chapter 21

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I turned slowly scared to find out who was in my bed with me. I rolled over making sure to keep quiet and not scream. My heart rate increases as I saw the face.

"Niall" I gasped. "you freakings scared me." I wispered/yelled.

He gave me puppy dog eyes and pouted his lips."Im sorry?" He chucked he wrapped his arms around around my tiny body and help me close. His chicn sat on top of my head. He smelled so good.

"so.. iv been thinking.." Niall trailed off playing with my hair. "that I really like you and i would like you to be my girlfriend but only if you want to."

I let out a sigh.

"I would love to be your girlfriend, but one condition."  I looked up at him.

" Mm, what's that princess?" He murmured into my hair.

"you cant tell my dad." He stopped playing with my hair.

"What Darcy! I Cant-"

"Can we tell him the time is right,and purse you guys are about to go on tour and I don't want drama going on. Could you imagine how much chaos will break out?"

"Fine." I heard the smirk in his voice.

"Thank you. " I snuggled up closer to him.

"Any thing for my princess." He kissed the top on my head and we both went to sleep.


I felt move ment and then an empty space beside me.

"no....." I mumbled to Niall. "Stay. "

"I cant I have to get back to my room before Liam wakes us up. "

Damn! His morning voice was sexy!!

"I'll see you in a few hours." He said to me.

I rolled back over to get back to sleep.


"Darcy wakey,wakey!" My dad wispered to me.

"No I dont want to ge to get up dad." I shooed him away.

"I swear your a teenage girl version if Zayn." He chuckled." Comon get up." He tugged on my blanket.

"Nooooooooooooo." I mumbled pulling my cover back.

He relised the cover ."Fine ill just go get Louis. LOUIS-"

"IM UP!" I sat up in bed not wanting Louis to come in my room. Harry just Laughed. He left the room to get ready and so did I grabed out fit and changed my clothes.  amd went to do my make up.

"Hey princess. " I smiled as Niall hugged me from behind.

"Hey."  I turned to face him. just looking at his face  made me smile.

"what are you doing?" he asked in a kiddy voice.

I took out my eyeliner and mascara out of my make up bag.

"Putting on my make up."  I relpied bringing the eyeliner to my eye.

"No you dont put that down. you dont need it." Nialk took my make up out of my hands and threw it on the floor.

"Ugh Niall pick that up. I do to need it."

Niall grabbed my hands.

"No you dont your beautiful and I think you look better without it."

I bent down to pick up my eyeliner only to have Niall threw it back on the floor.



"I get it I wont wear any make up."

He smiled and kissed my cheek. "good!"

"your such a kid." I laughed

"But im your kid/boyfriend."

He left the room and went to make up my bed.


What? Niall and Darcy? Dateing? boyfriend?

okay I kniw its wrong but when I saw Niall going into Darcy's room made me want to follow. I walked over quietly and listened to to door.

"No you dont your beautiful and I think you look better without it."

I heard niall say. Aw thats so sweet. Yep I heard their while conversation.

and when Niall said boyfriend I was mind blown.  I ran away from the door before either one of them could leave.  I was deciding on telling Harry.  I mean they are adoriable together but it's Harry's daughter.

I walked into Harry's room. "Hey mate." he smiled packing his toothbrush in hours bag.

"vas up?"

"nothing justed finishing packing." He said zipping up his suitcase.

"Listen Harry I. just wanted to tell you. ."  I started off.

no Zayn dont do it, Dont do it. I thought.

"what did you want to tell me Zayn.?"

"Darcy is really excited for the tour I talked to her last night she was all happy and stuff."

"Haha Thanks mate I thinks shes pretty excited to." Harry came over and patted me on the back.

I patted his back to.

Nice save Zayn.Nice

I really felt bad fot not telling Harry hut I would feel really bad if I saw Niall heartbroken hes the ibky one that has been single this entire time. Hes waited so long to find his girl and I think Darcy is that girl.

I walked out if room and went to find

the rest of boys and text Perrie.

● sorrys it's short  I jist finished my home work and it like midnight amd I have to wake up sup er early in the morning I hope you guys like it.

What do you think about Niall and Darcy? yes or no.  leave comments

Thank you guys so much for 2.4k reads that makes me so happy that so many people have read my story it really inspires me to keep writting.●

♡I love you all have a good/night ill update soon♡


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