Let It Go

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Ally POV

It has been a week since Demi introduced me to the world as her daughter and it has been hectic, there has been so many interviews, TV appearences and all the Hollywood things, it was so cool to start with but now it is getting really annoying having to get up at like 4am every morning and have interview after interview everyday. I haven't just had Demi and me time but today Demi cleared everything and made sure it was a day to relax and just spend time with each other. I had just woken up and it was around 10:30am, I rolled over to check my phone and I had seven new texts all from Maddie saying how she wanted to do something soon and the rest was just twitter and instagram notifications. I was just about to get up when my door slammed open and Demi was in mid air about to land on my. I was screaming so scared that this crazy woman was about to kill me or something, she had way to much energy. Just then Demi was on top of me tickling me and telling me to get up.

"Alright, Alright! I am getting up but to be able to do that you need to get off me loser"

"HEY! that's not very nice" Demi retorted with the biggest pout I have seen her do ever! She can be such a baby when she wants to, it's hard to believe that she has just turned 21.

I roll Demi off me and run to the bathroom locking the door. I pulled up my top to make sure Demi hadn't reopened any cuts. My cutting has been getting worse but Demi thinks I am getting better, she also thinks my eating is improving but really whenever she turns her back at the dinner table I shove food in my pockets or I feed it to Bella, Demi's dog. 

"Baby open up, someone is on the phone for you!" Demi yelled from the otherside of the door. I quickly freshen up and open the door and take the phone off Dems

"Hello?" I said more of a question as Demi didn't tell me who it was

"Hey sis, it's Mads do me a favour and go outside please, don't tell Demi either"

"Uhhh okay" I hung up before Maddie can say anything else. Demi had gone to her room to get changed or something, so I snuck downstairs quietly to the front door, as I opened it there was a cage with something white and fluffy I bring it inside and open the cage and that's when this cute little puppy about the size of my hand stumbled out with a note attached to it's collar

Dear Ally,

I am so glad I can call you my sister, I bought this puppy for you to show you that I will always be with you. Demi knew I was giving you the puppy so don't worry. Stay Strong baby, it's okay not to be okay sometimes, just remember Demi will always be there to listen when you don't feel like anyone is. 

Love Mads xxxxx 

PS. puppies name is ZaZa

Legit, Maddie bought me a puppy, gosh I love her but she really did not have to buy me a puppy like really! I picked up ZaZa and bought her to Demi's room to show her, walking up the stairs I heard Demi on the phone to someone

"I am pulling her out of school, well homeschool she doesn't need it, techniqually she is finished, she already has too much on her plate when I tell her what has happened. Maddies gift should have arrived now, how am I going to tell her that I know what she is doing, how am I going to tell her that I have to go on tour for three months without her, she just got here! God Damnit, why now, I don't think I can leave her, not in this state and especially when we just got back home!..... I don't care if the tour is just around the country I am not doing it and that is my final decision... Tell HWR that I will find a new record label if they don't accept my decision!"

I ran back downstairs and took ZaZa outside to go to the bathroom and then I would take ZaZa to meet Demi, I had to act like I never heard that but I don't want Demi putting her career on hold just because of me, I mean if she does go on tour it means I can get away with not eating and I might be able to end it once and for all and then Demi wouldn't have to worry about anyone besides herself when she has been asked to go on tour. 

Ten minutes later I walked back upstairs into Demi's room and found her laying on her bed just scrolling through Twitter. I jumped in bed next to her and put ZaZa to let her roam Demi's bed.

"OMG, she is so cute, Maddie can pick the cute ones can't she. Ally you have to take care of ZaZa and make sure her and Bella get along" Demi said in somewhat of a motherly tone

"Yes mum, I know. Trust me I know what to do okay! Can we just go to the movie room and snuggle and watch a heap of movies today and not think about anything to do with social media or your work. I just want to spend Demi and Ally time" I bowed my head remembering that the last time we really had Demi and Ally time was when we got from the police station after my father had passed away and that was the best day that I ever had.

Demi lifted my chin and smiled "Of course baby girl, lets go, I say PJ and movie day! Ally you know I would do anything for you just to see you fully recovered and I am so glad you are getting closer to that each day" She said proudly

I had a little chuckle to myself and thought 'little do you know Demi, maybe I can hide it so much better considering you are back home and caught up with work'. I gave Demi a kiss on the cheek and smiled so she didn't suspect anything from me, deep down I was breaking at each word Demi would say to me because I was doing to opposite of what she thought I was doing but I couldn't stop...

A/n Okay shit chapter, like really shit chapter!!!!! I need suggestions in where to go with the story, I know where I want to go with it and I have that planned out but I need around 5 more chapters before I can start that idea! Help me out guys pretty pretty please! 

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