Yes I Am

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Ally Pov

I had just been released from the hosiptal and now Demi and I are heading home. The doctor told me that I had to go back to the hospital next week for another assessment. Demi had been acting so weird after he told me that, she is saying as little as possible which is so unlike her, I normally can't get her to shutup. Being so caught up in my thoughts I hadn't realised that we had arrived home.

"Come on baby girl, let's go inside, we need to talk." Fucking hell Demi knows whenever someone says that, my anxiety goes to an all time high. 

Getting out of the car in a hurry, I bounded inside and ran up to my room where I was about to have a panic attack but before anything happened Demi's soothing voice calmed me down.

"Baby, it's okay. You're okay,  nothing is going to happen"

"What is it mummy? Why are you sending me back, you promised you wouldn't" I said numbly

"Oh Ally, I'm not sending you anywhere I promise, you're stuck with me forever and ever. The doctor has told me that there may be a possibilty of you going to.... going to"

"WHERE AM I GOING DEMI?" I yelled, why is she prolonging this talk. My anxiety was rising at a rapid pace

"Treatment Ally" Demi bowed her head and said the dreaded words just above a whisper 

Demi POV

"NO MUMMY, THEY CAN'T TAKE ME AWAY FROM YOU. MUMMY DON'T MAKE THEM" Ally bawled her eyes out while screaming, that was the moment I realised how dependent my little girl was with me, she needed me and I would make sure I was always there for her. 

"Baby, baby. Calm down. I told them they can't take you away, you're to young to face that amount of pain. I'm not letting you go, if I don't sign the papers they can't admit you. It's okay baby, you're staying here with me." I needed to tell Ally because that's what the assessment next week is for, to see how far Ally was in the black darkest otherwise known as depression and her eating disorder. 

"Demi come down stairs please we need to talk" dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs

They had just pulled me off tour with the Jonas brothers because I lashed out at the backup dancer. I mean she deserved it, she called me a slut, like fuck off, just because she caught me making out with a few crew members in one night doesn't make me a slut. I trudged my way down the stairs covering my arms in my oversize sweater, thank gosh it was coming up to winter or otherwise there was going to be suspiscions as to why I was wearing a sweater. 

"What do you want, first you deprive me of becoming a big time popstar, what the fuck do you want Eddie" I snapped when I reached the living room

"Demetria don't you dare speak to your father like that" Mum warned me

"He isn't my father, my father is Patrick no matter he fucking did to me" I don't know why I just said that, Eddie was my dad and Patrick was my father

"DEMETRIA!" Mum said shocked

"I'm sorry Dad, I didn't mean it, I don't know why I said it" I wept

"Demi you're going to treatment" Just like that my world shattered even more than it had


"Demi, look at Maddie, she has been here the whole time, you haven't even noticed her. It's your decision if you go or not, but I'm telling you if you don't go, you will not have Madison apart of your life until you get better" Eddie said, mum couldn't speak, she was to hysterical by this point. 

I looked over to my seven year old sister at the time, eight in December. She looked at me like I was a monster, I could see how terrified she was of me, I had just lashed out at mum and dad without even realising she was there. The amount of times she came into my room at night to sleep with me and I was curled up in a ball with blood running down  my arms was countless. That's when I realised I needed help, my baby sister needs a role model, needs to be shown that someone who is hurting can recover. 

I was bought out of my memory by Ally cawling up in a ball on my lap and wiping the tears away from my face that I had been oblivious to. 

"It's okay mummy, you're better now, Maddie is on the phone. You're a warrior mummy" 

Ally handed me the phone and I spoke to Mads for a little bit until she told me she had to go to ariel, but something about her tone had me thinking she was lying. I said goodbye and I love you, and hung up. 

"Before you ask, you were saying 'you can't take Maddie away from me', I knew you were having a flashback so I rung Mads straight away" 

Ally POv

Mummy was having a flashback, I dare say it was about when she was told about going to treatment, when she said about taking Mads away from her I knew I was right and dialed Maddies number. After mum and Mads had finished talking, mummy suggested we take a walk around the community. Before we could even get out of bed to get ready there was a knock on the door. 

Demi went to get it while I went to unpack my backpack from the hospital. While unpacking my backpack there was a scream downstairs and then Demi yelling for me to get downstairs. Racing down the stairs and reaching the front door I saw Dianna standing there with Maddie by her side.

"Dianna, Mads. What are you doing here?" I asked

"First off Al, I know you and Demi have spoken about calling Eddie and I Muma and Papi, so from now on thats what you call us baby. Second we are here to be with you, you can't go scaring us like that again now, we don't like family in the hospital unless a baby is coming, and there will be no babies for a very very long time Ally." Muma pulled me into a hug and before she could even let go Maddie was tackling me to the ground and smothering me with kisses. 

Gosh this family is my world. I love them so much. 

OKAY OKAY I have come to the conclusion even with your support for me not to stop this fanfic I just can't continue it......


LOL JOKES I will be continuning it, thank you to everyone that commented saying they love it, means the world to me. I didn't ever think I would get the amount of reads I have and I am so effing grateful. Leave constructive feedback and also ideas with what you want to happen in this story.  

If you're still reading this comment who you ship Demi with, I will be using the winning ship name for some future ideas ;) 


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