Chapter 23

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Damn this place is far, I thought as I made my way through the dense thick woods. Forest animals were going about their daily lives and I occasionally saw a beast or two from Celtic mythology. Didn't bother to approach them, I cared to life to see tomorrow. I used my saber to cut down vines that blocked my way as I continued to walk. My mind kept wandering to thoughts about the twins.

     "Finally I found you," stated a familiar rough voice. I quickly did a three sixty and aimed my gun at the stranger. They placed their hands up in defense and replied, "Have you already forgotten about me, Wingless?"

      Wingless. The person stepped into the light. It was Brenin. I quietly growled in annoyance and hissed, "How the hell did you find me, Prince Snob?!"

      Brenin chuckled at my response. He walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. Leaning over, Brenin whispered, "I have my ways," which sent chills up my spine. I pushed him away from me in retaliation. With a glare and my hands on my hips, I growled, "Want do you want?!"

      "For you to come back to the castle," Brenin answered bluntly.

     "Not happening, sister!" I snickered in response. He glared at me and stated, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

      "How bout....." I dragged on my sentence for long enough to shoot him in the arm. Brenin yelped in pain and I jumped at the chance. I sprinted away from him and towards a cave area. A bit breathless, I hid behind some rocks. I then heard a pissed off voice from the distance. Time to deal with an angry little fairy man.

     "Princesses shouldn't have weapons!" Brenin growled. I stiffed a laugh when he quoted that line from Brave. I yelled back, "This is the twenty first century, Prince Snob!"

     Suddenly Brenin jumped out of nowhere and tackled me. We wrestled each other until we both rolled out of the cave. I thrashed against the force Brenin was putting on me. He then growled in annoyance, "Just give up already, Wingless!"

     "No! I'm going home to where I belong!" I shrieked back in retaliation. That plucked something inside of the fairy prince because he immediately stopped and was dead silent. I took this opportunity to shove him off of me. Brenin was still silent. I then got off the forest ground.

      "What do you mean?" Brenin stated confused.

     "Chicago is where I belong, not here! This isn't my home and the people in my world need me! I'm not a fairy princess, I'm an American teenager!" I scoffed at him. He looked heartbroken, but that was quickly replaced by anger.

      "You WILL come back to the castle," growled Brenin as he slowly got up from the ground. I took a step back in slight fear.

      "You WILL become the new queen," he growled deeper and took a step forward. I took a step back.

     "You WILL rule Tywylth by my side," growled Brenin and took another step forward. I took a step back once again in fear.

      "And most importantly," he started and took another step. I took one back and felt my back pinned against a tree. Brenin pinned me and growled, "You WILL stay in Tywlyth and bare me a heir."

      Then it clicked in my head. He only needed me to have a child with him to be the next queen or king. That pushed me over the edge. I immediately freed myself and punched Brenin in the nose. He recoiled in pain and I aimed my gun at him.

     "Great Tree, that hurts like hell," Brenin hissed in pain, his hand covering his broken and bloody nose. Suddenly I realized I could see his left eye. It was closed, scarred and burned, like it was dipped in fire. I covered my mouth with my hands in shock. He glanced at me and darkly chuckled, "You can see my other eye, can't you Wingless?"

"W-What h-happen to..." I stuttered in disbelief. Brenin removed his hand from his nose, blood gushing out of it and staining his dress shirt. He answered truthfully, "I have the All Seeing Eye."

"W-What's t-that?" I asked, slightly stuttering. He stared at me blankly and deadpanned, "It's my fairy gift that has been passed through the Richosa bloodline. The last fairy to have it was my great great grandfather."

"Is that how you were able to find me...?" I asked softly. He rolled his good eye, "happy" I finally figured it out. Brenin then stated, "I can see through people's true forms, auras, lies, matter, etc."

"That's pretty cool..." I whispered in awe. Brenin's eye widen a bit in shock, but that was soon replaced by rage. He then yelled, "Don't ever return to Tywlyth, Wingless!" before running up to me and yanking off my pink diamond necklace from my neck. Brenin then flew away, leaving me in shock. A few seconds, I regained my senses.

"At least I don't have to return here," I grumbled as I walked up to the cave me and Brenin wrestled out of. I noticed that there were diamonds stuck in some of the rocks. My eyes widen in shock once I realized they were ditals. I slammed my fist against one of the rocks and it shattered. Four ditals came out of the debris. I slammed my fist against another rock and it too shattered. Three ditals came out of its debris. I then remembered that the mirror I had contained seven ditals.

      "Ella, there you are!" yelled two familiar voices. I paled as I slowly turned around. The two voices belonged to the twins, breathless from running. They looked exhausted and pissed. Cassidy then said, "We saw your letter."

      "And you're not doing this alone, Ella!" Cameron finished his twin's sentence. I bit my bottom lip in guilt and sadness. Tears pricked my eyes as I choked out, "B-B-But...y-y-you t-t-two..."

      "We've been through a lot, but this is our choice! We want and will help you, Ella!" the twins exclaimed. Tears suddenly escaped my eyes and I began to sob. I quickly ran up to Cassidy and Cameron before engulfing them into a huge hug. They whispered soft comforting words to me as I continued to sob.

      "Let's get you home," the twins whispered as I cried myself to slumber.

The Queen of Tylwyth: the Lost BetrothedWhere stories live. Discover now