you want to take a shower." He offered. I nodded and looked around. There was a kitchen a door leading to the bathroom a king sized bed a couch a huge flat screen tv and a closet. Nice.
"Sure." He lead me over to the bathroom and told me to get in and he'll go get the cloths.
I nodded and waited till the door was closed to strip down and turn the water on. I took my watch off and later it on the counter. I took my hair out of the piney tail and made sure there was a towel on the rack waiting. I stepped in a pulled the sliding door closed.
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door.
"I'm in." It opened and I watched as he adverted from looking at the shower. He placed the fabric on the counter.
"Do need anything else?" He asked with his back to me.
"Not unless you have a brush." I joked.
"I'll get one for you." I nodded.
"Thank you." With that he left the room.
I finished my shower turning the water off and stepping out of shower. I wrapped the towel around me and looked at the close.
Sweats and a large shirt. Next to them was a pair of tight boxers. I dried myself off and placed the towel on my head.
I took the underwear and pulled them on. Snug. I smiled pulling the rest of the clothes on. I picked my clothes up and walked out of the room.
I came out to see him sitting on the bed watching tv. When he noticed I was out he smiled at me.
"Do the boxers fit?" I nodded and walked over to the bed placing my clothes on the floor out of the way. He picked a brush up off the night stand on his side. "Sit in front of me I'll brush and do your hair." I looked at him funny.
"Do my hair?" He looked at me like I was crazy.
"I can French braid." I shrugged and moved so his legs were on either side of me.
He ran the brush through my hair carefully untangling it. When he was through he took my hair in his hand and started to do a loose but tight braid down my head.
"Do you have your hair tie?" I took it off my wrist and handed it to him over my shoulder. He finished and started to rub my shoulders. I moaned to his touch. He then moved out from behind me and told me to lay on my stomach. I did so and was met to him expertly rubbing my back. When he payed next to me he still had one hand rubbing my back. I turned my head to look at him.
"Thank you." I whispered moving so I was in his arms. He smiled.
"I gotta pee I'll be right back." He got up and went to the bathroom. I moved under the duvet.
When he came back he was only in his boxers. I crawled under the duvet with me and pulled me into his arms so my back was to him.
I fell asleep soon after.

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