Chapter 22

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     I stood in a meadow, wind blowing my hair in all directions. The scene was very peaceful to me. I was bare-footed and wore a silk white dress. Suddenly a man and a woman appeared in front of me. The man had golden eyes, pale skin, and wavy light brown hair. His wings were a sunset orange color. The woman had bright green eyes, curly long red hair, pale skin, and freckles across her face. Her wings were a rose red color. Both had pointy ears.

     "You have returned," the man stated with joy. I noticed that the man's left arm was an old-fashioned bronze one. Then it hit me, these were my birth parents. I nodded at them, speechless.

"Y-Y-You two are..." I choked on my own words. The woman chuckled, "Faylinn, we're still alive and we're waiting for you."

"But please...what are your names?" I asked them, a hint of plead in my tone. Mom and Dad frowned at me when suddenly Mama Anita and Papa Papyrus appeared next to them. They looked at me and Mama Anita told me, "Ella please come home...we're waiting for you."

"We're waiting for you," all four of them began to chant. The meadow we were in suddenly shattered. My birth and adoptive parents both disappeared with the meadow as I then fell through the darkness.


My eyes slowly fluttered opened as I woke up. It was early morning, the twins fast asleep. Cassidy must of stay up all night watching over Cameron. He looked healthy, his chest rising up and down with each breath.

     "They're so cute when they're asleep," I cooed in awe. The twins' arms and legs were entangled and it looked like they were hugging. Then suddenly Cameron's eyes fluttered open with wakefulness.

     "Uh? What? Where are we?" Cameron then asked sleepily and dazed. I smiled at him and answered, "We're in a forest near our first destination. But Cameron, how are you feeling?"

"Hungry," stated the fairy boy immediately. I let out a soft laugh, not wanting to awake Cassidy. She's been a trooper lately and needed some rest. I suddenly asked Cameron, "What do we have that you and Cassidy got from the market?"

"Breakfast wise...just fruit," answered Cameron. I tilted my head to the left and asked, "What kind of fruit do we have?"

"Apples, oranges, blueberries, strawberries, and bananas," he answered. I immediately sunk at the mention of strawberries and bananas. Mama Anita's strawberry and banana waffles were the first things to come in mind. Cameron frowned and asked, "What's wrong? You looked sad..."

I forced a smile and lied, "It's nothing, just thinking of home. Wanna have bananas and strawberries for this morning's breakfast?"

He nodded and got out the berries (cool fun fact: bananas are actually berries). Cameron then handed me a banana and a couple strawberries. We then began to eat as Cassidy snored softly and blissfully.

"So...will you finish your story?" I asked Cameron after we finished breakfast. He looked me, dead in the eyes, and answered, "Only if you tell me about life in the human world."

I grinned and held out my hand. Cameron took it and we shook on our deal. He then took a deep breath and said, "Harper, Cassidy, and I were best of friends. We knew each other since birth. night when we were eleven...Warons attacked our village."

I gasped in horror. First the attack on the Choosing, then slicing one of my birth father's arms clean off, now this! Those Warons will pay! Cameron then continued, "My family were one of the three surviving families. Harper...she was kidnapped by the Warons. I...I never saw her again...until I got a letter from the leader of the Warons..."

"What did it say?" I asked softly.

"She's dead..." Cameron whispered before bursting into tears. My eyes widen in shock and I immediately pulled him into a tight embrace. Sobs racked his body and he was shaking with each wail. It was painful to see him like this.

"Stay away from me, you murders!" Cassidy screamed as she jolted awake. I looked at her confusedly, not understanding her fluent Welsh. The twins were messes right now, I couldn't and wouldn't put them through anything else. Cameron then calmed down and then fell back asleep. Cassidy also fell back to asleep.

"I'm sorry, you guys..." I whispered to them softly. I then went through Cassidy's and Cameron's bags. A map, some food, parchment, and a ink bottle with a quill were what I found. I shoved the food and the map in my bag. Then I wrote a letter to Cameron and Cassidy.

Cassidy and Cameron,

If you see this letter, then that's means I'm gone. I'm gonna rebuild the mirror myself somehow. I don't want to put you two in more pain. Please return to your home and forget about me.

Ella Lancaster

I placed the letter near the twins. With a sad smile, I smiled each of the twins' foreheads. I then got out the map and began to make my way to Ogofâu Drysor.

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