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Have you ever felt like you where falling in a dream? Well that's what it felt like. I didn't know what was going on but I laid there feeling as if I was free falling. I had seen Lana and Jake go out in the hall to talk. But then the edges of my vision started going black. I fought it away at first but then it came fast and I couldn't see anything. No air was going in my lungs but I could feel and hear my heart pound in my chest.
I felt a pinch at my wrist and elbow.
I struggled to back my lungs contract. When they finally did I groaned slightly. It felt like and engine that hadn't been started in ages grumbling to life.
When it didn't hurt as bad my ears popped and I could hear little.
"She could have died Frey." It was feminine I guessed Lana.
"She's strong. Do you know how many times that woman has died and it's like Jesus all over again bonding back from the died." He argued.
"Next time you should check what fucking medicines they give her." I heard a frustrated growl.
"Look every time she dies something still works. Like how she was died for a whole day! It's like God keeps rejecting her back down here. He's up there saying "hey you're down there for a reason stop trying to smuggle yourself up." I would have giggled but I couldn't even see.
"Well then I guess she is supposed to be down here to annoy you with it. Do your job and get her awake." Lana said sarcastically.
"I did do my job. She has only been breathing for five hours." He mumbled. There was rummaging around till I felt slight pressure on my hand.
How the hell have I been breathing five hours? It felt like only ten minutes.
"Hey kid. Your dad went back to Vancouver to get everything situated for you. Jake well when he was told you died he started throwing things. The officers had to calm him down. But he is currently at the hotel probably sleeping. I told him you where alive now and he wouldn't leave your side. But I made him go back to the hotel." She took a ragged breath. "I wish shit would stop happening to you. It's not fair. But please wake up. Jake needs you. Your dad needs you. Everyone needs you. I know I'll sound selfish when I saw that I think I need you the most. If you die for sure on me just you wait till I get to haven. Or hell. But I'm gonna track you down and yell in your face then hug and cry on you and not let go." She let an airy laugh. "Baby girl. I know we didn't get off to the best of starts but wouldn't trade our relation ship or me meeting you for anything. Now unless you give me a platter of food I'm might consider but I most likely will take the food and keep everything." I willed my fingers to flex. I heard a soft gasp. But I couldn't move anymore. I tried to breath faster to let her know I was listening, but I could only breath at the pace I was at.
"Dear lord. I thought I saw you move but I think my want for you to is playing tricks on my mind." I screamed as I high as I could but nothing came out. I was freaking out and no body was there to comfort me in the way I wanted them to. I felt light movement over my face.
She must have been tracing my features. I tried to move my head into it but nothing happened.
I sighed inwardly at my defeat.
"Some day you'll be an angle soaring above the clouds. Singing with the others. What will make you different is you'll be singing a different song." She sung softly. "If you leave before I do you won't know the depression I'll fall in. But I'll do what you want me to do and keep going." He voice broke. I tried to open my mouth until I noticed I had something big in my mouth going down my throat. "Don't leave before me please." She whispered. I knew she was crying and all I wanted to do more than anything was cry in her arms. I've had to do things the hard way my whole life. When my birth mom and my dad where married which was when I was about seven. Everything was almost handed to me. But then they divorced and everything came crashing down. She paid less attention to me unless I suited her needs. My dad taught me independence. But he was always there. But no matter what I did I always did things wrong in my mothers eyes. At one point I thought I would self harm but then in came Tyler and I didn't have to self harm because he beat me enough to know I was alive. I will never forget the first time he hit me.
I had gotten home from school and had a friend. She went to my room and I went to the kitchen to get a snack for us. Tyler was in there sober but I don't even remember what I said to him. But he started calling me names and when I stepped up for my self he smacked me so hard I fell to the ground.
My friend had walked down the stairs obviously she heard the commotion. But he stopped and left. When I tried to tell my mom she said that I did it to myself that he didn't even lay a finger on me. Even though I had proof of the hand print on the side of my face.
She still didn't believe me.
That day that I met Lana and I was in the car with my dad. I was really looking up fast and painless ways to die.
"Em. Everyone misses you please wake up." She kissed my forehead and her warmth was gone.

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