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Ally POV

I woke up on Demi's lap in the same position I fell asleep in. Demi was awake and watching Castle, I stir and she looks down and see's I am awake. Immediately the telly screen is switched off and I know it's my time to talk about what has been happening with me.

"Demi, let me speak please and don't cut me off because I know if you do I won't be able to talk again, so please let me speak." Demi nodded her head but didn't say a thing so I continued. " The last month and a bit has been so hard on me and I imagine it has been tough on you too, that's why we have been fighting constantly. I would never dream in a million years that my idol, my everything would be adopting me, it's still really hasn't hit me. When I found out that Sam was lying to me this whole time about being my friend I didn't know how to handle it and I didn't want to speak to you about because I noticed you were changing as well. Yes Demi I know what you are like, remember been a lovatic since I was 13, we do know when you start to feel down even though you try to hide it. WIth this I didn't want to put more pressure on you so I turned to the alochol and smoking since most of the people I know are 18 but they asked for one thing in return and it wasn't money. It also wasn't sex but it was to be able to have the chance to beat me up and post the video on the internet. I agreed only because I was use to this and use to the abuse. When we finally moved to Queensland I met a bunch of people around my age at the park down the road from the condo and I knew they were bad but I just wanted to die, I didn't want to burden you anymore and I thought if I could assoicate myself with these people I would be able to either die quickly or you would just leave me and come back to LA on your own an forget about me. Secretly I was hoping for the first one but the second one would be good too. When you caught me that night sneaking back in the condo I knew that I had fucked up big time and that you knew what I was really like, but I also remembered that you had also self medicated before treatment and then I started to stress out thinking I was going straight to treatment or because I am 18 in a month you would just leave me. That night it hit me that I didn't want to leave you and that I love you and I fucked up big time and I fucked up with the person who I love the most, but don't they say the people who you love the most are the people who you tend to push away first."

I was finished, I let it all out and I was emotionally drained that I couldn't even cry even though I felt like that was all I could do. I was to look up at Demi, I didn't want to know what she looked like, I didn't want her to cry over me, I didn't want her to yell at me, I didn't want her to do anything to me. I just wanted to run away but I was on a gosh damn plane and I don't even know how many feet in the air. I was snapped out of my trance when I felt a wet tear hit the top of my head. I looked up to see Demi crying, but it wasn't crying like you would cry after a movie or something, it was crying as if you had just found out someone had died or something terrible had happened. I readjusted myself so my face was facing hers. 

"Don't cry over me, I am not worth your tears." I whispered

"Ally, I fucking love you so much, don't you dare tell me you aren't worth my tears because you are, you're my family and my family is always worth my tears. Ally I know that what I have experienced in the last month is nothing compared to what you have had to deal with. You had to deal with the death of your father, deal with finding out that who you thought was your friend in fact was the total opposite, having to be adopted out even though it was by me hehe, moving to a different state, removing everything from your life that was there the past 17 years, now moving to a totally different country on the otherside of the world. It was the wrong way to act out, yes, but as you said I did do this before I went into treatment so I should have understood better. I am not sending you to treatment, I will help you, I know that you can do this baby girl, I believe in you, everyone in this family does, you should know that by now considering you Skype them a lot, especailly Mads! It's going to be okay. You can do this, you can and I won't be leaving you ever. You are safe with me"

I was now crying by this stage, I mean Demi means the world to me, she has for the last 5 years and I was putting her through hell, which I am sure was bringing back horrible memories for her. Pull your head in Ally, seriously like millions of people dream of this and you are mucking it up big time! I kissed Demi on the cheek and know that when I arrive in LA I really need to get over this because I wil be in the public eye. 


Ally had just told me why she was acting out the way she did. I'm not going to lie it was bringing back crappy memories but I knew I had to stay strong for Ally and for my lovatics and most importantly myself. Ally told me she wasn't worth my tears, is this girl crazy? I just adopted her, she is totally worth my tears. I told her how I felt and now I was regretting putting her out in the public eye as soon as we get home but I know I have to do it, she is such a great actress and from what little but enough singing I have heard from her, she is amazing, and that's probably an understatement. This girl was going to make it big time in Hollywood and is she is known as my daughter it may help her a little more. I really have to talk to her about putting her in the spotlight and maybe signing her up to Disney or something like that. I don't know, she needs to settle in first. I hadn't told her yet but I actually wasn't sending her to school, I had already organised a tutor for her, I couldn't put her through anymore pain and I know that it's going to start getting worse before it could get better. I mean she will be known as my daughter, she is going to get hate and if I find out it is from my lovatics all hell will break loose, she was going to have the paps following her, I already know it, and a girl so broken yet so beautiful is going to have a hard time getting used to this. 

"Demi, Ally. We have an hour before we land"

Shit I didn't realise Ally had slept that long and we talked for a while too. Time is going way to quick lately. I am so excited to see my family again for the first time in 3 months since touring, I missed them so much especially Maddie and Mumma. This was going to be exciting to introduce Ally officially to them. Hold on where is Ally, I could have sworn she was just in her seat.

"Ally, you better be getting ready to land." 

There was no answer, I go up to the front of the plane hoping she is there but when I knock on the door and it opens, it's just Max and the pilot. I asked Max if Ally had been up here and he said he hadn't seen her for the entire trip. 

I started to worry the only other place Ally could be was the bathroom, I normally wouldn't worry, I mean it's just someone in the bathroom right, but when Ally was sleeping I noticed something, I noticed fresh cuts on her, and then I remembered when we were packing she hid her carry on from me, so I coulndn't go through it and then it clicked. 

I ran to the back of the plane where the bathroom was and I heard nothing but the door was locked, I yelled out Ally's name and there was no response. Shit what was I going to do. I don't know why she was doing this, I mean we had just made up and we were okay. How did I not notice her get up and pull out her carry on, she isn't the quietest person. What the hell Demi. I remembered that Max had taught me how to pick a lock on a plane once when Maddie was flying with me and she was sick but she locked the door. I did it within a matter of seconds and that's when I saw Ally at her weakest. I didn't want to believe what I was seeing, but I knew it was all to real. 

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