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About 20 minutes later Demi walked onto her bus.
"To the hotel please Ken"
"Sure thing Miss. Lovato"

I was so confused, was Demi kidnapping me, was she going to send me somewhere, I had this weird feeling in my stomach. I just kept facing down to the floor not wanting to look at Demi, what if she saw my cuts, what if she was going to tell me I'm attention seeking, I should just get over it. Ahh what have I done!

"Ally please look at me. I'm not going to tell at you or anything, I want to know you, there is something about you and I want to know you better"

I slowly raises my head and Demi's facial expression changed from desperation to concerned.

"Ally what happened darling, why do you have huge bruising on your face?"

Ah shit my makeup must of came off durning the concert or something.
"It's nothing, I fell over, nothing major"

Demi didn't believe me, I knew that but she didn't proceed because she knew what it was like to be pressured into something you don't want to talk about.

"Okay Ally, tell me about yourself, we have ten minutes before we reach the hotel and then you're going to stay with me if you would like otherwise I will get Ken to take you home or your parents can come and pick you up"

"It's parent and his away" I snapped defensively.
"Sorry sweetie, I shouldn't assume things. I should know better"
"It's okay Demi, I shouldn't have snapped back at you like that, you saved me without even knowing I existed. You are my inspiration, my role model, my big sister figure that I never met. It may sound stupid but when I'm in a dark place I put on your music and talk to you like you are there and it makes me feel better. Now I'm here sitting across from you and you want to get to know me and I'm being a bitch. Just drop me off here. I will understand"

"Hey, hey Ally. I'm not leaving you on the side of the road. I understand what it's like to lash out, I've been there, I know what it's like personally you can't control it I know. You said dark places what are you referring to sweetie?"
"Uhm uhh" I hesitated, I didn't want Demi to think I was just another fan dealing with the same things she did to get recognized. So many lovatics deal with suffering and Demi is here to help every single one of them but I didn't want to be the lovatic causing Demi to break or tell me I was attention seeking.

"When I was younger my mum left me for some other guy and I haven't had contact with her ever since. The day she left dad told me to come inside because we were going to play a game, the game ended up being abusive and from that day on he abused me everyday mentally and physically. Not only do I deal with abuse from home, I deal with it at school, I have one friend Sam but I wouldn't be surprised if she left me soon because all she does is protect me. I have self harmed for ages now and I have attempted suicide twice but clearly failed."
I stopped there because I felt like I was going to trigger Demi or something like that. By the time I was finished talking I had tears pouring down my face like a waterfall.

"Ally, I'm not going to leave you, in going to help you even if that means me moving to Australia or you moving back to LA with me. You are going to become my little warrior and you will stay strong. I know it"

I just met Ally and I hoped that I saw wrong when her stay strong bracelets slid up. I wanted to know her, I wanted to help her. I noticed something on her face too but that might have just been from the concert or my eye sight not adjusted to the light even though I had been in that room meeting fans for a while now.
"Time's up" the burly security guard bellowed.
"No it's not, take her to the bus" I wanted to get to know Ally, she had something special about her and she reminded me of me when I was suffering. I could see it in her eyes. Max escorted her to the bus while I went and got changed out of these ridiculously uncomfortable clothes.

When I got onto the bus I told Ken to take up to the hotel, I wanted to spend some one on one time with Ally tonight to see if she share her story with me. I wanted to help this girl, I love all of my fans the same but there was just something about Ally, maybe it was just her being Australian or something but I just had a connection.

She didn't raise her head to look at me at all but when I pleaded her to she did. My suspicions were now knowledge something had happened to her.

"Ally what happened darling, why do you have huge bruising on your face?"

She told me she fell over but I didn't believe her, I didn't pressure her because I know what it's like to be pressured into talking about things you don't want to talk about. It's hard and it's daunting. I left it at that.

I asked her to tell me about her in general and offered for her to stay with me at the hotel or she could call her parents to pick her up. She quickly snapped back that it was just parent. So Ally is from a broken home, I know how difficult that is and I shouldn't have made assumptions she wasn't in a broken home.
She told me that I was like a figuratively big sister to her and that I saved her from dark places.
Dark places, this drew me in, I wanted to know more of she let me. I knew what dark places were, I was thinking about killing myself at age seven and harming myself at age eleven. I know what it's like and I want to help her.
I asked her hoping she would tell me, she hesitated at first but then she told me

"When I was younger my mum left me for some other guy and I haven't had contact with her ever since. The day she left dad told me to come inside because we were going to play a game, the game ended up being abusive and from that day on he abused me everyday mentally and physically. Not only do I deal with abuse from home, I deal with it at school, I have one friend Sam but I wouldn't be surprised if she left me soon because all she does is protect me. I have self harmed for ages now and I have attempted suicide twice but clearly failed."

I knew there was more but she just told me a lot about her. I left it at that.

"Ally, I'm not going to leave you, in going to help you even if that means me moving to Australia or you moving back to LA with me. You are going to become my little warrior and you will stay strong. I know it"

I meant it, I wasn't going to leave her. I wiped away the flowing tears from her eyes and pulled her into my lap. I looked down a few minutes later because she went quiet, Ally had fallen asleep just as we pulled into the hotel. I didn't want to wake her so I moved her so Ken could take her upstairs but she was light, like way light to the point where I could carry her with one arm. She tried to his this from me but I want to know why.

A/N. two updates in a day woo. Let me know what you guys think! Stay strong

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