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Ally POV

I looked up at this boy who looked around fifteen or sixteen, I have no idea who it is but somehow they know me and it's kinda scaring me.

"Uh yes, and you might be?" I questioned him

"It's me, Zach..."

Oh shit! Zach, oh my gosh, my older brother! Zach was taken with mum, but about three months later mum had phoned dad to say that Zach was taken by some guys, that's when dad got really bad and started to really hurt me. Zach and I never realy got along, I was two years younger than Zach but very jealous of him, he always got the attention, he got everything he wanted. You could say that he was the favourite. With this I forgot about Zach and I would always tell everyone that I was an only child. I erased him out of my mind.

"Zach... What are you doing here?" 

"I moved over here when I was twelve with my adoptive parents, we are actually moving to Colorado in two weeks this is my last shift here, what are you doing here?

"Have you been living under a rock or something moron? Demi Lovato adopted me. We moved over here in search for a fresh start and with that fresh start I would like to remove everything to do with my past so if you wouldn't mind, I don't actually want to become close to you and I want you to forget what just happened. You bought me nothing but evil when you were born and I had finally erased you out of my mind and then you come prancing back into my life like this!" 

I was harsh I know but I wanted nothing to do with my biological family especially Zach, even though he was so young when he left and couldn't control what mum and dad would do with him compared what they would do with me, which was nothing, I still despised him and was perfectly fine thinking that he never existed.

"Ally, I have no idea why you are being so mean, I am your brother and that means I am your family, I couldn't control what mum did, I had no say in leaving, she left with me, I didn't leave with her. Can't you just give me a chance please?"

"Zach, NO!" I turned on my heels to see that Max was standing by the door on the phone to someone. I walked over to him and beckoned for him to come, I wanted nothing to do with Zach, and I had to leave before I did or said something that I would regret or get into trouble for. 

Max saw that I wanted to leave and got off his phone straight away, before he could say anything I slammed through the door and ran to the car, Max was running behind me and when he got close enough, he unlocked the car so I could get in before any paps saw me in my rage.

"Al, what's up? What happened in there?" Max questioned me but didn't push anything because he knows if I want to talk I will, but if I don't he doesn't mind, but he warns Demi something isn't right.

"Drop it Max" I said. I bought my knees to my chest and hugged them and minutes later my knees were soaking wet from the silent tears falling down my face. 

Once we got back to the set I bolted out of the car before it was even stopped, I needed Demi now, I needed her to tell me that she wasn't going to leave me, I needed her to tell me that I was her family and that my biological family could do nothing to me.

I ran through the hallways looking for the meeting room, when I found it, I barged in without even knocking, I saw everyone in there besides the one person who I needed right now, with that I collapsed on the floor and let out a scream. What if Demi had left and now I am strandard, I am homeless, I have no one. I started to really panic then, now I could feel a panic attack setting in. 

Someones hand started to rub up and down my back telling me to calm down and asking me what was wrong, all I could do was shake my head and sob, I couldn 't actually say anything, I couldn't breath, the walls were closing in, I needed Demi. 

With that someone  picked me up and whispered in my ear "Match my breathing baby girl, you're okay, I am here, come on match my breathing." 

It was the soothing voice of Demi and now I knew I was somewhat safe. I snuggled into her chest and heard her heartbeat, I tried to slow down my breathing but it was harder than ever. I needed to be alone, I was in front of randoms that don't know anything about me. I had to do this for Demi though, I had to slow down my breathing to be able to tell Demi that I wanted to be alone with her right now and with noone else. 

About ten minutes later I had calmed down and was able to talk slow and jaggered to Demi,

"I-I-I w-wa-want to be-be al-alone with y-y-y-you" I managed to stutter out

"Baby girl, we are alone, we have been for the last twenty minutes. I went to the bathroom and two seconds later Pau Pau came and got me saying she needed me immediately. I have been here with you the whole time baby" Demi told me in a hushed tone keeping me in a somewhat calmer state. 

"I-I'm sorry De-Demz"

Demi POV

"What happened baby girl, tell me what happened"

"Max and I we-went to Starbucks and the guy greeted me and then he stopped himself midway through the sentence and said my name. He looked a little familiar but I wasn't sure who it was so I asked him and it was Zach..." Ally kept crying but she was a lot calmer than before.

"Whose Zach?"

"My My brother" She started crying hysterically again, brother, she had never mentioned a brother before, I thought she was an only child. 

I picked up Ally and decided that today wasn't the best day to go shopping anymore. We needed to get home so Ally can calm down and tell me about this brother. 

With Ally in my arms, I went to find Simon to tell him that I had to leave because Ally needed to be with me at home right now and not surrounded by people she doesn't know or just met. I found Simon with Kelly and Pau Pau hanging around the stage, by now Ally was asleep in arms with her faced stained with tears, it was heartbreaking to see. 

Walking up to Simon, he turned around and looked genuinely worried

"Demi, what happened, is Al okay?" I've never seen Simon so caring to be honest, it was so strange.

"Simon, I really have to take Ally home and be with her right now, something has happened and she just needs to be at home with me, is that okay?" I answer back praying that Simon will say yes.

"Demi of course it is, Family comes first to you and Ally is your family, right now Ally needs your help and that's all that matters. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or her Demi." Simon must have fallen out of bed or something this morning because this isn't Simon, but I am not saying anything and I am doing what he tells me. 

With this I say goodbye to everyone and take Ally to the car, with Max waiting paitently in the warm car. Ally is now completly asleep and I am not far off it. For it only being 2pm it has already been a jammed pack day but I will take each day as it comes and if these are how the days are until Ally is better than I will take them. I just want my baby girl better.

A/N okay so sorry I haven't updated in a while. What do we think? Feedback would be great because with more feedback, updates come earlier. I hate to do this but I am chaning Ally's age from 17 to 15 just because I think that's an age that suits the story better. Stay Strong and I love you all xxx

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