Got Dynamite

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Demi POV

Okay so the last week was crazy and yesterday Ally and myself just had a day together to watch movies and chill. Everything has been sorted with HWR and they aren't dropping me and I am not going on tour. Today I had to go to the set of Xfactor to see Simon, Pau Pau and my girl Kelly about this years Xfactor and I have decided that I am going to take Ally with me and then after we are going to go shopping and shop up a storm.

"Ally Lovato, we have ten minutes to get out of this door! Get your butt down here girlfriend or I will carry you myself" I yell from downstairs. I told Ally that I was proud of her yesterday for trying to recover but to be honest I have a feeling she isn't, I am going to talk to her tonight about it because I noticed at breakfast she only had one slice of toast and I caught her feeding some of it to Bella and then when I came back from the fridge it had miraculously all gone and her hand was clenched and she ran over to the bin to clean her plate off but there was actually nothing to clean off becuase there wasn't any crumbs but something dropped into the bin because I heard it. 

Ally came down the stairs with like a minute to spare before I actually went up and dragged her out of her room. She had on a white t-shirt, dark blue denim jeans, a long beige knit caridgan and combats and a beige beanie as it was the beginning of december and it was actaully getting cold in LA for once, so this was a good outfit to wear and the xfactor set is always freezing to!! Her makeup was really nice but I noticed her neck was all red and blotchy and her eyes were bloodshot.

"Al, what's up sweetie? Why are your eyes bloodshot and your neck red?"

"Oh it's uhhh uhm uhhh nothing Dems, just a bit of hayfever, I'll be cool"

"Haygever....Right, you sure you're okay to come. I can call Marissa to come over and look after you" I questioned her but I didn't believe one bit it was hayfever

"Nah, I'll be cool. I really want to meet the old grumpy man" 

"Right, good, he is going to love it! Mini me. It's going to be fun with both of us this year!!" I laughed and swooped Ally off the bottom step and carried her out to Max's car, which had been here for all of a minute or two and Max was beeping the horn like he had been waiting forever. This man needs to take a chill pill sometimes!

"Hey Maxy, chill out dude! Demi and I were just talking." Ally says as I hope into the otherside of the car.

"Sorry Al, I was just having some fun beeping the horn to be honest" We all chuckled 

"And how old are you again, you silly fart" Ally questioned back

"Okay seriously Max how come when I talk to you like that I get a shake of the head or a 'don'ttalk to me like that Demi', but when Ally talks to you like that she get a laugh an doesn't get told to grow up"

"Demi, don't be jealous, I have to be professional with you but I don't with Ally because I am not hired by her, it's the rules. Don't act like we don't have fun though because you know we do most of the time" Max said back in somewhat of a fatherly tone, I did sound like a jealous older sister, fighting with her dad because he paid more attention to her, though I do admit to that. 

We finally arrived to the Xfactor set and I jump out of the car and Ally slides over and jumps out my side too. There are paps everywhere and Max sticks right by my side and as close to Ally as possible, once we were inside I was greeted by the crew and they told me everyone was waiting in the meeting room. I rolled my eyes knowing that as soon as I enter that door I am going to get some sarcastic comment from the British pain in the ass about never being on time or some shit like that. 

Ally POV

Walking into the set was crap, I actually got scratched by some pap and they were yelling things at Demi and then when Demi wouldn't answer they would start on me. Like fuck off and annoying someone else like Paris Hilton or LiLo. 

Proceding into the building Demi was greeted by the crew and Max walked off somewhere and didn't come back. Demi led me to the meeting room and I was trying to control myself as much as possible, I was just about to meet THE Simon Cowell and THE Kelly Rowland. I wasn't that starstruck about Pau Pau though considering I have never really heard of her until Demi told me she was on the judging pannel. 

Walking through the door I laying eyes on Simon I actually got so nervous that I hid behind Demi like a five year old would. I started  shaking when he opened his mouth to say something. What if he was about to yell at me to get out or say that I wasn't worth Demi's time. Like I already knew that but Simon telling me would just shatter me even more.

"Well if it isn't the brat and her minion" Simon said walking to Demi with his big grin on his wrinkly face

"Well if it isn't my British pig and his plaited chest hair" Demi retorted back before Simon pulled her into a hug.

It was so funny seeing them act like that first hand, like I mean I watched them on youtube together and that but it was just so funny to see that this is Demi's boss and this is how they treat each other. If this was a normal job Demi would have been fired before she could even blink. But I mean this isn't a normal job, this is Xfactor with Demi Lovato as a judge, and Simon Cowell running the show basically. 

Simon looked over to me and raised his eyebrows as if he was to say and you are but before I got to introduce myself I was cut off by Simon talking to me

"Ally, Ally, Ally, I have heard so much about you, you are of course the brats minion and adopted child. Looks like I will be seeing you around quite often then. Don't be scared  of me, I am not that scary" He said with a grin

Without even thinking "The only thing that scares me old man, is the ability you have to be able to perfectly part your hair down the middle and still look the same as you did when you lived with the dinosaurs" It just rolled off my tounge like I had known him for years and he would understand me.

Demi was pissing herself laughing, Kelly and Pau Pau were also on the ground laughing and Simon just simply said "The brat has taught you well. Welcome to the Xfactor family" and with that he pulled me into a hug.

Once everything had settled down and the meeting was finally over I went to go and find Max because Demi had to do a press conference with all the other judges and I really wanted Starbucks. It has been my addiction ever since I got here, but I guess that's the best addiction I had right?

I finally found Max outside on his phone playing Candy Crush, yes Maxy was playing Candy Crush.

"Maxy, Starbucks please, Demi still has two hours here and if I am going to stay awake I need it now!" I begged him

"Jump in the car kiddo and lets go" He said while rolling his eyes at me. The amount of times he has taken me to Starbucks is actually countless, it doesn't help that Demi is addicted too.

We pull up to Starbucks in less than five minutes and I run in before the paps see me. When I reach the counter to make my order I greeted with the usual greeting

"Hello and welcome to Starbucks what can I-I- Ally?"

I look up to see an unfamilar face but yet familiar face looking at me, how on earth did this person know me and why did they ask my name in such a questioning tone?

A/n Okay drama is back in the next chapter! Seriously over 1k reads you guys are amazeballs, seriously love every single one of you! I love y'all! Please comment and vote, I love reading all the feedback given but I haven't really gotten much ha, so can we change that? Stay Strong and remember I love everyone of you! 

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