Chapter 28

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     I smiled at Rowan and he bowed gracefully. A new friend maybe, I thought and The twins, on the other hand, were confused as fudge. They looked at me and then at Rowan. Then at me again and then at him. Rowan and I looked at the twins with confusion.

"What...What just happened?" Cassidy asked dumbfounded.

"We...umm...have a new traveling buddy?" I then chuckled at the wide-eyed twins. Rowan looked at me like a confused and lost puppy. He then asked, "Where are we going?"

"To the Great Forest after we get some time glass," I answered truthfully. Rowan smiled at me and exclaimed, "I know where the time glass is! Follow me!"

The former dragon began walking to one of the area's tunnels and we then followed behind him. After a few minutes of walking, we made it to the entrance to a cave. Carefully, the four of us entered the cave.

     "Wowwwww...." I heard Cameron whisper in awe. Couldn't blame him, this place was beautiful! Crystal clear shards were in the cave rocks. Shards hung from the cave's ceiling.

      "Never been here when we went collecting, right brother?" Cassidy asked. Cameron then nodded in agreement. I looked at Rowan and asked in shock, "What IS this place, Rowan?! It's freaking amazing!"

      "I never seen a princess like you before," chuckled Rowan, his red ruby orbs flickering with fire. He then ran one of his pale hands through his messy black locks. Rowan answered, "Ogof Amser, it contains the best time glass in Maes Twyod. Only the best for a princess, like you, Lady Ella," with a small smile.

     "Lady Ella? Has a nice ring to it!" I chuckled with flamboyant pride. Rowan nodded and bowed with respect. I forced him back up and stated, "You can call me whatever you want, but no more bowing!"

      "But it is traditional for vagabonds, like your two servants and I, to bow in the presence of royalty," said Rowan with confusion.

     "Hey, who you calling servants, dragon boy?!" Cameron yelled with annoyance.

     "Yeah! We're not Ella's servants, we're her friends!" Cassidy piped up.

     "Friends?" Rowan asked, like he never heard that word ever in his life. I nodded and said, "Friends. Two or more people who enjoy each other's company, share a mutual trust, and respect one another. Friends are what help you through life, Rowan!"

      "I never had...friends..." Rowan said, the last word rolling awkwardly off his tongue. I ruffled up his hair and exclaimed, "Well you're my new friend now!" before looking at the twins. They nodded in agreement, both a bit pissed at Rowan for calling them servants.

      "A princess...being friends with a beast, like me?" Rowan questioned. I frowned and exclaimed, "Rowan. You ARE NOT a beast. You're just a normal boy who was punished for unfair reasons."

     Rowan was silent and I sighed. Looking at the twins, I asked, "Can we bring him along?" with puppy dog eyes. Cameron sighed, "I don't trust him, Ella! What do you think he will do if he gets to the surface?! He's dangerous!"

     Immediately after his rant, a butterfly made of crystals flew into the cave. The crystal butterfly landed on Rowan's head and he looked up with confusion and curiosity. I looked at Cameron and stated, "You think HE'S dangerous?"

      "Come on, Cam! He's just a big sweetheart! Are you jealous and worried that he's gonna steal Ella for you~?" Cassidy exclaimed, the last sentence full of tease and mockery. Cameron blushed a bright shade of red and growled at his sister. I, on the other hand, awkwardly chuckled. They didn't know I was already crushing on someone back in the human world.

     "To the surface!" I then exclaimed, grabbing the twins and Rowan. Cameron sighed and transformed into a bird. Rowan looked at Bird Cameron with confusion and asked me, "Is that a species of bird, Lady Ella or Lady Cassidy?"

     "That's an eagle, silly!" Cassidy giggled at Rowan. He blushed a bit, how cute. Rowan then mumbled to the two of us, "My apologies."

     "It's okay, just hop!" I exclaimed. Cassidy, Rowan, and I then boarded Bird Cameron. He flapped his flags and flew up at super lightning fast speed. As we flew towards the surface, I heard Rowan mumble to himself, "It's been so long since I've been up to the surface. I wonder what it's like now..."


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