World of Chances

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Sitting there waiting for Officer Henderson to come in and tell me what was going on felt like a lifetime. I reflected on the last day or two and realised that I was so lucky to have Demi now actually physically with me in my life but I am sure that won't last for long. It's to good to be true, it's to good to be happening to me. 

"Hey Ally, I have here with me Sergent Dunn with me he is just going to sit in and listen to what you have to say okay" Officer Henderson said

Fear rushed over me, I didn't know what Sergent Dunn was capable of, what if he would hurt me, what if he would lock me up  for something that I didn't do. All these what if's were flooding my mind I didn't realise that Officer Henderson was trying to talk to me.

"Ally, you have done nothing wrong, it is okay, nothing bad is going to happen to you. We need to make sure that you are going to be safe. Dunn here is my supervisor he just has to witness this interview okay. Al call me Kez too if that makes you feel comfortable okay."

Kez asked me a series of questions about my upbringing and what my father did to me, I don't know why but I told her everything. I guess it was because I knew he couldn't hurt me but also he couldn't get locked up. By the end of the questions about my father I felt a lot more comfortable around Kez and Dunn who told me to call him Mick. They were really nice and I was glad that I got them on this case. Then the dreaded sentence  came.

"Ally, I know this is going to be hard but we need to find you somewhere to live. Considering we don't know where your mother is as we have no records of her using her real name anymore and your parents both being only children we are going to have to assess everything before we can send you to a home."

My head dropped down and I started to cry. Demi said she would be there for me and I know this is out of Demi's hands but I kinda felt that she lied to me. I knew I shouldn't have had a little bit of hope when she said that, the world was out to get me, nothing good would ever happen to me. 

"Can I spend some time with Demi please?" I questioned but Kez looked at me and shook her head.

"She is getting interviewed at the moment why, before you cut me off, it's nothing she has done wrong or anything but she has expressed interest in adopting you and we need to question her and everything and get in contact with the police over in LA before anything can go ahead. I am not trying to say this is going to go ahead but Al, it is looking hopeful. I want the best for you and I believe Demi is the best for you." I looked up at Kez and looked across at Mick, he gave a reassuring nod signalling Kez was telling the truth. I felt my face light up, I couldn't help but scream a little.

Kez laughed a little and continued " I have three nieces and I have a little girl of my own, I know all about Miss. Lovato and I know how inspirational she is. We are going to push for her to be your guardian in the courts and do everything we can okay. I promise you. When you two walked in here this morning I could see the love she felt for you in her eyes Ally, she truly does care. She needs you as much as you need her." I couldn't help but get up from my chair and walk over the other side of the table and hug Kez, I knew this was proablby the wrong thing to do considering she is a policewoman but I couldn't control my actions. To my surprise Kez hugged me back and whispered something into my ear "You are worth it Ally". 

Demi POV 

I sat in the interview room after I told officer Henderson that I wanted to adopt Ally if possible, she told me there was already a social worker on site and to go and sit in interview room 6 and the social worker would be there to talk. I made my way to the interview room nervous as hell let me tell you but I knew this is what I wanted. I don't care that I haven't spoken to anyone really about my decision. I mean mum knows how I felt but I don't think she thought I would go ahead with it. I knocked on the door to the room and it was opened. 

I was greeted by a petite yet healthy looking woman who had straight blonde hair and was dressed in a black dress that made her look amazing. 

"It's a pleasure Miss Lovato. I have dealt with so many kids who have said that you saved their lives just by your music. My names Brooke come and sit down and we will start straight away."

I couldn't help but smile, I was so glad that I saved lives even though I didn't personally know the person. I knew all of my lovatics existed and if I could meet every single one, I would just to tell them they are worth everything. I extended my hand to shake Brooke's "Hi there Brooke, I am so glad that you were here. I really would love to adopt everyone if I could but clearly that is nearly impossible" I said with a giggle. I walked over to the table and sat down. 

The interview was going great from what I felt, Brooke and I did not stop talking, she asked me what I saw in Ally, why Ally and what intentions did I have with Ally. I knew this was going to be a hard process due to me living in America and Ally living here but Brooke assured me that she is going to try her hardest to get me custody over Ally. It seemed Brooke knew my whole story and she thinks Ally and I would be great together. The interview was over in what seemed like 5 minutes but really was two hours. She led me back to the waiting room where Ally and I originally parted ways and thats when I saw my baby girl. I just knew she was going to be mine. 

I ran over and engulfed Ally in the biggest hug I had given her since I met her. When I let go she looked up at me with tear tracks staining her porcellin face. Did she not want to be with me? I instantly felt guilt. I hadn't even spoken to Ally about this, how could I be so selfish. 

Ally POV

I was waiting anxiously for Demi to come back from the interview with the social worker, Kez said that I didn't have an interview with her today because I had already been through a lot of questions today and that I would have one later this week. I couldn't help but cry, I was so grateful that Demi wanted me to be apart of her life but the memories of the happy family I once seemed to be apart of rushed through my mind as well. 

Right then and there I was engulfed by the biggest hug I had in forever, mum use to hug me like that when she and I played bear wars before she left. I knew it was Demi instantly. Demi pulled away and I looked up at her. Her priceless smile disappeared from her face and she instantly looked guilty. Shit I forgot I was crying.

"Demi it's okay, they are happy tears, they are tears of gratitude, tears of thankfullness, tears of hope. You have been with me every day since I can remember and now you are actually here with me, wanting me to be apart of your family. You Demi are a life saver and I love you with every inch of my heart."

A tear dripped down Demi's face and I whipped it away with my thumb and hugged her again. We ledft the station and drove back to the hotel. Demi said that we were going to have a day where we would relax but also figure everything out that we needed to do before Demi became my legal guardian.

A/N okay I actually really like this chapter like a lot. Please let me know what you think. I can't helo but think no one is reading this even though it has had 220 reads haha. PLease comment and vote please please please. Stay Strong and I love you all xxx

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