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I smiled evilly when I looked at the latest villain through the jail bars.
"Regina." He smirked. But then I heard a commotion out side. I looked at the director confused. He shrugged.
"Cut." He said a little pissed. I stood and walked to the front door to see a mega huge group of fans and co workers that have and are working with us. There was signs from every country saying Happy birthday in their language. The screamed when they saw me. I smiled and walked out. The screamed louder and started saying Happy birthday. I smiled and covered my mouth feeling tears of joy come on. They started singing happy birthday. I felt hands point me to the side to see Emilee, Fred, and the boys walking up to me pushing a cart with a large cake on it. I started crying while smiling. I thought my family had forgotten my birthday. I knew my fans never would though.
They walked up to me and hugged me. By the end of the song I was a crying happy mess.
I blew out the candles with a sigh and looked at the loud crowd. I sighed a few things and took pictures and snap chatted a little bit before walking with my friends to the restricted area. When I got them there I noticed that there was a huge white tent. I looked behind me to see the crowd  following us. We walked in to see a punch of tables with red table cloths and flowers on them. There was a slice of cake and ice cream on each plate and a cup of what looked like soda but there was also pitchers of water. To the side was a table that had name tags on it. My family's names written on each one. I was guided to the middle chair. My make up artist hurried to me and touched up my make up. I laughed she smiled. I watched as everyone took their seats. I noticed that my plate didn't have anything on it.
"Where's my food?" I whined to Fred who sat on my right.
"Wait." Emilee said taking the spot to my left. The boys took their seats on either side of me.
The cast and other actors and actresses took seats at tables in front of me. But what I noticed was that there was at least one Ouat actor sitting at each table with fans and of course taking pictures galore.
My cake was wheeled in front of me by no other than my mother and sister.
My mother came around and kissed my cheek.
"My baby." She said. I giggled and hugged her. Deena looked at me with a smirk. She cut the cake and grabbed my plate and placed a huge piece on it. When she set it back I noticed it was a chocolate fudge ice cream cake. I smiled.
"Thank you." I said smiling. Adam and Eddie came up and said Happy birthday. When everyone was eating and talking, Emilee stood up and went to a micro phone.
"Can I have Everyone's attention please?" A minute later is was quite and everyone including me was looking at her. "Thank you. As you well know I'm Emilee Deblsio." There was a cheer. "As much as I want to take the attention." She winked at me. "Today is about my mother. Lana Maria Parrilla. But she isn't just a Parrilla is she?" Everyone yelled no. I looked at her confused. "Most know that Lana and I did not hit it off till I joined the Once family. That is five years that I did not like her. And in which four of those years didn't talk to her. She is my mother I don't care what society says. She's my momma even if  sometimes I just want her to buy me ice cream and leave." Everyone laughed. "But I'm so glad to admit." Everyone was one the edges of their seats. "She's a Deblasio." Everyone went nuts. When they some what calmed down she went on. "And tonight in getting her drunk and sending her home with my dad." I laughed and let out a small snort. "The rest of the night I don't want to know about and let me just say I'm glad I don't live with her. Happy Birthday Mama!" She chanted raising her cup filled of soda in the air. Everyone chanted it back and took a drink. I stood up and kissed her cheek then hugged her tight.
I took the micro phone and walked over to where she had stood.
I looked at Emilee.
"Did you rehearse that in the mirror?" I asked with a giggle.
"You wish!" She stuck her tongue out playfully. I did it back.
"First of all thank you guys for setting this up for me! I never would have thought that I would get a surprise party from fans. Wait who paid for this?" I looked at Fred who looked at his plate. "How much did you spend?" I asked. Cast members and behind the screen people along with Emilee and Jake stood.
"Lana." I looked to Ginny who was now standing next to me with her micro phone. "He didn't spend a dime. All of us here paid for the cost. Some of your fans sent money to help with it. This is your birthday present from all of us." She hugged me.
"If I start crying in not going to bother fixing my make up." Everyone laughed. "This birthday is awesome." I exclaimed. But next thing I knew I was sitting down in a throne. A crown was set on my head. I looked around confused as they rolled a cart of stacked presents out to the bottom of the stage. The boys got up and handed me my presents am that they got me. I smiled and thanked each of them.

That night I was dressed in a tight red dress with my hair up. Fred was at my side wearing a tux. We walked into a club with the family all except for Matt who is a minor. The cast was there as well. I had to put all my presents that I got in a large van to be taken to my house. I sat at a table with everyone. A waiter came up to Emilee who whispered something to him. He nodded and walked away.
"What did you get?" I asked she just smiled and talked with everyone. A man walked up to the end of the table and started taking photos on his camera.
"Smile these are our official photos." Fred told me kissing my temple. I made faces and laughed with everyone. I little while later and couple waiters came out and started going around handing out shots. Except for Emilee. She doesn't drink. I took mine and saluted. Everyone threw the drink back and laughed. I ordered a raspberry sangria.
Emilee ordered a Sprite. While the boys and Fred ordered margarita's. Everyone was drinking.
By the time we left I think it was somewhere around two in the mourning. I'm not sure because I think Emilee had to drive me home. I'm not positive what happened after that.
All I know was the next mourning I woke up with a splitting hangover and naked with Fred asleep next to me. 

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