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Keep calm. Keep calm.
"You lead us all the way out here and she did even step foot on this soil?!" I yelled at Turner who was sitting on a bench out side of the airport.
"I'm sorry I thought she came here because she has transactions that say that she did." He rubbed his face.
"Your a horrible liar. Where the hell is she?" I growled.
"Lana." I looked behind me to see Jake hunched over on a bench sobbing. "Maybe now is t the best time to be yelling." Fred suggested.
"No he's not the one you should be yelling at its me." Jake mumbled. I rolled my eyes but softened.
"Jake you where doing something for Emilee that you thought would help. But we all know Emilee well except for Turner. She's going to keep things secret because she doesn't want to hurt people's feelings." Jen sat down next to him.
"I know I just wish that I had noticed that she didn't. Like what kind of husband doesn't know when she won't like something?" He jerked his head up.
"Your a wonderful husband. Plus you've only been married to her for a year." I stated folding my arms over my chest. That's when an idea popped into my head. "We're going back to Vancouver I know who can help us." I smiled and walked back into port and up to the desk to buy tickets.

When we landed I practically threw my things into the back of my car and drove off with Fred. Jake, Turner, and Jen where in the car behind us.
I drove straight to the hospital and jumped out.
I ran to the front desk skidding on the floor.
"I need to see Dr. Frey immediately." I rushed the nurse.
"No need to page me Im Right here." I turned to see the doctor standing there with an annoyed expression. "What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone?" He grumbled.
"We need to speak to you in private." I instructed.
"I'll talk to you and Mr. Deblasio. No one else." I rolled my eyes and turned to the other three. Jen nodded at me. I took a deep breath and followed the man.
When we came to his office he let us in first. I sat down in a guest chair next to Fred and watched as he shut the door and sat down.
"What can I do for you?" He asked setting his hands on his desk.
"Emilee kinda disappeared. And I know for a certain she wouldn't leave like this with out telling you." I pointed slightly to him. Fred placed a hand on my knee.
"Your right she wouldn't but I have to turn you down and say that I'm sorry that I don't know where she went." I sighed in defeat.
"That's exactly what Emilee would want you to say if she didn't want anyone to know her whereabouts." Fred pointed out. I smiled. The doctor smiled slightly.
"I would tell you if Emilee didn't want to be found but I'm sorry that I can't. Because I have no idea where she is. Even if I did I would tell you because your her parents." I watched the way he spoke.
"You know exactly where she is." I leaned foreword.
"Smart but no I don't. Emilee has a checkup in about a week. She never misses one. And if she knows she will she always reschedules." I knew he knew but I also knew that he was a loyal friend.
"I under stand that your her friend and Doctor and you probably helped her get away but please I need to know where she is." I begged.
"I'm sorry I can't help you." I felt the tears sting my eyes but didn't let them drop. I stood.
"The. Thank you for talking to us." With that I grabbed Fred's hand and walked out of the room.
I walked back out.
"Well does he know where she is?" Jake asked.
"Yes but he won't tell us." They looked confused.
"He knows where she is but doesn't want to help us because he a loyal friend." Jake looked jealous.
"Do you think that him and-" I cut him off right there.
"Hey. Emilee may be a lot of things but she doesn't cheat. Next time that thought comes across your mind and you speak it out loud I'm going to slap the shit out of you." I growled. When I finished I noticed Fred was holding both of my bi-seps.
"Yes ma'm." He said automatically. I nodded.
"Great now everyone go home we are done for today." I walked hastily out to my car. When Fred was in I drove to the place that Emilee ran.
We hiked up to the tree before scaling the tree. It took awhile but we finally came to this platform the Turner told us about. I rolled on and waited for Fred to get all the way up. I sat up and looked at the chair and cooler. But handing on the tree where pictures that I lost. Except for the wedding one I had my own. But then my eye caught on the frame of the picture Tyler sent. Fred had moved to the chair and sat down.
I opened the cooler to be met with water bottles and iced water lining the bottom. There was also small packaged foods. Like granola bars, small doughnuts, among other things. I picked the doughnuts up to see that they had to be bought recently because they where still fresh. I rolled my eyes.
"So that's the picture." I looked at Fred to see that he was pointing to the picture of a hurt EmileeZ I nodded. "That bastard beat my daughter for god knows how long and then he beat me wife unconscious then shout my daughter." He growled in anger. I sighed and moved between his legs and hugged his stomach burying my head in his chest.
I then let a sob rip through my body. Fred rubbed my back.
"There's a camera up there." He whispered. I pulled back to see him starring above me. I turned to see a small portable camera with a blinking red light fixed on us.
"God. Emilee I know your hurt and don't want to here or want anything to do with us. But please come home there are other ways to deal with this.  I miss you baby girl." I cried before returning to sob on Fred. I heard a branch break which made me stop and go to the entrance.
I lowered my head to see Jake climbing the tree.
"Jake go home." I growled. He looked up.
"No she's my wife." I shook my head.
"I know for a certain she didn't take her ring with her why don't you go find it?" I spit before returning to Fred.
"Lana don't be hard on him. He's only doing what he thinks will help him find her." I scoffed.
"He the reason she's gone!" I said loud enough for him to hear.
"I know I am! That why I want to fix it!" He yelled.
"Right." I said sarcastically.

Mrs. Di BlasioWhere stories live. Discover now