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I had been laying there my mind blank when a bright light came across my vision.
"She should wake up soon." Some one mumbled. "But I know she can here me can't you Emilee? Of course your body is still frozen because of the keflex. I promise you that it was for a good cause. When I injected that small amount into you. Your brain has been able to use it to heal faster than thought." The voice explained. The light came back again. I tried to blink but couldn't. Who the fuck does this bitch think they are putting me in this torture? "Don't worry. It's me Frey. By the way Lana was sent home about an hour ago. So you have about six hours till she'll be back. Now I'm going to help you a bit." I mentally bit my bottom lip. They had moved me to back to Vancouver.
In the past three days I've been able to feel more. And now I felt another needle sticking in my arm. Something was going in and it sped up my heart. I started to breath harder till my eyes shot open completely. I was thankful that he had turned the lights off. The fluid stopped and I was still buzzing with energy.
"Adrenaline rush." I looked to my right to see him working with a needle. He took it out and then went to work getting the tube out of my mouth.
"W-what the hell?" I rasped. God my throat hurt after having that God for saken tube in it.
"Your welcome. Now I'm going to need you to try and move your body." I sighed. I blinked a few more times before turning my head from side to side slowly. It felt like having a kink.
I then raised my shoulders just rolling them before lifting my arms and flexing my muscles.
I wiggled my body shaking the dead weight feeling.
"I have never felt so helpless like I did. Even when I was being beat." He gave a sad smile.
"Now I'm presuming that you where treated somewhat decent when captive? Besides the slight beatings." I nodded and sat up my back popping as I did so.
I breathed slow and steady for a moment before taking a deep breath feeling the air rush into my lungs.
"Thank you." He waved his hand.
"Don't mention it. God really doesn't want you up there does he?" He joked.
"Ya because I'm trying to smuggle myself in." I remarked swinging my legs over the side.
"Here let me help you." He placed his arm around my back and lifted me up. It took a moment but I finally walked without assistance. "There I think you should get some rest. I know for a certain that you didn't sleep much trapped in your own body." I shrugged and sat back down allowing him to cover me with the blankets.
"Can I ask you something?" He chuckled
"Anything." He sat on the bed.
"Do you have a special some one?" His eyes dropped.
"She's in Iraq. Don't worry she's not fighting. She's actually the head surgeon for her squadron." I smiled slightly.
"I bet she's a good doctor. How long has it been sense you've seen her?" I asked setting my hand on top of his.
"Four years. Our son is going to be six and hasn't had an encounter with his mother that he can remember." He said softly. I have smirked.
"Don't worry I bet she'll be home soon." He looked like he was going to deny but his mouth dropped. I looked behind him and saw a gorgeous woman standing in military clothes. He followed my gaze and jumped to her smashing her in a hug.
"How are you here?" He cried. She looked at me and winked.
"Some one special." She mouthed a thank you. The thing is. I knew he's been married the whole time. After our first encounter I dug into his info. Her name is Alice. Their son is Denis. A cute little six year old. When they left he shut the door. But I won't reveal just yet how she got back.
I smirked before closing my eyes.

"Wake up." I opened my eyes slowly to see Frey standing there with a huge smile. "It  was you. You fucking bitch. And here I thought you didn't know much about me." I smirked but smiled brightly with my eyes.
"I did none of the sort. Apparently calling and asking for the military's best surgeon with the impression that it's that easy is not the case." He smiled mischievously.
"Well thanks to you I spent the past two hours with my wife." He winked making me blush.
"Two hours? God you let me sleep for two hours and one of the first things my doctor implies is that he just adults with his wife. There is something wrong there." I whisper shouted. He laughed before checking my vitals and leaving.
I tried falling back asleep but couldn't.
So to pass time I counted the tiles on the ceiling. 47. I counted over and over before closing my eyes because I was tired of seeing black and white tiles.
I got a nurse to bring me a chocolate milk in a mother fucking box. I mean like I knew they did stuff like that now. But having one of my own blew my mind. Not really I was just psyched to have chocolate milk box.
When my door opened again in walked a person I didn't expect at all.

Oh wait I did. Expect him.    

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