Two pieces

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As I get to the Jenners/Kardashians I notice that it's just Kims car that is in the driveway which was strange consdering the girls were going in Kendalls car. I race out of my car and ring the doorbell and Kim comes to the door with Nori. 

"Hey Dems, I didn't want to scare you but Ally apparently had a meltdown at lunch and the girls had to drop her off here before an emergency with mum. She has calmed down heaps but she won't leave the living room and just keeps repeating 'not again' whenever she talks." I nod my head and make my way past Kim to the living room. 

I see Ally curled up in a ball on the couch just staring at the wall, I think I know what it is about but I am not going to make assumptions. 

"Baby girl, it's me Demi, mummy. Do you want to tell me what's wrong" I question her using a soft tone

"Not again, not again, not again"

"What's not again baby?"

"Tell them to go away, I don't want to be known as the mental kid around town"

I was upset that Ally was thinking that, that is what she was going to be labled. I made sure when I bought a house in LA that I was at least surrounded y people who were going to be supportive of each other and so far everyone has been. Everyone helps out with one another, they are there for each other and I love it. I do live in an apartment building but the people who are close to that building support me, so of course it's natural for them to support Ally. 

"Ally I need you to tell me what is happening. Lets go home and we can talk there where you are more comfortable." I said a little harsher to get my point through. 

I picked Ally up and thanked Kim for looking after her and I would ring her later to let her know how Ally was. She was so concerned about Ally which is so sweet of Kim, people just think she is this superficial person but she and the rest of her family are gorgeous and just so down to earth. 

Ally POV

We had just arrived home and I can't remember anything that happened earlier today due to the fact that my demons were so loud. Kylie, Kendall and myself went to urth cafe for lunch and Max had picked up ZaZa. I told him I would call him or Demi when I was ready to be picked up but Kendall insisted on dropping me home. I had ordered a simple garden salad and managed to eat it all due to the distractions around me, but as soon as my plate was taken away that's when they started. 

'Fucking fat whale'

'You have to be pretty to be Demi's daughter'

'Mummy will just beat you like your other parents did'

'You know Kendall and Kylie are just out with you so they can get in the magazines. They don't care about you.'

"Ally, we have to go. Mum just rung us and we have to go to the office for some meeting. We will drop you at our home and Max or Demi can get you from there"

"Not again, not again" I repeated

I just got into the car and didn't say a word until I got into the living room where I started at the white plain wall covered in magazine covers of all the girls.

"Not again, Not again, not again" I repeated over and over again. 

Next thing I know, I am being put into my gym shorts and baggy tee. How on earth did I get home. 

"Ally you have to tell me what happened. What happened at lunch Ally" Mum said, wait how am I with mum?

"How did I get here?" I questioned, avioding the main question

" I came and picked you up after Kim text me saying something had happened to you and you weren't moving from your position." 

"You're telling me I was in the same room as Kim Kardashian and I didn't even notice. First I meet Beyonce and now I have met Kim" I say in disbelief, how could I miss the stunning Armenian girl in the same room as me. I truly am fucked up.

"Yes, anyway. What happened Ally?" That was a sharp tone, I knew Demi was being serious and I couldn't avoid answering it. 

" I uhhhh I ate my lunch"

"Good girl Ally but why did you zone out after that. Why do you think you're going to be known as the mental kid"

"My demons, they were worse than they had ever been. I couldn't hear anyone but them. It was like they were engulfing me into this darkness. I hadn't been to this darkness before, I had been to dark places but not this dark. I couldn't get out. Demi I couldn't get out!!!!" I howled

Without any warning to Demi or even myself actually I bounced out of Dem's arms and ran for the closest bathroom. Not even caring to shut the door, I stuck my two fingers down the back of my throat and threw the entire contents of my stomach up and then also acid and blood. 

Demi pulled my away from the toilet just after. I was kicking and screaming like a little kid who didn't get a go a the merry go round. I wanted to die, I wanted to die skinny. I wanted to die now why wouldn't she let me. 

"Demi is everything alright" 

"Eddie I need you to call an ambulance now"

Fuck what have I done now. 

A/n You guys are amazing. You got the early update and I followed through with it. Are you proud. This one is the last update till I get back from Fiji next week. I love you all Stay Strong, Stay Beautiful xxxxx

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