For the love of a Daughter

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Demi POV 

Opening that bathroom door and seeing the sight I saw killed me. Ally was curled up sitting on the tiny bench where the sink was, crying so hard and continuesly cutting her left wrist, it was like she was oblivious to me being there, she just continued to do it. 

"Ally! Stop!" I screamed while fighting her to let go of the razor, I did manage to get it off her after a couple of minutes and the bonus of not getting hurt sent a wave of relief over me. 

"Al, baby, what on earth are you doing. I thought you were okay now that we talked about what happened. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

" A) How the fuck did you get in here? B) What does it matter to you? and C) Check Perez maybe you'll understand a little" There was so much attitude in this girl but I knew how to handle her, well at least I think I do.

"We have under an hour till we land beautiful, let me clean you up and come and sit down and we will start to get ready"

"That's it Demi, you are brushing this off just like that, so much for caring" the last bit Ally mumbled under her breath but I heard it, it hurt a lot too but I had to ignore that comment and clean her up before anything else was to happen.

Ten minutes later Ally was all cleaned up and changed as she had packed spare clothes in her carry on and we were sitting in our seats, Ally had calm down and she apologised for her outburst and said she meant nothing she said and it was her demons speaking not her. I fully believed that but I still wanted to know what caused this so I did as Al told me and hopped on Perez and to my surprised there was a photo of Ally and myself sneaking through the side enterence of the airport and the title was 'DEMI LOVATO'S NEW PET HIPPO'. I didn't have to read on I knew this was just the beginning of what was about to start, how dare Perez put this out there about my beautiful daughter who suffered from an ED and was skinnier than I had ever been pre treatment. The only thing I could do about this now was hit my twitter





3 days later

Ally POV

It's been three days since Demi and I have been in LA, when we landed all of Demi's family was at her apartment waiting to see her again and meet me in the flesh. Maddie and I connected really well even with the age difference, they were all so welcoming and I really felt like they really did love me. Maddie and Dianna had to fly back to Dallas yesterday because Maddie had an ariel comp but Eddie stayed because he wanted to come to the interview with Ryan Secrest today just to give us extra protection, especially when we were finished annoucing who I was and left the building as we didn't know what to expect. 

It was 6am and we were heading to the interview, it was safe to say that this was the most scared I had ever been, I wasn't even this scared at the court hearings back home. Today was the day that Demi was going to announce me to the world, also Ryan had contacted Demi and asked if she would sing a live recording of Heart Attack which she agreed to but I had to sing with her. I couldn't sing, what was she thinking but she didn't give up and the last two days she was sticking notes all around her mansion which was now mine as well and she got me at my weakest moment at 4am this morning when I finally said yes. 

Arriving to the interview about 15 minutes later and walking straight in the back enterence we set up and got ready for the interview. Demi introduced me to Ryan as her daughter and he was shocked to say the least but was really happy for both Demi and me. Straight after Better Together by 5H played Ryan introduced Demi on air with a special guest, which was me

RS: Welcome Miss Demi, last time we spoke was about two months before you went to Aus and had a series of shows over there for your Aussie Lovatics and now you are back here, anything new happening?"

DL: Hey Ryan, yeah it's been a while but yes I did go to Australia to surprise my lil lovatics over there and funny you mention anything new. As you said I have a special guest with me. Her name is Ally Lovato, yes Lovato. Ally was someone who I met over in Australia and is now my daughter, fast I know but if you all knew why well then yeah. Ally is very special to me and is now apart of my family so I expect y'all to be nice unlike someone who has already hurt her before she even was in the public eye.

RS: Woah Demi that's really big news and I hope everyone will support you. Hey there Ally, it's so nice to meet you. I know that Demi will take good care of you and if she doesn't I live just down the road from her 

AL: Haha, Hey Ryan, it's so good to meet you, I would stay up to all hours of the morning when you had Demi on your show just to listen to it and now to be sitting here opposite you and next Demi is just incredible. Demi has taken amazing care of me already but she can be a little crazy so I may take you up on that offer when needed ha.

DL: HEY, you're meant to be on my side not his Ally, would you like to walk home

RS: Okay so it seems you act more like sisters than mother and daughter

DL: Well Ally is nearly 18 so she is old enough to be my sister and thats how we act but she is legally my daughter ha. I love her so much and just want the best for her

RS: That explains it, so the other day I asked if you would sing Heart Attack for me and you said on one condition and that was Ally could sing too, of course I said yes so here it is, Ally and Demi singing a live version of Heart Attack. 

Demi looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile and she then started to sing, I joined in on the chorus and sang the bridge by myself, once it was over the studio was silent, I knew it, they became deaf or something while listening to me sing, how on earth did Demi get me to sing ahhhh stupid. About a minute later the studio erruputed with with screams and clapping but it wasn't for Demi, it was for me

"Ally, that was seriously amazing, who knew that Demi could be out sung on her song. Demi you better watch out" Ryan said with a chuckle

"Uhm thanks ha, I can't really sing so you don't have to be nice to me. I understand and I don't want any sympathy" I said shyly

"Ally, I am not lying trust me, I am a business man and I know talent when I see it. You are going to go places"

I looked over at Demi who had her million dollar smile plastered across her face and all I could do was run to her and say 

"I love you mum" Yes I said mum because even with the small age gap she was my mum and sister.

"You rocked that baby girl, I am so proud of you, Ryan is right you are going places!"

A/N Okay I am back, this chapter is shit I know, I actually had such a hard time writing this because I didn't know where to go with it. I am back from holidays and as promised I updated today. I am now officially finished school so I will be able to update more and more. I am in a dark place right now so I may not update that much for a little bit. Please leave feedback and everything. Stay Strong guys xxxx

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