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Ally POV

White, everything around me is white, the walls are white, the curtains are white, the bed is white, the sheets are white and my gown is white. Hearing whispers around me I turn my head to see two unfamiliar figures talking about something in a low tone and then turning my head to the other I side I see her, I see the tear stains down her face, I see the puffy bags under her eyes, I see the frazzeled hair but she isn't the person I wanted to see. 

"Dal-Dallas, where's Demi?" I croak out but it doesn't seem to wake her.

Shaking her arm the was placed on my arm, was the next attempt and thankfully that worked. Sitting up sharply Dallas rubs her eyes and the tears start falling.

"Oh Ally, thank gosh, thank gosh, oh baby you're okay, you're alive" The relief in Dallas's voice was evident but I don't understand how I got here in the first place, I don't even know where I am if I'm honest with you. 

"Where am I Dally? What happened?"

"Oh Ally you hit a vein babygirl, they weren't sure if you were going to make it. Maddie hasn't left her bed since she found out, Mum has been with her crying and  Eddie has been dealing with the press and everyone but at night he just sits right next to you and prays. You scared to shit out of us Al, it's been two weeks and we didn't know if you were going to make it!" Tears welled up in my eyes just thinking about the pain I put this beautiful family through, I don't understand why they care so much about me, I really don't deserve it. 

"And, and Demi?" She was the one who I wanted to know about, who I cared the most for. I remember us having a fight but I need her right now, I need her warm hugs, I need her soft forehead kisses, I need her soothing voice, I need her. 

Dallas shook her head and looked to the floor, not letting a tear fall.

"She was missing but they found her and  now she won't leave her house. The only person allowed to see her is her therapist."

"She hasn't done anything Dally, please tell me she hasn't done anything. I can't live with myself if I knew I was the cause of her to relapse" I pleaded but knowing in my mind that no matter how much I pleaded it wasn't going to change the outcome, I can't change the past, no matter how much I want to. 

"We found her just in time, one more day and she would have been sent back to TK, but she hasn't done anything, her therapist see's her twice a day for two hours each and makes sure she eats, doesn't purge and a full body check happens each time. She has been told if she were to relapse that I will get full custody over you and she will be sent back to TK immediately." Serious but yet concern was shown in Dally's voice. 

As much as I love Dallas and before this wished she was the one that adopted me, I now realise I don't want anyone else but Demi, she was my rock, my saviour, she was my mum and no one can take her away from me. 

Demi POV

Day 16 and Ally still hasn't woken up, My therapist left about four hours ago and is due back in 15, I have just been sitting on the couch watching re runs of Ellen when there is an urgent knock on the door. Ignoring the knock I went straight back to watching the Tv but heard a knock again and heard a yelling voice, realising it was my mum. I decided I would open the door but ignore her until she can't take it anymore and she leaves. 

I was greeted with a quick and desperate plea that had me so worried. All my mother said was get in the car now, it's Ally. This was it, this was me saying goodbye to the one thing that meant more to me than anything. I know for a fact after this, there would be no Demi Lovato, there would be no Lovatics, there would be no trace of me left because the only thing worth living for was Ally and if she was gone, so was I.

Arriving at the hospital minutes later, I follow my mother to Ally's room, because I don't know where it is, I haven't visited her since they took her away in the ambulance, all I know is that she hit a vein when I found her and she had been in a coma for two weeks and the chances of her waking up were slim. 

Bracing myself as I walked through the door, I was greeted by a sorrow looking Dallas who told me she would gives us some time. Not looking at the bed yet, I let the tears fall and repeated "I'm sorry for failing you" at least five times before walking over to the bed. Right before I reached the bed I hear this voice that sounds so similar to Ally's but it's just me hallucinating because I am grieving. 

"DEMI YOU DID NOT FAIL ME NOW COME AND GIVE ME A HUG AND LET ME TALK" the voice was getting louder and when I looked up at the bed preparing myself to see a lifeless Ally lying there, I was overwhelmed with tears when I saw her sitting up in the bed, eyes open and her bandage arm extended out to me waiting for a hug. 

I climbed into the small hospital bed and let the tears fall that I have been keeping in for the last two weeks, I let all my emotions out while I snuggled into my babygirl. I will never let this happen again, I will never let her experience this type of pain again. I am going to step up as a mum and my babygirl is going to be my number one priority. I am going to take a year off and focus on my babygirl and no one else. No love life, no work life and no selfish life. 

"I love you forever and always babygirl. It's just you and me taking over the world" I whispered to her as she fell asleep in my arms, I have missed this so much and nothing can ever take this moment away from me. This is the most love I have felt for Ally ever since I have known her, and my love is only going to grow stronger and stronger each day.




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