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I laid there in my bed thinking. I have been in the hospital for about two days now. I broke my tibia bone right above my growth plate. Luckily it didn't brake down there. I was currently waiting to be brought into surgery.
I knew this was going to happen I just ignored it. I saw the snake and I did nothing. Brandy almost stepped on it and got spooked throwing me. I think it was about and hour later Brooke found me. I told her it was nothing and just to take Brandy and I to her cabin.
That's when I posted that picture of Lana to make sure she was by her phone. She was.
When I stopped talking to my dad I had secret fan girl moments about the show. I'm an Evil Regal. Though I hated her I was drawn in just like the others. Brooke knows everything.
"Emilee." I looked up to see Frey standing there.
"It's time?" He nodded and nurses came and wheeled me out of the room. I saw Lana briefly and I could see she was crying and Jake was next to her with my dad.
"I love you!" It was Jake. I sighed and said nothing. I didn't want to see anyone today.
When we came to where they had to put me on a stretcher I let them move me with out complaining.
I had switched off the pain awhile ago. I was emotionless. I didn't feel anything.
"Ok do you want put out or?" He asked. I nodded my head and gave them my arm. They did the IV and a moment later all I could see was everything that happened to me.

"Please I didn't do it!" I pleaded with my moms boyfriend.
"You little bitch! Now your lying to me?" He gave a swift kick to my gut. I grunted and fell to the ground. He went to kick again but blocked it in time and kicked him in the balls.
"Stop please I said I didn't take your damn alcohol!" I grunted standing up holding my stomach. He was currently doubled over cupping his crotch.
"You'll pay for this whore." The front door opened and my mom came in the house.
"What happened?" She asked concerned looking at him not even glancing at me.
"She stole my beer from the fridge and then kicked my balls." He growled. She finally looked at me.
"Emilee?" I opened my mouth to speak but she stopped me. "You know what I don't want to hear it. Where's the alcohol?" She asked irritated.
"I didn't take it! He drank the last one and then threw the bottle at me!" I said still holding my gut. I could feel the blood slowly make its way down the back of my neck.
"Non sense. Tyler wouldn't do that. Your father was right you do push away people that your parents date. Well I wouldn't care if he did which he didn't. Your making this up."
A day later I was sitting on the couch when my best friend Brooke walked in.
"Now why don't you tell me why you sounded so panicky over the phone." She sat next to me but I turned away so she wouldn't see the bruised half of my face.
"I-" but I closed my mouth. She took my chin and made me look at her I closed my eyes.
"Oh Em." She gasped. "He did this to you didn't he?"  My silence was my answer.
"I don't even know what I did. One moment I'm sitting at the table the next the back of my head collides with an empty bottle. Then he's cursing me and kicking me. I kicked him in the crotch but my mother took his side and doesn't believe me." I cried.
"You need to do something about this. It isn't healthy. You should go live with your dad and his girl." She whispered hugging me.
"I can't." I cried. I pulled away. "What's wrong with me?" I asked frightened of my answer.
"Nothing it's everyone else." Next thing I knew her lips where on mine.
"Oh my god I'm telling mom." I pulled away and looked into the kitchen to see Patrick.
"Pat. When did you get home?" I asked trying to hide the marks.
"Long enough to see you kiss a girl."
A day later I was packing my stuff into my car.
"Your a disappointment." My mother growled. I ignored her and went to the drivers seat. I made sure my window was up because I didn't want to here them. I made eye contact with her one last time before backing out and not turning around. I was staying at Brooke's when she walked into her room.
"Hey. I got to tell you something." She said sitting down on her bed.
"What is it?" I asked sitting up.
"I'm moving to Vancouver, Canada." I cocked my head in confusion.
"Why there?" I asked.
"I can't stay here it's not the place for me. You should try some auditions for out there. They are looking for people for season six of Once." She offered a small smile.
"You know why I can't go there. You know they live there." I pointed out.
"Maybe that's not so bad. Maybe that's what you need. You need to make amends." She reasoned.
"You know what happened. How could she ever forgive me? Do you know how many times I've wanted to call her and ask for forgiveness? Or when I was beat before I went over to their house and had to lie to them about what happened?" Tears were escaping my eyes.
"Yes I know what happened. You had your ups and downs yet your still here. Your still fighting. It's been what two months sense you moved out of your moms? And I know how much you secretly adore her even though you say that you don't like her." She whipped away stray tears. I nodded my head.

"She's not coming to. We need and adrenaline rush." I heard someone say.
"No." I croaked. The room went silent.
"She's awake." I heard some one say. I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes to get used to the lighting. Frey swiped a light in front of my eyes. So much for getting used to.
"She's responding perfectly." He said placing the light back in his pocket. "Would you like me to inform them that your awake?" I shook my head.
"I'm going to sleep you can let them in if you want." He nodded and I snuggled deeper into the pillows and closed my eyes.
"Hey there trouble." It was my dad.
"She's asleep." Jake informed. I could only imagine their faces.
"Guys? Can I have a moment with her before she wakes up?" She asked. A moment later I heard the door close. She scooted my over a little minding my leg. She later next to me and ran her hands through my hair.
"I'm sorry Emilee that I wasn't there for you when you needed it the most." She whispered curling the end of the strands. I moved as much as I could and wrapped and armored her waist and pulled my head to her chest and layer there. "Apparently I am now." She giggled softly. I forced my smile away. "When I wasn't able to see you before your surgery I panicked. I thought something wrong had happened. Emilee I talked to Brooke and she told me all the things that man did to you. I wish you would have told me. But I think I know where that scare came from. The time he swung a bat aiming for you head getting your lower neck upper back. You had surgery on it." She took a shaken'd breath. "I love you Emilee I always have even though I have tried to push it so hard away before." She kissed my temple and layer back just letting me rest in my spot. I smiled faintly.

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