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I waited. That's what I did when they left. After about an hour Tyler walked in.
"Did you get your goodbyes in?" He asked taking his gun out of his belt.
"Yeah I did." I closed my eyes.
Where the hell is Macalah?
"You don't want to see your death coming."
"The last thing I want to see is not your face but a memory of my family." I sighed. This is how it ends. Married. Wonderful parents that love me. I knew I was going to go out with a bang but not this literal.
There was a lot of things I haven't said. Things that will go unspoken. But everyone would be better off with out me anyways. That thought kept repeating itself. I know they care but sometimes does it feel like it? Could I have done things differently?
Have you seen what I've done with my life?! Lana motherfucking Parrilla is my mother. And Fred Deblasio is my father! I've been on the show of Once Upon A Time produced by Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis.
I'm married to Jake T. Austin who has been every girls dream guy sense they watched Wizards of Waverley Place. My brothers have an awesome band.
But am I worth the pain to the ones I love? Sometimes I think if I disappeared no one would care. But then when I did I saw how heart broken they where. I was heart broken that they where. I may not admit it to many people. But I cry myself to sleep. When Jake falls asleep thinking that I'm already asleep Im really waiting for him to go to sleep so I can silently cry myself to sleep. And when I have nightmares it's worse than most people can imagine.
I heard gun shot and pain through out my body.
But when I opened my eyes Macalah was standing there with a gun pointed at Tyler on the floor.
That's when I realized I imagined the pain. I was fine. In rushed a couple officers and they drug him out of the room. To where I don't know. Probably to get him cleaned up.
"He's dead now." I looked at her confused. "I shot him in the head. Are you all right?" She asked putting her gun away and walking to me. I starred at her blankly. She got the memo.
She handed me my phone and left the room.
I dialed Lana's number.
"Hey how's it going are you all right?" She asked frantically. "Yes I'm physically fine. I don't want to call Jake. Will you please come back and sleep with me in scared." My voice broke as I began to cry. "Of course I'll be right there love you." She hung up. I dropped my phone on the bed.

When she arrived I was sobbing freely.
"Oh honey." She said and came to me and hugged me tightly. A large sob ripped from my mouth as I clung to her afraid something bad will happen if I do.
She rubbed my back before laying down facing me and I her. I sobbed on her chest letting her smooth me. When I calmed down a little I had tears pouring from my eyes. But I was only breathing hard.
"Don't leave me p-please." I begged.
"I will never leave you." She mumbled and held me tight running her fingers through my hair.
I eventually stopped crying because I was all out of them.
"Am I worth the pain?" I whispered.
"Your worth anything. Don't ever think that I, your dad. Or even Jake for that matter. Will ever give up on you. Your not broken." I sighed.
"Your right I'm not broken. I'm shattered to fine powder." I whispered.
"Emilee Madison Deblasio. You are a wonderful woman, wife, daughter. You are worth more than life it's self. I would gladly die for you or any of my family. I love you. Never forget that." She said sternly. I nodded my head against her chest.
"I love you too." I whispered. I then moaned as she began to massage my back. She giggled softly as she continued.
"When you get out of her I'm taking you to a massage therapist." I nodded in agreement.
I laid there just breathing in her fragrance. Lana's my rock.
"I'm scared." I whispered.
"Of what my dear?" She whispered back.
"That something will happen and I won't be able to come back from it." I whispered back. She took a deep breath.
"I can't promise you that nothing will happen but I can promise that I'll will always be there to help you as long as I can." She kissed the top of my head.

I woke up with a start when I realized Lana wasn't in bed with me. But I didn't move. I cracked one eye open to see a nurse erasing the board. I looked to see that the finger heart monitor was no longer on my finger.
"What the hell is going on and where is Lana?" I say up startling the nurse.
"Um. I don't know where she is but your being discharged today." She informed me.
"Ok. Where's my clothes?" I swung my legs over the side.
"I think that's what she said she went to get." I nodded and rubbed my face.
"I'm taking a shower then." She nodded and helped me stand even though I didn't need it. I walked over to the bathroom and shut the door. I stripped from my gown and underwear and turned the water on.
When it was running the temperature I wanted I got in and pulled the curtain behind me. I washed my body and hair then set to shaving my legs and arm pits.
When I was done I stood in the shower just feeling some what relaxed as the water moved over my body.
I struck a shower pose and giggled because Sean did one similar in season four of Once.
I turned the water off and grabbed my towel from the hook and stepped out drying my face and body off. I looked at the shelf to see a pair of clothes for me. I smiled and took the yoga pants, bra, and tank top and got dress.
I then brushed and put my hair in a swirled bun.
I put face lotion on and walked out to see Jake sitting on my bed. I smiled and walked to him.
"Hey there handsome." He stood and kissed me lightly.
"Hey beautiful." I smiled brightly.  He looked at me with awe.
"You my super hero." I looked at him funnily.
"What do you mean." I asked putting my arms around his neck.
"You've taught me so much." He kissed me again. Before it got heated there was a knock at the door.
"Open." I said putting my arms around his middle. Lana and my dad walked in smiling. They both hugged me.
"Are you ready to go home?" I nodded.

When we got to the house I knew there was a lot of people inside.
But I still acted surprised when the all jumped out and said surprise.
"Emilee I'm so glad you're ok." Maugham said approaching me. I smiled and hugged her lightly. That's the routine for the rest of the night.

The next mourning I woke up in my bed with Jakes arms around me. I smiled and turned around in his arms. I kissed his nose and watched as his was twitched in his sleep. I looked at the clock behind him to see it was six in the mourning I need to be at the set in Stevenson in about two hours. I smiled again before getting out of the bed. I walked to my closet and picked out a pair of skinny jeans, loose tank top, and a pare of knee length high heel boots.
I walked to the bathroom and did my hair in a bun.
When I was done putting my light make up on after washing my face and walked out and grabbed one of my leather jackets. I then grabbed my sunglasses and keys and walked out of the room.
I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my phone from the charger out of the phone bowl.
I then walked to my fridge and grabbed a bagel and put it in the toaster. I grabbed the butter and spread it on the round bread when it popped.

When I walked into make up my stylist rushed up to me and hugged me tight.
"So how is married life?" She giggled getting things ready.
"It's different." I smiled. She winked and set to work.
When she finished me she went to get my costume. Which right now is a flash back so it's a tight dress. I started stripping down to my bra and underwear when she came back in. They buttoned a red shirt on me. It took two people to get me into the corset.
"God this is tight." I aired making a face as they went to work getting the other prices.
When I was fully dressed I was wearing leather pants, boots, my top, and a cloak. I sighed but it was only short because of the impression the corset was making on me.
"I thought you where supposed to take a girl on a date first before getting personal." I looked up to see Jared standing there in his normal clothes. Well Henry clothes.
"Kid I want to see you wear something this tight." I smirked. He rolled his eyes.
"I'm glad your back." I nodded. "Now let's get you to camera." He said dramatically.

Mrs. Di BlasioWhere stories live. Discover now