29: What? I am turning legal soon

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29: What? I am turning legal soon.


It's was dark.
It was cold.

My sight was blurred by the water droplets that were falling from the skies.

My small feet hurted like hell. Behind the rain, sliding down my face were tears.

It has been so long now and I was lost. I didn't know where to go. My body was now hurting, climbing up big rocks and branches. My flesh were now drained, bathing to much in the salty rain.

With tired and heavy eyes, I looked back to see the girl with me. Our hands were joint like rusty chains. I've been holding her since who knows long.

She looked fragile. So helpless and so young. She was so innocent and afraid.

'Just a little more.'

We'll be safe in no time.


The lightning made noises making me shiver. I pulled her much more from darkness.

It was hopeless.

I was feeling hopeless.

Why am I remembering these things?

Why do I kept dreaming of these things?

Why me?

8 Hours Earlier


"Waah~ home sweet home!" I exclaimed, bumping over the couches. "Hmm," I smiled, dragging my palms across the smooth texture.

We finally got home after sending Hiccup to D.R.A.G.O.N.S.' headquarters.

Jack closed the door behind him and yawned. He threw off his coat, his leathered shoulder bag, and removed his shoes. He slumbered on the couch in parallel with me.

"Long though day," he mumbled, covering himself with a pillow. My eyes landed on his bandaged hand before resting my eyes. "Are you hungry?" He asked and I just shook my head. I was too tired to answer.

There was silence.

My body was already tired but I couldn't sleep.

Was he already sleeping? On the freakin' couch again? I looked at him and his face was still covered with a pillow. I just noticed how skinny he really is. But it's still masculine and well-formed.

But still lanky.

"Jack." I yell-whispered and he didn't budged. Ugh, he's sleeping and I can't. That's unfair.

Lethargically, I walked up to him and crouched down. "Are you awake?" Jack looked up, revealing his eyes making me froze. What was I about to say again? I paused and he just waited, cocking an eyebrow.

"Erm... I suggest you sleep in your room," I muttered and he just blinked.

"Are you joining me?" He asked playing innocent and I swear, I choked him with his pillow to death. He chuckled. "Dont you think it's already necessary?" He asked all a sudden and I could imagine the smirk beneath that pillow.

Does he mean...
Does he mean, we already took this bond to the next stage? Without me, realizing? Should I ask him or not?

I could feel my face on a grill. "Oh gosh, we're not married, genius! I'm barely even eighteen!" He rolled his eyes. "You must've misheard 'joining' with 'enjoying'."

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