Gonna Get Caught

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A month later

Ally POV

Today was the day where Demi and I are flying back to LA for good. I was not coming back to Australia ever, there was to many bad memories here and I never wanted to relive them. Did I mention that Sam and I had a massive falling out because she was jealous of Demi and all this crap and then I actually found out she was Angie's little snitch all this time. This drama caused Demi and I to move to Queensland becuase no one knew of me there. Once we were back in LA, Demi had set up an interview with Ryan Secrest to introduce me to the world as her daughter and I was so scared I actually begged Demi to pull it but she knew that she had to introduce me sometime.

"Ally! Hurry up, seriously we are going to miss our flight girl. Lets go, lets go, lets go"

"Woah Demi, we have a private jet, it's not going anywhere without us considering we are it's only passengers oh and Maxy of course." I say Maxy because Max has become someone that I have become very close to over the last month and a bit. No I haven't opened up about anything with him, but he was always there to listen to me whenever Demi and I had a fight or something. I guess I should fill you in what has happened in the last month shouldn't I?

Brooke, Kez and Mick fought the courts hard for them to give Demi custody over me. It was a little challenging as the Australian court was a bit hesitant at first but with the help of the American court system it only took 2 weeks for Demi to become my legal guardian. Within those two weeks Demi and I fought a lot, I guess it was the stress both of us were undergoing. I didn't eat and Demi wasn't forcing me to eat so I felt that she didn't care and I was cutting myself a lot! Also during this is when the massive falling out occurred so that just added more stress on both of us and when the courts were settled we moved straight away, Demi and I made up and everything was okay until she found me sneaking back into the condo drunk and smelling of smoke and since then we haven't really spoken for the last week. It was hella awkies really and I just wanted to be back cuddling in Demis arms but I am going to have to make the first move so I thought the flight would be a good time to talk to her.

I rushed downstairs with one suitcase, yes jut one! Demi had thrown all my stuff out besides the stuff that I had tagged I didin't want and she told me we were starting fresh in LA and I didn't need to bring much. Unlike my one suitcase Demi had three suitcases. One for her clothes, one for shoes and one for her makeup and everything else really. I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle when I saw her in her sweats and tee, accessorised with her glasses and her blue hair in a messy bun. Her response was an eye roll and a hand gesture for me to hurry up.

The trip to the airport was deathly silent and all we heard was the humming of the engine and Max's occassional cough to make things more uncomfortable. I stared out the window trying to think of how I am going to approach this whole situation but I was overcome with all the memories I was about to say goodbye to forever if I was lucky.

Demi's POV

I just wanted to hug Ally and say sorry but I knew I had to stand my ground and show that she had to deal with the punishment of sneaking in at 4am drunk and smelling of smoke. I know I shouldn't jump to conclusions thinking that she was smoking but when I smelt her breath after she vomited all over the kitchen floor, I knew that she had been smoking. It was killing me this last few days having very little conversation with her but it seemed like she didn't want anything to do with me and I guess I understand where she was coming from as I was like this before treatment and whenever mum caught me sneaking back in I didn't want to talk to her until I felt it was needed. I looked over at Ally and I noticed she was crying silently, I guess she was thinking of what had happened over the past 17 years of her life and how she was about to leave it all behind to start fresh.

After a long and uncomfortable 30 minute trip, we arrived at the airport and snuck through the side enterence and made our way straight to the private plane. I knew that Ally and I had to talk about what had happened before we arrived on my home soil and Ally's now home soil. Max helped my load  my three suitcases in the under compartment and I went to help Ally but she had already put hers in and was on the plane waiting to leave. As I walked on the plane I noticed that Ally had put her music on and was singing and boy could she sing. I wanted to hear more but then she turned around and stopped, hanging her head  in what seemed to be shame or embarassment. She sat down in her chair and I sat down in mine just across the aisle and that's when the plane started.

Max was up the front with the pilot so it just left Ally and myself, all alone for the next 18 hours, oh joy was this going to awkward.

About 3 hours into the flight Ally hadn't said one word to me, no matter how hard I tried. I was at the stage of giving up so I put my eye mask one and rested my head on my ellen pillow. Thank gosh for that woman, this pillow is the best thing ever. As I was about to doze off, I felt something very light crawl on top of me in a ball, I knew straight away that it could only be one person and it totally wasn't Max, leaving it to be Ally. I lifted my eye mask up and looked at Al, as soon as I looked her in the eye, she started bawling her eyes out and saying sorry over and over again. I knew this was going to be a hard talk but we needed it to happen. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer so her head was resting on my chest and my chin was resting on top of her head. I told her to calm down and go to sleep and we would talk about this before we landed.

A/N sorry I haven't updated in a while guys but I have been a little busy with finishing school and trying to get ready before I go away next week. This is kinda a filler but next chapter will be the talk that Ally and Demi have and there is going to be a little bit of drama involved in it. Please keep voting and I would love it if you guys would start commenting ;) Stay Strong and I love you all!  

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