Who's that boy

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Demi POV

It was about 6pm and Ally still hadn't woken up, I was downstairs watching the ID channel and wondering what to have for dinner when my phone rang, without looking at the caller ID I swipped the answer button to the right and put it on speaker.

"Hey" I say, as it is my personal phone not my work one

Hey, hows the mini brat doing" A familiar old mans voice sounded through the phone

"Simon, really do you think that after  today you should be calling Ally that. Not needed old man! But I really don't know Simon, she hasn't woken up and-"

"Demi seeing as it is season three this year of Xfactor, why don't you take a break. I mean you have done two seasons, you have a tour coming up, you now have a daughter who needs you more than ever, and what's this I hear about you releasing a new album?"

"Simon, I can't just stop working because of Ally, I mean I love her way to much but I commited to the show, I can't let you down, you gave me a life time opportunity, I can't just ignore that" 

"Demi, I am not giving you the option, you need to slow down, I am still going to be there for you and Ally and my door is always open when and if you want to come back, and plus I have heard you are having trouble with HWR so FYI I am more than happy to sign you!" SImon sounded so sincere, I rarely every hear him like this. I know he means it. The last time I heard Simon like this was when he offered me the job on Xfactor, now he has sounded sincere two times in the last day, what is going on?

"Simon, only if you're sure" I was uncertain about this decision, but I knew deep down he was right, I knew that I had to focus on Ally and get her into recovery and still look after myself. Family always comes first and my babygirl means the world to me. I love Ally and right now she is all that matters. 

"100 per cent Demi. I'll let you go but remeber don't be a stranger and you're always welcome to pop in and visit at home and on set whenever you feel like it okay" Simon reassured me he wasn't walking out of my life, I treasured that about him. As much as we bicker he is always looking out for me. 

"Promise Simon" I answered back with a smile on my face. With that I hung up and that's when I heard the stairs creaking which means Ally baby is awake and it is time to talk. The sooner we get this done, the sooner I can figure out what to do. 

Ally found me in the living room and came and sat in my lap and rested her head into my chest. As much as I wanted to stay like this I knew I had to get Ally to talk. I pulled her away from my chest and lifted her chin up so she could look me in the eyes.

"Ally baby, tell me about Zach"

With this Ally crawled off my and sat next to me on the lounge but she was facing me

Ally Pov

I knew I had to talk to Demi about Zach and as much as I hated him, I loved Demi and she had to know more about my past even if I wanted to forget it. 

" Zach is my older brother, Mum took him with her when she left dad and me. Zach was the favourite child, he got everything he wanted, he would always get all the attention. I became the forgotten one, once my parents told us we were going to the easter show and staying a night in a hotel as a treat, they left without me. They made sure they had Zach but they didn't care about me. I was four Demi, I was only four and they left without me. A week later was when my mother left with Zach. From then I had tried to erase Zach from my mind, I would tell people I was an only child. I wanted no memory of him. And then I move away like I mean on the other side of the fucking planet and there he is, at starbucks serving me, then he had the hide to ask how I was and try and get back in my life. No FUCKING way is that happening!" I was done, I had enough talking about my stupid brother, I didn't tell Demi that he beat me up when we were little because she would just say it was a brother, sister thing. I couldn't be bothered to have a fight with her or defend myself. 

"Ally, calm down, you're getting angry and I need you to calm down, you know when you're angry you start to panic. You're safe, he isn't going to get you, I'll make sure of it. You're going to be okay. I am going to protect you Ally. I am going to help you, I will save you from him and anything or anyone else that tried to hurt you. You're mine baby girl and no one elses remember that." Demi pulled me into the most comforting hug I have had since the police station when I found out Demi wanted to adopt me. 

I pulled away and with that I flinched as I bumped my hip on the end of the couch. 'Shit, busted now aren't I' I thought to myself. 

"Al, show me" Demi said sympathetically

Acting dumb I gave Dem a confused look and asked her what she was talking about, I didn't want to have to deal with this right now, I didn't have the willpower to stop what I was doing. I knew if I showed Demi the cuts on my hip she would constantly check me and she would also so my fat covering my entire body. My ribs stick out and so do my hips, but I am still so fucking fat it's embarassing.

"Ally don't play dumb with me, I saw you flinch, show me your hips now please" A more demanding tone came from Demi this time, I had no idea what to say, I couldn't really get out of it, I mean all she had to do now was either pull her puppy dog eyes or give me the silent treatment and I would cave. 

"Demi seriously it is nothing, the couch just zapped me, it is nothing"

"Promise me Ally"

"i-I-I can't promise you anything Demi, I can never make promises you know that! Don't act like I haven't told you that before, because I have"

With that I got up and went back to my room, I had to calm down before I yelled at Demz. I really can't handle a fight with her right now, I love her and I need her. I just can''t let her in yet. As much as I trust her, I mean she saved my life many times without even knowing me and now I live with the woman and I am losing my temper with her. I need to pull myself together before she leaves me, before she decides I am to much to handle. 

A/n Okay so this will be my last update for the year I think unless I get 15 comments and 25 votes. I hope you all have a good christmas and a happy new year! MY BIRTHDAY IS ON THE 30TH OF THIS MONTH WOOOOO FINALLY 18 BABY! ANYWAYS 2K READS LOVE YOU ALL so bloody much! Stay Strong guys xxx

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