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I had been moved an hour ago because they said Emilee needed space and I need to be in my own room. I rolled my eyes as they wheeled me out.
"Tell me what's really going on with my daughter." I demanded from the nurse.
"Well Dr. Frey has ordered her brain an MRI. The events from earlier may have caused something in her brain to what's the word? Malfunction of some sort." She sighed. I nodded and let her help me into my bed. After she left Fred rushed in.
"Lana!" He almost shouted. He rushed over and hugged me. When he pulled back he kissed me lightly yet passionately.
"I know." I whispered. He rested his forehead on mine.
"They said you where hit? With what?" He asked setting his hand on my cheek.
"With a gun and my head then got kicked in the stomach. But I'm fine it's Emilee I'm worried about. They said she might not make it through the night." He looked miserable and I can say that because I'm married to the man.
"Ok now when do I get to see her?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know they took her to have an MRI." His eyes widened with fear.
"What why what's happened?" He asked quickly.
"It's just a precaution for now. In really tired do you want to keep me company sense we aren't in a big enough bed to do what I really want after not seeing you for a two weeks." He chuckled and helped me scoot over so he could get in. When he was laid on the bed comfortably I rested my head on his chest and let him play with my hair. I looked at him and kissed him once before laying back down and falling asleep.

"I'm sorry I tried." Said a voice.
"Not hard enough that's my daughter." The voice belonged to Fred.
"Sir I assure you everything went smooth but when I tried to convince her to see you but she refused. She has refused to even see her mother and fiancé." I cracked my eyes open to see Frey and Fred talking.
"Keep trying because when my wife wakes up that's the first person she'll want to see." The doctor nodded and left the room.
"She doesn't want to see me?" I asked looking at my hands.
"Lana I didn't know you where awake." He said walking to my side and taking my hand.
"What happened don't lie to me." I whispered looking in his eyes.
"Emilee died on the table but Frey was able to I guess bring her back and when she woke up an hour ago she refused visitors everyone. She won't even talk to Frey just shook her head." I sighed.
"Take me to her or I'll go myself." He looked at me for a moment before complying. I knew he wouldn't protest me.
"Alrighty then." He helped me into the wheelchair and strolled me out of the room and to the elevator. When we got to her floor Fred about ran to her door.
He opened the door and rolled me enough to shut the door behind me.
"Knew I should have had a nurse stationed out side my door." I cracked a smile when I saw her propped up on pillows.
"Should have known that keeping me out wasn't going to happen." I rolled over next to her and smiled. But her face was blank. "Hey what's wrong?" She shook her head. "Emilee Madison Di Blasio tell me what is wrong." I mothered. She sighed and looked me in the eyes.
"I-I don't know." I looked at her in disbelief.
"The truth. I know that you died in the table again." She rolled her eyes and looked away.
"It's what happened when I did." She explained to what happened and how scared she was. By the time she finished I was laying in her bed with her sobbing on my chest. I just held her and stroked her head running my fingers through her hair to calm her.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you." I whispered. I let my own tears fall freely.
"Don't let go of me please." She whispered. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back.
"I won't baby girl." I whispered back. She nodded against me.
"Everyday is full of adventures that will either make or break. And when we let it break us is when we've finally given up. But when it makes us we can do extend inset things." I whispered. She hummed her agreement. When she fell asleep I laid there just humming random songs till I started to hum Unsteady. I closed my eyes and just cried for my little girl who was holding me tight. She has been through some real shit. But she stays strong and keeps it to herself when she knows she has someone to lean on.
"My angels are my angels my demons are my fallen angels not your workers trying to bring me down." Em whispered. I smiled weakly and fell asleep holding her to me.

Mrs. Di BlasioWhere stories live. Discover now