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"When Emilee and I meet it was actually the day before my addition for Once Upon A Time." She paused. "Emilee why don't you tell it?" I bit my lip and looked at the audience. They were all on the die of their seats waiting for me to speak.

"Well, I had just gotten back from an acting camp for school and my dad had led me into the house. I didn't think anything of it because he is always a gentle men." Lana chuckled.

"Some days." Everyone laughed.

"We walked into the kitchen and some lady was cooking dinner. I was like uh no I make dinner. Who are you. But it didn't come t and I got really mad. Dad jumped in and introduced her as his girlfriend. She smiled at me. I glared at her. I think my brother Jake thought I was going to punch her because he stepped in between us." Lana pretended to punch me.

"I think you would have." She leaned her head toward me resting her face on her fist.

"I might have." Everyned laughed and ooed. 

"That night she went one s run. Which Jake said it was ten miles, though I think it was longer. She came back that night and stubbed her toe in the dark and cursed n Spanish. She asked me why I was still up and I told her I'd always stay up for her as long as Fred and I were together." Everyone's awed.

"She still does." I laughed. Though Lana was speaking English there was a translator at the corner of the stage translating.

"You guys have had a bumpy relationship from what we have heard and seen." The interviewer said in English. We nodded our heads. "How has your relationship effect your work?"I looked to Lana to have her answer.

"Well our little fights on camera we get so into them as if we really are fighting about them and sometimes they have to pull us apart to remind us that it is only in the script and to not actually kill dash other." Everyone laughed. 

The rest of the interview we talked about the show and about everything. It was like three teenage girls gossiping over the hottest boy at school.

When I came off Ginny and Josh were waiting with smiles.

"It took us for ever to get them to let her come on stage." Ginny said happily.

"Of curse you guys knew why wouldn't you?"

"Come on Emilee lets go it was my idea." Lana dragged me to the stage rooms and shut the door. "Emilee I might have answered your phone the last time we say each other when you were in the shower." I kept my nervousness to my self.

"And? Who was it?" She took a deep breath before continuing .

"A doctor who said that your next MRI is in a month." I nodded my head as if that were normal. I knew about the MRI whitch is in two weeks. "Why do you need an MRI? I thought your cancer was gone?" I sat down on the couch and she sat at the vanity.

"It's just a check up t make sure nothing has come back." I folded my arms over my chest.

"Then why did he say next? And don't you dare lie to me."

Mrs. Di BlasioWhere stories live. Discover now