Moves Me

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Demi POV

We had been at the hospital now for arround an hour and a half and I still haven't been able to see Ally. I had Eddie and Mar with me. I had texted Kim to tell her that we had taken Ally to the hospital but she should be fine and also thanking her for today. I had never seen Ally like this, not even when I first met her. My baby girl was in the darkest place she could be in right now, it was really scaring me. I was seriously considering treatment at TK but I can't do that just yet, it's been one time really and she will feel like I am giving up on her. I rested my head on Mar's shoulder but was interuppted by the doctor calling for Ally Lovatos family. 

I rushed down the hall to her room. The doctor said she had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days to stay under observation as her stomach lining is no longer existing due to all the purging. The doctor had also noticed fresh cuts on her stomach and thighs but I just said she had fallen into a rose bush when running from Eddie the other night and he believed me. As I entered Ally's room, she was sound asleep, Eddie and Marissa soon reached the room after me and sat by her bed. I asked them both if I could just have a moment with Ally as I wanted to just snuggle with my little girl and cry without anyone seeing me. I asked Mar to go and get me a coffee and asked Eddie if he could ring mum and tell her what had happened. 

Around ten minutes after the others left Ally started to stir, it took her a little bit but she finally woke up and as soon as she saw me she started to cry and rest her head on my chest. I just stroked her hair and keep telling her it was going to be okay. I didn't really know what else to tell her to be honest, I don't fully believe it is going to be okay yet, I am so worried about what else may happen. I can not lose my beautiful daughter, she is my everything. After Ally had calmed down I explained to her what the doctor had told me and she started to freak out when I mentioned the cuts but when I told her what I told the doctor she calmed down a bit. 

When the others got back Ally was surprised to see Mar there, she had only meet her once but they really clicked. I needed Marissa there more for me though, she keeps me strong when I am really struggling with things and today was one of those days. Rissa went over and gave Ally and kiss on the forehead and whispered something in her ear that I didn't catch but saw Ally nod her head when she pulled away. I will be getting to the bottom of that one. Then Eddie came over and said 

"Kiddo, you scared the living daylights out of everyone" with a little chuckle. 

"Sorry Eddie, I didn't mean to" It was the sound of shame in Allys voice that  made me sad, she didn't need to be ashamed, she was sick and she just needed some help to get her to a better state of mind. 

"Ally, you have no need to be sorry, we just want to see you live your life to the fullest, we love you and care for you. You are our family, blood or not. We don't want you going through this pain. I promise you, if I could take this pain and have it myself I would a thousand times over. Please Ally, don't be sorry" Eddie pleaded with her, his eyes had glossed over too. The last time I had seen Eddie cry was when I came out of rehab and that was a few years ago now. He really cares for Ally, he really does love her. 

Ally POV

Eddie and Rissa had just left but considering Demi is my legal guardian she is allowed to stay as long as she wants. I told her to go home with Eddie to sleep in her own bed and catch up on her shows but she refused to leave me. I mean I'm fine I am in a hospital it's not like I can go anywhere. The doctor comes in every one to two hours to check to see how I am feeling and gives me my medicine Ranididine to repair my stomach lining. What Eddie said before really got to me, he considers me as an important memeber of the family. I have never had that feeling before, no one cared for me ever. It was now dinner time and I can tell you now, I was not looking forward to eating, let alone eating hospital food. I would rather eat sawdust than that shit. 

Mum was watching me like a hawk, I had a some warm veggies and a chicken breast. It took me a very long time to eat what Mum said I had to eat and by the time I was finished the food was cold. It wasn't to bad, I guess that's the perks of having a celeb as your mummy, you get quality treatment in shit place aka the hospital. 

It was around 9pm and the doctor, who may I say was quite attractive had come in and given me my last round of meds for the night. Mum and I were snuggled up in the tiny hospital bed watching the iD channel and also flicking to reruns of WOWP during the ads. Yes we were watching WOWP don't judge. I was struggling to keep my eyes open so I turned on my side facing mum and snuggled into her and allowed myself to drift off into the darkness. 


Don't kill me, I have finally updated I am so sorry it's been a month. When I got home from Fiji I had so many assignments for uni to do. I was going to update last week but I haven't been in the right mindspace to write, even this was a struggle for me to write. I am serisouly considering deleting this book. I just don't think you guys like it. Leave me comments where you want this story to go and if you even like the book. Stay Strong and Stay Beautiful xxxxx

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