Chapter 24

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The twins and I walked in silence to a clear patch of the forest. My mind kept wandering to thoughts of Brenin, making me almost run into a couple of trees. His left eye...he was very self-conscious about it. I thought it was pretty cool and an unique thing about him, but I guess he took it the wrong way. On bright side, I don't have to worry about him trying to stop me from returning home.

"Hey Ella, we gonna take board now," stated Cassidy, causing me to snap out of my thoughts. I didn't realized that Cameron already transformed into Cameron Bird Airlines. With a silent nod, I got on Bird Cameron with Cassidy. He let out a squawk before he began his descent into the air. As we flew above the trees, I tried to have a conversation with Cassidy.

     "Cassidy...I'm really sorry..." I mumbled out an apology. She just merely smiled and exclaimed, "It's all okay, Princess! It's no big deal at all!"

     Her sugary response was unusual of her. Cassidy was hiding something from me, but I decided not to push it. She then crawled over to me and sat next to me. Cassidy then asked out of the blue, "Do you know how to do braid hair?"

     "Of course! Do you want me to braid your hair?" I chuckled. Cassidy let out a sweet laugh and nodded. She then got out a silver ribbon from her dress pocket and handed it to me. I then began to do a fishtail braid in her hair. As I braided her hair, Cassidy and I began talking like old friends having a reunion.

"What do human girls do for leisure?" she asked.

"Well it depends on the girl. For me, I watch anime and TV. I also draw, write, read, and sometimes skateboard," I answered.

"What's anime?" Cassidy asked, tilting her to the left in confusion. I held back my laughter and answered, "It's a type of...entertainment!"

"Oh okay!" Cassidy giggled. I let out a laugh with her and then finished up the braid. Getting out my mirror, I gave it to her. She smiled happily at her reflection and in the mirror, I noticed my disguise wore off. Maybe that gave Brenin an extra boost in finding me...I really need to talk with him and apologize.

"Thank you, Ella!" she cheered with joy. I blushed a bit and mumbled out a 'no problem,' while rubbing the back of my neck. No clue why I was all blushy gushy...stupid hormones.

"By the way, we need to be a bit careful. We're near Waron territory," whispered Cassidy, causing my smile to fade away. I clenched my fists in rage as we flew through some clouds. Cassidy looked nervously at me  Cameron let a nervous squawk as he flew cautious. Suddenly a flaming arrow shot through the sky, nearly impaling Cameron!

     "Warons!" Cassidy screamed in shock as more arrows began shooting at us.  She quickly changed my appearance while I quickly got out my revolver and readied it. Suddenly the arrows stopped and a fairy girl in animal skins with blood red wings appeared out of the clouds. She had lavender hair that was a pixie cut and bright silver eyes. Her skin was a dark caramel shade and around her arm was a black armband. The girl had a bow made of redwood with a sack of arrows.

     "Pure ones, why are you here?!" the girl yelled at us. Pure ones? What the heck? Cassidy replied politely, "Forgive us, ma'm. For we are just traveling to Maes Tywod. We mean you no harm. Have we violated any part of the peace treaty?"

     "Section twenty five, paragraph seven. No one flies over the other's territory in the clouds," the girl answered harshly. Cassidy then said, "I'm very sorry. Shall you escort us to Maes Tywod then?"

     "It's part of the job," she grumbled. Cameron then squawked at the Waron before flying down to the ground, a patch of grassland with a lake. He landed on the grass, allowing Cassidy and I to get off of him. The Waron followed behind us impatiently.

     "Before we can continue, have your bird friend transform back into their normal form!" the Waron exclaimed in annoyance. Cameron then transformed back into his normal form and the Waron's eyes widened in shock.

     "Is something wrong?" I asked confusedly as the Waron and Cameron had a stare off. The Waron replied harshly, "It's nothing, your friend over here just looks like someone I used to know..."

     "Same goes for you," replied Cameron. The Waron looked around the area and sighed in relief. She then chuckled, "No one else is in sight, so I can stop pretending to be an asshole! Sorry about that! Part of the job of being a Waron!"

     The three of us sighed in relief at the Waron. She seemed pretty nice, unlike the stories I heard of Warons. The girl then said to us, "By the way, you three can call me H!"

     "Nice to meet you, H!" Cameron, Cassidy, and I exclaimed happily. Before we could tell her our names, another Waron suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She also had blood red wings and wore animal skins. The Waron was much taller than us, signaling that she was an adult. She had snow white hair, icy blue eyes, and tan skin.

     "Private, what do we have here?" the older Waron asked with authority. H saluted her and she saluted back. She then replied to her superior, "Three pure ones need an escort to Maes Tywod, Major Bloodrose!"

     The major nodded and told H, "Please escort them to Maes Tywod then, Private. After they are safely escorted, get back to your station," before turning to face us. She eyed me with suspicion and stated, "Don't come back here, pure ones."

     The major flapped her wings and flew off. Me and the twins refocused her attention at H, who looked in awe. She looked at us and stated, "Let's get moving then! Time's ah wasting!"

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