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I sat in my pajamas on the couch of our hotel room and laid my head on his lap. We got here about an hour ago and I was in a slightly grumpy mood and Jake was worn out from me making him drive through. Tomorrow mourning we were going to check out the temple.
He ran his fingers through my hair while flipping through the channels.
"Jake. I need to tell you something." He shut the tv off and I rolled onto my back so I was starting up at him. He leaned down and kissed me lightly.
"What's up." He whispered.
I told him everything. From being abused to my brain and finding the cancer.
"Wow." Was all he said the entire time.
"I know." I mumbled dragging my hands over my face.
"Hey." He said pulling my hands away. "What?" I rolled my eyes.
"I'm glad you told me. I think it's awesome that after everything you've let it build you. Sure you've had your moments where it wasn't like that but still you are one of the strongest women I've ever meet." He kissed my forehead.
"What other strong women do you know?" I smirked.
"Well for starters Lana. Because she had to put up with you and my mother because she had to raise an acting child." I smiled as he gazed down at me.

The next mourning I woke up rapped in his arms. I smiled remembering my first time last night. Heh heh.
I climbed out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom and turned the shower on. When I was in the middle of shampooing Jake climbed in and took a shower with me. Exactly that showering nothing happened except a few stolen kisses.
When I was dressed I was wearing a white flowing dress that came to my knees. I curled my hair and did my makeup.
Jake dressed in a pair of jeans and boots a shirt and combed his hair.
"Wow look who looks like they grew up here." I teased. He glared playfully before handing me my sunglasses and grabbing his.
We walked out to my truck and drove to the temple square. We parked and went to the gate. That's when I noticed he was carrying a camera. He took pictures of me and had others take pictures of us. We where sitting on a bench when an old man dressed in a suit with what hair he had combed back, walked up and shook Jakes hand then mine.
"I'm Thomas Monson. I can spot non members like you." He smiled at me. His voice was slow and tired but still he wore a gleaming smile.
"I'm Jake and this is my wife Emilee Austin." The old man sat next to me.
"I try to visit all the temples I can. And the lord prompted me to visit this one. For I was to give a blessing to a young lady in need of help. And I believe that that young lady is you." I smiled at him.
"Am I?" He nodded.
"I'm sorry I haven't fully introduced myself. I'm Profit Thomas S. Monson  of the church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints. I run this whole operation." I smiled even wider. I knew who he was. I had looked up the churches history.
"Well I'm an actress and my husband is an actor." He smiled again.
"May I give you a blessing to help you with your troubles?" He asked.
"Don't you have to be a member?" Jake asked slightly annoyed. I gripped his knee.
"No you do not sir." I nodded and Thomas stood and took out a small container and dipped a small liquid onto my head before placing his hands on top of my head. I felt peace I didn't know what to do so I Mandes my fingers together.
"Emilee Madison Deblasio Austin. I lay my hands upon your head to give you a blessing that you might have strength to go foreword in your newly found marriage. I pray that your marriage has many years to come. That one day you may have a child though it may not be of you. I bless that you will have help with your stress and bless that happiness may be in your everyday life. I say these things in the lord and the savior Jesus Christ amen." I opened my eyes and looked him. He smiled before shaking my ha d and Jakes and walking off.
"I don't remember you telling him your whole name." I smiled.
"Me either." We spent the rest of the mourning just taking pictures and walking around. Jake wanted to go inside but I told him only members with a paper could go in. So we went to the visitors center instead. Let's just say it was fascinating.
For lunch we went to Inn and Out Burger and got ourselves big sandwiches. We snapchated and everything. We went to store just being goofs but in a store called Burlington. A girls around 18 stopped us.
"Your Emilee Deblasio right?" She asked with a shy smile.
"Actually I'm Emilee Austin." I said holding up my ring finger.
"My sister is a huge fan of yours she is like a once geek. Ask her anything and she knows it. Can I get an autograph and picture for her?" She asked taking her phone out.
"Does she have a phone?" She shook her head.
"She has an iPod five though." I smiled and walked over to the cashier and asked where the cases where.
I picked out one with feathers on it and bought it along with a sharpie. "What's her name?" I asked getting ready to write.
"Emilee spelt with two e's at the end." I smirked.
Stay Evil Darling
    Emilee Deblasio Austin

I handed it to her and she thanked me a million times. Jake looked at me like I was crazy but kissed my cheek.
"Wow." I smiled.

Sisters POV
I walked into the hospital in Salt Lake. And went up to the fourth floor and went to a patients room. I walked in to see her sleeping. I shook her shoulder lightly till she woke up glaring at me.
Her bald head showing dark fuzz.
"I got you something." I took the case out of my purse. "Give me your iPod." She glared again but did so. I took off her cameo and purple case and replaced it with the new one. I handed it back letting her soak it in. She squealed and launched herself at me in a hug. But her heart monitor went up to fast for her. She slumped on me worn out. A nurse walked in and smiled when she saw me. Your see Emilee has breast cancer and is only fourteen and has had it for about a year now. She's already made a bucket list because she has limited time left because the cancer was to progressed to treat. If it was treated she would die faster. And on the top of her list is to have something signed by someone famous. I offered but she said in my head doesn't count.

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