Chapter 9

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     "My Queen, I deeply apologize for having to bring the princess in this condition. The Woodley clan helped me bring her here," said a familiar rough voice that awoken me from slumber. I noticed that I was laying on a soft king-sized bed. Pillows and blankets surrounded me on the bed.

     "I forgive you, Lord Arhap. I'm very grateful that Brenin's lost betrothed has returned," said an elegant and beautiful feminine voice. I suddenly noticed I was in a strange bedroom of some sort. There was a walk-in closet, a vanity with lots of makeup, a grand bookshelf, handcrafted chairs, and a huge mirror. Two figures were standing outside the bedroom with the door wide open. I decided to eavesdrop on them.

     "I'm also grateful, Queen Lucinda, but I have to warn you about the princess. I believe the human world had too much influence on her. The princess has no wings or mannerisms of a member of the royal family," said Lord Arhap with a hint of worry. My eyes widen in shock. The second voice belonged to the Queen.

     "I believe the time she spends in Tywlyth will help her gain her wings. Her fairy gift has already been activated, so the wings will come soon," said Queen Lucinda. Suddenly I sneezed, catching the attention of Queen Lucinda and Lord Arphap. They walked into the room, so I had the chance to see what the Queen looked like.

      "It seems the princess is awake," said the Queen. She looked like a Native American woman, dark olive skin with chocolate eyes. The Queen's wings were a beautiful light shade of gold and her ears were pointed. Her hair was a honey brown color with specks of gray, signaling that she was aging. She had a sweet motherly smile on her face, reminding me of Mama Anita. A surge of sadness hit me, I missed Mama Anita. I hope she's okay, she must be worried sick about me.

      "Hello Faylinn, I'm Queen Lucinda Richiosa-Breindal," the Queen introduced herself, her smile never leaving her face. I mustered a fake smile and said, "Hello Queen Lucinda Richiosa-Breindal. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not Faylinn."

     The Queen chuckled, along with Lord Arphap. I nervously chuckled along with them. A few minutes later, we all stopped laughing. The Queen looked at me and stated in a soft worried voice, "Lord Arphap was right...Faylinn or whatever the name you go by, you are my son's lost wife. I can prove to you that you are Faylinn."

      "Really? Well ok then," I answered back, a smile on my face. Finally a chance to prove that I wasn't some fairy princess! Queen Lucinda took a deep breath and grabbed my hands. She hummed a melody and suddenly we were teleported to a huge tree with thousands of fairies around it.

     "W-W-Where a-a-are we?!" I yelled with panic visible in my tone. Queen Lucinda chuckled, "We're in one of your earliest memories. The Choosing to be exact. My fairy gift is the ability to teleport myself and others into beings' memories."

     "Oh..." I mumbled. Queen Lucinda smiled at me and gently grabbed my hand, like a mother would to do her child. Th queen led me through the crowd of fairies, who didn't seem to notice us. Maybe we were ghosts because this was just one of my memories. Wait...I've been to Tywlyth before?! No, she could of fabricated this memory!

     "Watch closely, my dear. You shall witness The Choosing," stated Queen Lucinda as we made our way to the closest area to the tree. Upon much closer examination, I realized the tree had a pair of golden glowing eye(sockets?) and a cheerful smile. This was the Great Tree Cassidy and Cameron told me about.

     "Welcome fairies of all ages to the Choosing!" The Great Tree's voice boomed happily. The fairies cheered with joy. I glanced at Queen Lucinda, her face filled with nostalgia. The Great Tree then announced, "May King Eocho and Queen Lucinda please stand on the Choosing circle!"

     A younger version of Queen Lucinda and a Latino-looking man flew down from the branches of the Great tree. The man, I presumed was King Eocho, had a pair of emerald green wings, warm chocolate eyes, tan skin, and had a regal yet relaxing vibe. I noticed that the younger queen had a baby wrapped in blankets. Suddenly I heard Queen Lucinda whisper to herself, "My sweet Eocho..."

     A ping of sadness and familiarity suddenly hit me. Queen Lucinda was just like Mama Anita, motherly and both losing their husbands. The king and queen walked into a glowing circle. Everyone waited for the Great Tree's response. The Great Tree responded in a prophetic voice, "Queen Lucinda, please place Prince Brenin in the circle and the. both the king and queen exit the circle."

     The king and queen nodded and young Queen Lucinda placed her baby down in the glowing circle. Both then stepped out of the circle. The Great Tree then announced, "Bydd y frenhines nesaf yn cael ei un a anwyd o heddwch a gwaed rhyfel. Hi fydd yr arwres ddewis Tywlyth . Yr un a fydd yn dod i ben rhyfel!"

     All the fairies and I gasped in awe as we saw a blanketed baby floating in the air. The baby was gently carried by the wind and was carefully placed in the circle. Both babies were cooing and gurgling at each other. Then the Great Tree announced, "Faylinn Gollwyd of the Gollwyd clan shall be the next queen. May the father and mother please come up to the circle."

A young couple, a man and a woman walked up and stood next to the royal couple. The man had golden eyes, pale skin, and wavy light brown hair. His ears were pointed and his wings were a sunset orange color. The woman had bright green eyes, curly long red hair, pale skin, and freckles across her face. Her wings were a rose red color and also had pointy ears. Many of the fairies were glaring at the couple, mainly the woman.

     "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Gollwyd," whispered the young queen and her husband. The Gollwyd couple smiled brightly at the royal couple then at their baby. Then the Great Tree said, "It's now time for the spirit binding of the future royal couple."

     The Great Tree mumbled a chant and two necklaces with one exactly like mine suddenly appeared out of thin air. The other necklace had a blue diamond instead of a pink diamond. Both necklaces flew to their respective owners. The pink diamond necklace was gently placed on Faylinn while the blue diamond necklace was gently placed on Brenin.

"That concludes the Ch- WARONS ATTACK!!!" the Great Tree was interrupted by a battle cry. Women in bearskin armor suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Their wings were shades of red and ripped in certain places. With panic, I quickly turned to Queen Lucinda and screamed, "GET ME OUT OF HERE!"

The queen was frozen in fear with tears streaming down her face as the scene unfolded. Screaming fairies fled the area, some getting injured, captured or killed. Only the male fairies were being affected. Faylinn's father suddenly summoned a spear and began to battle one of the Amazon-like women, one with a cape made of many animal skins and a sword with a shield.

"I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE THE KINGDOM ALONE!" he yelled as he clashed blades with who I presumed was the leader. The leader smirked and slashed one of the man's arm off his body. He screamed in horror and in pain as blood oozing out of the wound. I then screamed to Queen Lucinda while shaking her, "WE NEED TO GET THE HELL OUT OF THIS MADNESS!"

The queen snapped out of her trance and touched my forehead. Suddenly we were back in the bedroom with a worried wide-eyed Lord Arphap. He looked at us and sighed in relief. Queen Lucinda looked at him with worry and asked, "Lord Arphap, what happened?"

"Bunch of screaming and crying from the both of you, my queen," Lord Arphap stated, still wide-eyed. Queen Lucinda blushed in embarrassment while I was silent. The attack at the Choosing...did that really happened? Suddenly Queen Lucinda asked me, "Do you believe us now?"

"...I...think...I think so..." I whispered with the hint of fear and shock in my tone. Queen Lucinda nodded and said, "That's you must meet your betrothed, Princess Faylinn. We will explain more about our world to you."

The Queen of Tylwyth: the Lost BetrothedWhere stories live. Discover now