Something that we're not

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There was a number on the card and I dialed it. Low and behold Nicholas Jonas picked up the phone. 

"Demi is that you?" A pleading voice speaks through the phone.

"Nick what is it? Why do you want me? What makes you think after what we went through that we should be together?" I questioned him.

I had sent Ally to her room because I knew this was going to be an emotional phone call. I didn't want her to see or hear the things that were going to be said in this conversation, I knew I was going to need her after it though, I don't want to imagine what I am going to be like once I hang up from Nick. 

Demi what are you talking about, you ask well let me tell you.

It was a few weeks before I was leaving to go to Australia, Nick and I were out to dinner catching up, it had been out first dinner in two years, yes Nick and I had, had a thing in the past but we never eventuated it, he kissed me and I didn't want it so I avioded him until the dinner night. Let's just say the night we went to dinner didn't end to good.

Okay so Nick kissed me again and I was not happy with him at all, I told him that I really wanted to adopt a child but not for a while and then I come back with a Ally, Nick was not happy about it, he sent me an abusive message that bought back a lot of memories from when I got abusive messages from my dad when he was drunk. Anyways back to Nick.

" Dems I am so sorry for what I did, I know you never felt the same way about me and that what I did was wrong, I should never have kissed you let alone kiss you the second time. That message wasn't sent by me I promise you. I was out that night with a few friends and I did say how I was upset about how quick you were with adopting a child, but then I said how proud I was of you. One of my mates got hold of my phone and sent that to you when they were drinking. We are not friends anymore because I realised what I want in my life and that's you. I want you and I want Ally to be apart of my life. I want to love you like you're the only girl that I have ever laid eyes on, and I want to love Ally like she is my own blood. I want you Demi and I need you Demi"

I didn't know what to believe, I didn't know if I should give him another chance but make sure we take things slow and make sure Ally was okay, or just focus on Ally for now. If I was what Nick wanted he would wait for me right?

"Nick.... I really don't know what to do. I mean I felt the fireworks in both kisses we had, just because I didn't kiss back doesn't mean I didn't mean I didn't like it, I was just in shock but what happened, I was not expecting it. I mean I always saw you as a brother and then I dated Joe but there was always something there for you. So when you kissed I just didn't really know. The first time, was when I wasn't well, I was sick so my demons were screaming at me"

Nick had just kissed me but I know he only kissed me because he wanted to play me and hurt me just like Joe did. Selena had left me, Joe had left me, Miley hardly talks to me anymore and now Nick is just trying to use me so he can get some sex. Normally I would give it to him, but something was different about Nick.

Demi he just wants you for sex

You're a fat bitch



Joe was never satisfied so now his brother his going to see if he can staified by you, but guess what you can't satisy anyone. You can't even satisfy us and we are just a figure of your imagination.

"Demi.. Demi, are you there?" I was bought out of my flashback by Nick asking me if I was still on the phone. 

"Ye-Yeah I'm here, sorry I was just uhhh thinking" I didn't realise I was crying until I stuttered and felt a cool drip of salty water flow down my face.

"Look Nick I will call you back, but let me just tell you that I want you, but Ally comes first and always will. She is still trying to settle in to the public eye so to have her mom dating Nick Jonas may be a bit much for her right now. Let me talk to her about how she would feel. But Nick I have to go right now I need my babygirl."

"Okay Demi, stay strong and remember whatever you remember and whatever you get told that isn't postive is false, and wrong. Bye beautiful."

"B-B-Bye Nick" Again crying I hung up the phone and headed up the stairs to find my beautiful daughter.

Ally POV

I had been in my room facetiming Maddie to show her how big ZaZa had gotten and just talking about random things after mom sent me up to room. She told me the flowers were from Nick, but I didn't mention anything to Maddie just incase she didn't know about them. I had just gotten off factime and was about to take Zaza outside when I heard Demi on the phone crying to Nick. 

Oh shit, whatever that bastard had done I will kill him. I love Nick don't get me wrong. I am a total Nemi shipper I mean there were rumors about her and Wilmer but she always told me she never had feelings for him and that he was more of a brother. Before I could go and snatch the phone of Demi to yell at Nick, mom entered my room. 

She came over and just collapsed in my arms while sobbing. I will be killing Nick as soon as I sort mom out. 

"Mommy what's wrong? What did the fucker do to you. I will kill him I swear to God he will be dead in less than 24hours"

More sobs errupted from her but what got my attention was her saying "Why did I have to remember, why, why, why" This confused the shit out of me, I mean what the heck was she talking about. 

After 10 minutes or so Mom had calm down so I asked her what it was about, I didn't want to ask her straight away but it was like ripping a bandaid off and it needed to be done. 

After what Demi had told me and how she had her flashback I didn't fine it neccessary to kill Nick but instead set these two up, I mean NEMI HELLO!!!!!! are you with me here.

The rest of the night Mom and I stayed up watching ID channel, discussing randome shit and her telling me off about my swearing which I retorted back I only learn from the best and the best is you. She couldn't back up her argument after I said that. And yes I did have dinner but I didn't eat all of it, but I didn't purge so Mom was some what happy. 


How did we like it guys? IT'S NICK Who guessed it??? Anyway there is drama ahead between Ally and Demi. I seriously can't wait to write it not going to lie. Anyway comment, vote and share and I will love you even more than I already do. 

stay strong, stay beautiful xx

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