Hold up

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Ally POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar surrounding, it was dark but there was a hint of light coming from under a door, I went to get up but as I did I heard someone talking to someone on what I assume was the phone

"Mum I already have a connection with her, her father sounds a little like Patrick and she reminds me so much of myself. I don't know what to do though, I want to help her but I feel that I am just going to let her down or something like that, what if I make it worse for her, what if I can't help her all the time. I want to adopt her so bad mum but I can't unless I report her father and I don't want to bring that up just yet with her. I have two days free so I guess I will try and talk to her and go from there I guess" Someone sobbed.

Then I remembered, I went to Demi Lovato's meet and greet and she told me to go to her tour bus and I told her what happened to me and that's all I remember, so either I am with some complete stranger or I am actually with the one and only Demi Lovato, in her hotel room. I finally decided to go and see what was going on and where I actually was. I got out of the bed and went over to the door that I heard the voice coming from, as I opened it I saw a sight that I never thought I would see in my life. Demi freaking Lovato in just a long college jersey and pj shorts, slightly fangirling I tried to contain myself and a cleared my throught. As I did this Demi turned around and looked at me with tears streaming down her face and her eyes covered behinf her glasses. Gosh she was so heavenly even when she was crying. Wait why was she crying?

"Mum,I gotta go, Ally just woke up. Love you, miss you, talk soon."

Demi hung up the phone and wiped away her tears as she came over and picked me up and carried me back to bed.

"Uhh Demi, why am I here with you? Why are you crying? Why aren't I at home? When do I go home?--"

"Ally, enough with the questions, calm down sweetie it's okay, you need to rest but to answer all your questions. You are here with me because you came to my meet and greet and I saw your wrists and I felt a special connection with you and I want to help you, I am crying because I want you to be happy like you deserve and I am scared I can't do that for you or I am going to fail you. You aren't at home because you feel asleep on the bus and I didn't want you at home because of what your dad does to you. Finally you can go home whenever you want but just know that I don't want you to really go home ever because I want you to be with me and not in an unsafe environment. I couldn't do that to you."

"Demi, I don't want to go home ever,I want to be with you but the thing is once you get to know me you will want me to leave and also you live on the otherside of the world, you are only here for another week then you go back home, you will forget about me, you won't want anything to do with me. Oh and Demi you could never fail me with what ever you do" I felt something trickle down my face when I finished talking, I realised I was crying. Demi put her hand up to my face and wiped away the tears, I flinched back and as I did I got so angry at myself, I just flinched away from Demi Lovato.

"Baby it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, I know what it's like and I would never do that to you. Trust me please. I will not leave you, I will not forget you! We can talk about this all in the morning. It's really late and you and I both need sleep. The bed is big enough for the both of us so make yourself comfy and we will talk in the morning. Just remember I love and I always will." Demi leaned in for a hug and I accepted, she kissed my forehead and lied down, I went to move to the far edge of the bed so I didn't disturb Demi but she pulled me closer until I was snuggled into her and felt her raidating heat, I must be dreaming or something becuase no one cares about me like this. 


When we got up to the room, I layed Ally down in my bed and tucked her in, she was so light and I wanted her to realise that she doesn't need to be skinny to be beautiful. I decided that I would ring mum and talk to her, I haven't spoken to her since I have been here and I miss her and she will know what to do. I went to check on Ally first as I thought I heard something but she was still sound asleep, I must be going crazy or something. I went out into the kitchen area of my suite and made myself some toast because that is all I can cook apparently, as I did this I called mum and she picked up almost straight away.

"Hey sweetie, how is Australia, is it as beautiful as they say, anything exciting happening, when do you come home again"

"MUM, calm down and stop asking me questions, it's not like I haven't been overseas before. Yes it is beautiful but I'm not ringing you about that, I ringing you because I need some really important advice as I am in a situation."

"What is it darling?"

I told her the story of what happened tonight and by the end of it I was crying, I was so confused in what to do and how to approach it, you think I would know because I had been in a sistuation very similar but I still don't if you know what I mean.

"Sweetie, you need to listen to your heart, you obviously have a strong connection to this girl because of what you have experienced but you need to remember your working scheldule and if you are able to handle it. You know what to do and whatever you do we will support you and so will your lovatics."

Mum always knows what to say to make me feel better, I was about to respond when I heard someone behind me, I turned around and standing there was a stick thin Ally looking like she was about to pass out or something. I told mum I had to go and immedietly went over to Ally and picked her up and went to put her back in bed. She inundated me with questions, just like my mother did, what is it with people thinking I know everything, I was homeschooled for goodness sake, not the brightest bulb in the box I say. 

I told Ally what had happened and that I didn't want her to go home but if she wanted to she could. She told me she didn't want to but then she said something that ripped my heart in two, "you will forget about me, you won't want anything to do with me." How could she think that. I already love this girl but I guess with what she has suffered over the years it is hard to believe someone could ever care about you or love you for that matter. I told her that we needed some sleep and that we would talk in the morning about the whole situation. She went to move over to the other side of the bed as far as she could but I pulled her in closer to me  and snuggled her, I felt her little heart steady as she was calming down from crying and within minutes she was asleep. I wrapped my arms around her body and closed my eyes, I want to be like this forever, I want to snuggle up to Ally every night and provide her with the love and care she deserves, but the question is will she let me?

A/N sorry I haven't updated in a while guys. Please let me know what you think. I really would like feedback on this. Stay Strong guys 

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