Chapter 3

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     "Good morning, class!" Ms. Spears greeted my homeroom. Ms. Spears, my English teacher, was a small yet fierce Chinese woman with raven-black hair, small pure onyx-colored eyes, and moon-kissed skin. She had a petite figure and was short, but a very large chest. Ms. Spears often would wear pencil skirts, high heels, and blouses.

     "Good morning, Ms. Spears!" my homeroom and I greeted her back. She gave us a closed-eyed smile and the bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom. It was now time for 1st Period, English. Ms. Spears then began the lesson.

     "Today we will be analyzing the fairies in Shakespeare's play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, since we just finished analyzing the four Athenian lovers!" Ms. Spears exclaimed with joy. She was obsessed with Shakespeare (rumor has it that she tried to marry his corpse). A kid, Ryan Cross, suddenly raised his hand.

    "Yes, Mr. Cross?" Ms. Spears asked, her tone hinting annoyance. Ryan had a stupid grin on his face and asked, "Why are we learning about fairies? Aren't they just stupid little dust bunnies?"

     Everyone, but Ms. Spears and I, began cracking up. A twinge of rage suddenly hit me. Ms. Spears glared at Ryan and continued the lesson.

     "Now, in A Midsummer Night's Dream, the fairy realm is run by a king and a queen. What were their names?" Ms. Spears asked. No one raised their hand and our teacher sighed. I the raised my hand and Ms. Spears brightly smiled at me before saying, "Yes, Ms. Lancaster?"

     "The queen of the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream was Titania and the king was Oberon," I answered. Ms. Spears then exclaimed, "Very good, Ms. Lancaster! Now there is a conflict that causes a fight between Titania and Oberon, which affects the human world. What was the conflict?"

     I then raised my hand again. Ms. Spears waited to see if anyone else would like to answer. When no one else would raise their hands, Ms. Spears pointed to me. I then answered, "The conflict is Titania refused to give Oberon an Indian changeling she collected. Oberon wanted the changeling to be his newest henchman or knight, but Titania won't allow it because the changeling's former mother was a worshipper of Titania."

    "Very good, Ms. Lancaster! Now time for a pop quiz because no one else is answering my questions!" Ms. Spears exclaimed. The rest of my class groaned in annoyance as Ms. Spears passed out the pop quiz. Once she handed me the pop quiz, I began filling it out with answers.

     1. What were the names of the Queen and King of the Fairy Realm in A Midsummer Night's Dream?

     'Titania and Oberon, duh?' I thought. This was too easy for me. I then wrote down my answer and worked on the next question.

     2. Describe the conflict between Titania and Oberon.

     'It literally gives the answer to the first question,' I thought. I then wrote down what the conflict was in the question's answer space. After that, I worked on finishing the quiz. Oh this was going to be a long day.


     "Now for home- RING!!!!!" my Pre-Calculus teacher, Mr. Heer, was interrupted by the final bell, dismissing my Pre-Calculus class and I from that tortuous lesson about numbers. I ran out of the class and to my locker before packing up my backpack with the binders whose assigned class had homework for tonight.

     "Hey homeslice," greeted a familiar voice. I turned around to see Cora with her things all packed up, waiting for me. We quickly did our handshake and exited the school. As we waited outside for our bus, we had a conversation about the requests.

     "I got all, but Will's and Gabriella's," I told Cora. She chuckled and we fist pumped. Cora then told me, "I got all their schedules too! I'll deliver the stuff for Daniel after his American Government class. Then Fiona's after her Art class. Finally Alyssa's after her Geometry class."

     "Oh ok!" I answered back with a smile. Cora chuckled and suddenly our bus pulled up. We boarded the classic yellow school bus, along with other people who ride it also. Cora and I sat down in a two-seater and the bus' engine hummed to life before driving out of the school's lot.


     "See you later, homeslice!" Cora yelled to me as she got off the bus. I laughed and waved her goodbye. The bus then drove to its next stop, my stop, after everyone at Cora's stop got off. In a few minutes later, the bus entered my small townhouse-filled neighborhood. It stopped and opened its doors, allowing me to exit the bus. It drove away, a trail of smoke behind it.

     "Mr. Satos should really fix that engine problem..." I mumbled to myself. He was one lazy bus driver. I walked over to the townhouse and unlocked the door with my house key. The townhouse was eerily silent, the only thing I heard was the creaking sound I made as I walked across the floor boards.

     "Mama Anita? Mama Anita, are you home?" I asked in a worried tone. As I walked upstairs, the faint sound of crying could be heard. It was coming from the master bedroom, Mama Anita's and Papa Papyrus' room. I gently knocked on the door and it creaked open.

     "Mama Anita? Are you in here?" I whispered with more worry. I entered the room and found Mama Anita wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. Her usual bright and excited eyes were red and puffy. Mama Anita's face was stained with tears. She suddenly noticed me and whispered in a shaky and raspy voice, "E-E-Ella? W-W-What a-are yo-you do-do-doing ho-home s-s-soon e-early?"

     "Today's a Tuesday, Mama Anita. Computer Science Club is on Thrusdays. But Mama Anita, why are you crying?" I said to her in a soft concern tone. Mama Anita bursted into more tears and my heterochromic eyes widen in shock. I walked up to her and sat on the king-sized bed before hugging her.

     "P-P-Papa i-i-is WAHH!!!" Mama Anita wailed, not being able to finish her sentence. I hugged her tighter, trying to figure out what happened to Papa Papyrus that would cause Mama Anita to have a complete breakdown. Suddenly reality hit me with full force. My heart sank at the thought.

     "M-Mama A-Anita, is Papa Papyrus...?" I quietly asked, fighting the urge to break down and cry, like Mama Anita was. She stopped sobbing for a moment and looked at me. Swollen and puffy chocolate eyes pierced through my green and golden heterochromic ones.

     "Sí mi bebe, tus padre es muerto," Mama Anita whispered softly and eerily to me in Spanish. My eyes widen and I began to feel light-headed. Everything was spinning and my heartbeat was beating fast as a cheetah. The last thing I thought before passing out was, 'Papa Papyrus is dead.'

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