Somebody to You

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Ally POV

It's just been been over a week since I went to hospital and I am just leaving the hospital from my assessment, Demi told the doctor that she was capable to look after me and if anything happened she would get her therapist ASAP. 

"Ally, what do you want for lunch"

"Uhhhh.... can we go to Urth please please" I really wanted to go because it was my fav youtubers resturant in LA and I know that she is here at the moment.

"haha okay babygirl, calm down, calm down. We will be there soon"

On the way there Ryan was on the radio and all of the sudden Really Don't Care was playing, us being us rolled down the windows and screamed the lyrics at the top of our lungs and Demi also was yelling out to randoms to buy her new single. 

Twenty minutes later we pulled up at Urth and I got really nervous, I didn't want to eat, what if Siena was here, she will think I am just some fat freak. Ughhhh. I unconsiously got out of the car and just walked letting my body take control. Once reaching inside and asking to sit outside but shaded by some trees so Demi wasn't to recognisable, I grabbed the menu to find the healithiest thing on the menu. 

Once I had ordered a tuna salad and a tea and Demi ordered a paninii and coffee, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see this cute little girl who had blonde long hair pulled back in a ponytail with a bow to add some pop to her outfit.

"Hey sweetie, are you okay?" I asked

"Yes Ar-are you Demi Lovato's daughter?"

I gave her a little chuckle and nodded my head "Yeah sweetie, I'm Ally it's nice to meet you, what's you name"

"Uh my name is Dior, my older sister really loves you and your mum. Could I get a photo with you maybe, for her?" I smirk at Demi she gives me a look to say she knows exactly what I am thinking.

"That's such a beautiful name, what would you do if you got a picture with not only myself but also my friend over there?" It had been like Dior was totally oblivious to Demi and she was just focused on getting this picture for her older sister, which is so so cute. 

"Ahh sure, that sound's cool. Siena is going to be so jealous that I met you, she just left here"

"Hold on wait, do you mean Siena as in Siena Mirabella?"

"Uhh yeah, how do you know her?" Dior looked at me a little frightened, I mean I was a celebrities daughter knowing who her older sister is.

"She is my fav youtuber ever, I can't believe I didn't recognise you from her sister tag haha. Come on lets get that photo for her shall we. Demi come over here"

Before Demi could even move out of her seat, a lady not to much taller than Demi came over and apoligised for Dior disturbing us. I assured her it was fine and that I was actually a fan of Siena's, turns out the lady was Sienas mum. Dior, Demi and myself all got a photo together and then her mum sent the photo to Siena. Within a minute, I swear it was no longer than a minute her mum got a phone call of Siena, she put it on loudspeaker because she knew it was Siena freaking out. 


"Siena, calm down don't embarass yourself." Her mum winked at me, while dior was sitting on my lap and Demi and I were eating our lunch. 


"Hey Siena" Demi and I both said in unison then chuckled 


"haha Siena, you totally freaked out in front of them" Dior yelled from my lap, she was seriously so cute, I kinda wish I had a little sister, I wonder if Demi ever thought about adopting again. I know she wrote me that letter but I mean she is so spontaneous you never know with that woman. I mean yesterday she came home with purple and silver in her hair. Like random much! 

I was bought out of my little trance when Sienas mum asked if Siena was able to speak to me off speaker phone, I'm pretty sure she was mistaken and she meant Demi so I will just say hi then give her to Demi. 

"Hey, this is Ally just wanted to say I really enjoy your videos on youtube. I'll pass you to Demi now"

"No wait Ally, I wanted to speak to you, not Demi" Uhh sorry did I just here right. Someone wanted to speak to me even though Demi was right next to me, clearly she just wanted to hate on me, I mean I don't ever think she would do that, she seems way to sweet but never judge a book by its cover right.

Turns out Siena really did want to talk to me, and it wasn't her hating on me, she actually wanted to become friends and she assurred me it wasn't because of Demi, I was apparently her style icon and turns out she really looks up to me for being what I have been through, not that she knows the real story but, how I moved to whole different country and was put straight into the spotlight. We exchanged numbers and organised to meet for coffee tomorrow morning. I was freaking out a little, I mean I have watched this girls for ages now, and she was my escape as well as Demi when I was back in Aus and now I am meeting her. 


It was so cute seeing Ally just smile so widely when she was talking to Siena. Ally had showed my some of Sienas videos when we were just hanging around and I was being a nosy mum wanting to know what she was doing on the internet. That girl had some sass, so I am pretty certain her and Ally are going to get along just fine. I am a little worried about Siena just using her to get to me though, but I really don't think that's the truth, she hasn't asked to talked to me, well at least I don't think.

This is a great distraction for Ally because she ate most of her salad while she was on the phone to Siena, I just pray that she is going to keep it down. 

Ally had just gotten off the phone to Siena after about 15 minutes and now she is just playing with Dior while  I speak to Sienas mum getting to know a bit about her. She seems like an amazing woman, raising Siena by herself but still be able to work and have a really good lifestyle. I have lost a little focus though just seeing how amazing Ally is with Dior, she would be such a great big sister. Turns out Dior isn't actually Siena's sister but her cousin, they are just really close that is why they call each other sisters. 

We have just arrived home after spending just over an hour at Urth, we didn't get bombarded at all by paps and only a few fans came and asked to get a photo, so it was quite a pleasent lunch. Even though it's been an hour I still don't want Ally out of my sight for another hour, I have to play it safe. 

Ally and I both walk in the door discussing what movie we are going to watch after we get in our comfy clothes for the rest of the day. We had just decided on Frozen of course, when I walk into the foyer of my apartment to see a massive bouquet of flowers there. I had no idea who they were from but noticed a little card sticking out from the side. I go and get the card while Ally is pestering me to know who it is from.

Reading the card I smile and feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, the card read 

Your beautiful face can not leave my mind, I miss you with every bone in my body, please forgive me and let me love you daughter like she is my own and let me love you like you're the only girl in my world






Letting you all know, Ally is not going to fall in love with Siena, I don't plan on a love interest yet for her at all and if I do, I think she is going to be straight as well, still not 100 percent sure but it will be more than likely. 

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