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"Will you help me into my dress?" I turned to see Emilee standing there in her bra and under wear.
"Of course." I was in a turquoise knee length dress with a sparkle belt.
She walked over to the vanity I had the men bring in yesterday. Emilee was getting married in the woods by the stables. We had reserved a special spot and everything was beautiful. We where in a cabin we had rented for the weekend. Family is staying in it.
I took her dress and made it so she could step in. She held onto my shoulder as she stepped in. I pulled it up and slid her arms through. I did up the back and adjusted the different lace and beads.
She handed me the anchor necklace and earrings. I placed the necklace around her neck and took the earrings placing them through her ear.
"There beautiful." We had done her hair and make up earlier. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror in front of her.
"Thank you mom." She whispered. I smiled even wider at that.
"My two favorite women having a moment." I turned to see Fred leaning against the wall next to the closed door. He was wearing a fitted black tux with a turquoise tie and a metallic silver hank in his chest pocket.
He walked over and kissed my cheek before walking to Emilee and kissing her cheek as well.
"Thank you dad." She smiled. He pulled away and just admired her attire.
"Your beautiful." I nodded my head in agreement placing my hand on his shoulder.
"I wish I could have used Lana's dress but I think I'm a bit taller." She winked at me.
"Believe me I'm a little bigger else where than you." I said gesturing to to all of my body.
"Well ya your butts a little bigger than mine." She winked.
"No you have a bubble butt." I laughed. Fred looked at us like we where crazy.
"You two are weird." He mumbled.
"Is it because we pay attention to the others butt?" Em asked giggling.
"No not at all." He said. There was a knock at the door. I stepped away from the two to see Emilee's bridesmaids and Jakes grooms men. Her maid of honor, Brooke and his best man his brother
I took a deep breath and walked back to Emilee and kissed her cheek.
"Good luck baby girl." She smiled and kissed my cheek.
"I will." I walked out of the room and took my seat at the front row closest to the altar. Everyone was there from the cast to some of there friends and Jakes family.
I looked at Jake he was wearing a nice fitted tux with a sparkle turquoise tie and a silver hank. His hair was combed neatly. A minute or two later the music started and the three brides maids and grooms men walked down paired and split at the altar going to the sides and rehearsed. Next was Brooke and Jakes brother. Finally Emilee walked down escorted by her dad. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't cry.
"All rise." The audience stood till she got to the altar where she kissed Fred on the cheek who came and stood next to me. "You may be seated." We sat in unison.
"We are hear to unify today Jake T. Austin and Emilee Madison Di Blasio in holy matrimony. Any of those who object to this couple speak now or forever hold your peace." The bishop announced. Everyone looked around but nobody spoke up.
He went on about marriage but I just watched how they looked at each other. It was to cute not to take a picture.
"Do you Jake take Emilee Madison Di Blasio to be you lawfully wedded wife to take and to cherish, to care for in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" I smiled because his eyes never once left Emilees.
"I do." The ring boy handed him her ring and let him place the ring on her left ring finger.
"And do you Emilee take Jake T. Austin as your lawfully wedded husband to take and cherish, to care for in sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?" She nodded.
"I do." She took his ring and slid it on his finger and rapped her fingers around his.
"Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Jake let go of Emilee and took her face in his hands and kiss her. When they pulled back she had the biggest smile I've seen her wear in a long time. But her eyes where closed cherishing the moment. Everyone stood and cheered loudly.
When everyone had cleared out to get ready for the reception in an hour. I waited till Emilee and Jake where the only ones standing at the altar to walk up. I hugged her tightly.
"Hey don't cry." I soothed. She chuckled and pulled back. I whipped her tears and kissed her nose.
"You two are too cute." I looked behind me to see Jen standing there. Emilee smiled and hugged her tight.
"Are you sure you can't stay for the reception?" Jake asked.
"I'm sure I would love to though but I have to get going." I smiled and gave her a quick hug.
When she left Jake turned to me.
"Where's Fred?" I smirked.
"Somewhere around here he left a few minutes ago." I looked around like I knew nothing of his whereabouts.
"Well I'm going to make sure everything is going smooth are you ok staying with your mom?" Emilee laughed at him so hard she doubled over.
"Do you really need to ask?" He shook his head and walked off.
"Congratulations Mrs. Austin." I winked.
"Oh stop." I pulled her over to the cabin and into the kitchen. On the counter was a box and letter addressed to her from who I don't know but it said open on wedding day. She squealed. "You didn't have to get two wedding gifts." I shook my head.
"Ain't from me." She looked confused but to a knife from a drawer and cut the tape off. When she opened it she took out a wrapped gift. She tore the bag off and produced and picture frame but as soon as she saw it she dropped it to the ground and started crying/screaming. I I looked at it to see a picture of what looked like her all bandaged up with cuts all over her body. Her eyes were dull.

Mrs. Di BlasioWhere stories live. Discover now