Chapter 16

42 16 4

I was on the playground of my old elementary school. Kids of all ages were playing on the playground. I, on the other hand, was sitting in the sandbox by myself when an older mean-looking girl walked up to me. It was Patty Parker, the meanest girl in elementary school history. She had a snarl on her pudgy face as I looked up at her.

"Where's my lunch money, stupid face?!" The girl yelled at her. I stared at her, blank-faced, and softly answered, "I don't have any lunch money. Mama Anita packed me lunch."

"Liar! I saw you had a dollar in your backpack!" Patty screamed. I looked her and frowned. Slightly annoyed, I then said, "Can you just pick on someone else? Hannah Simmons has five dollars in her backpack."

"No! I want your money!" Patty yelled. I rolled my eyes with annoyance. Patty growled and was about to punch me until a hand tightly grabbed her wrist. Party and I looked at the culprit, who was Cora. She looked annoyed and said to Patty, "Leave Ella alone."

"Why should I listen to you, you stupid flip?!" Patty screamed at Cora. My eyes widen in shock and I stood up. I knew Cora hated that word for reasons that I can't say. Suddenly a teacher walked up to us and glared at Patty. The teacher then stated, "Patty Parker, to the principal's office this instant! You are in deep trouble, young lady!"

The teacher grabbed Patty by the ear and walked her back to the school. I turned to Cora, who looked like she wanted to cry. Frowning, I quickly hugged her. Cora then began to cry. She whispered to me, "Do you think I'm a stupid flip?"

"You're my best friend...of course not! I love you no matter what!" I exclaimed. Cora chuckled and we spent the rest of our time playing on the playground with each other.


I woke up peacefully from that dream. That was the day when Cora and I really bonded with each other. Suddenly Penelope entered the room. Smiling, I said to Penelope, "Good morning, Penelope!"

      "You seem to be in a good mood, princess! Pleasant dreams?" Penelope greeted back. I nodded and Penelope smiled before saying, "Well today you have a busy schedule! Go let's get you dressed!"

     Penelope dressed me in a red causal yet formal dress for a princess. She put an emerald jewelry on me and put a pair of red velvet flats on my feet. Penelope handed me a piece of parchment. She then walked out of the room.

     "Now what do I have to do today~!" I then said sarcastically to myself. I then read the information on the parchment.

     Breakfast at 8 o'clock in the morning
     Welsh class at 9 o'clock in the morning
     Dance class at 10 o'clock in the morning
     Irish class at 11 o'clock in the morning
     Lunch at noon
     Mannerisms class at 1 o'clock in the afternoon
     History class at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
     Scottish Gaelic class at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
     Free Time at 4 o'clock in the afternoon
     Time with Brenin at 6 o'clock in the early evening
     Dinner at 7 o'clock in the early evening
     Curfew at 8 o'clock in the late evening

     I paled at the schedule. At least, I had some free time. Looking outside, I determined that it was almost 8 o'clock in the morning. I then walked out of the room and to the dining room.


"Now, princess, repeat after me. Syr da bore," said my Welsh teacher, Sir Ijams. I was heading in a small classroom, learning Welsh, one of Tywlyth's national languages. I repeated back, "Sir da bored."

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