As he starts the car, and backs out of your drive way, his phone rings..
"Trent." You say, kind of annoyed.
"I promise. I have to take this call, but no more after this one." He says as he looks at you with an apologetic look and then answers his phone.
"Hey man. We are leaving (y/n) house about to go grab something to eat." He pauses for a second.
"Yeah. We can do that. Yeah I'll be by there in about 15 minutes."
He hangs up his phone and puts it in the cup holder beside him.
You look at him and when he notices you, he puts his hand on your leg and says "Clay needs me to run by the longhorn and pick something up.... "
You smile over at him and say "okay but I'm hungry so don't take too long."
He laughs and you intertwine your fingers in his.
When you get about 5 minutes from the longhorn, his phone rings again, and he looks over at you sheepishly.
"Sorry... I promise. Last one."
You sigh and say "go ahead." You release his hand and pull out your phone. And open your Instagram. You scroll through and hear him say "you did what? Stop playing, Clay."
"Shit man." He glances over at you and mouths the word "sorry" because that is the first time he has cussed in front of you. You laugh and put your phone up so you can pay more attention to his side of the conversation.
"No dude," Trent says In a sharp tone. "They're in Tupelo eating and seeing a movie."
"No, she's in Jackson."
"CLAY. What am I gonna do?"
"Okay. See you in a minute."
He puts his phone in his lap.
"What's wrong??" You ask quietly.
"CLAY'S AN IDIOT." Trent says. "When we get up to the Longhorn, you can just stay in here. I gotta try to help him find a key." He turns into the parking lot and you see Ashley talking to clay, who looks like he is about to have a break down.
"What's going on Trent??" You say before he opens his door. He looks at you and says "he locked the key in the restaurant."
And slams the door. You see Trent walk up to clay, looking like he's ready to hit him. but when he gets up to him, Trent takes a deep breath and says something and then they go to all of the doors but all of them are locked. They walk around the back of the restaurant and you get your phone back out of your purse.
After a few minutes, they all come from behind the restaurant, and climb in their vehicles. Clay and Ashley leave as Trent gets back in his with you.
"Okay so, change of plans.. " he says quickly as he starts the car,
You laugh "okay. What're we doing, then? I'm really hungry. "
He looks over at you and smiles, the first realish smile you have seen since clay called him the second time. "One rule about tonight. No questions. Live in the moment. You and me. Okay? I want tonight to go perfectly. "
You look at him, confused as he pulls out of the parking lot and turns toward his house.and say "um okay.. Is everything okay?"
As he pulls up in his drive way, he looks over at you and stares into your eyes and says "no questions, pretty girl. But yes. Everything is fine."
He walks around to your door and you get out. He heads to the door, and you say: "uh Trent. Your parents aren't home..."
"We are only gonna be in here a few minutes..." He looks like a begging little boy so you go in and sit on the bar still facing the kitchen as he walks right past you and to his bedroom. You pull your phone out and start looking at your Twitter where there was a girl tweeting you about dating Trent. You hit reply and tweet back "ha. We aren't dating. " as you hit tweet, Trent comes back into the room carrying his guitar in one hand and a blanket in the other. He puts it down on the table and runs back into his room. You laugh at him as he runs back and forth and you want to ask him what he is doing, but you promised no more questions, so you keep watching him and laughing. He puts all of his things in his backpack and sets it on the table. He comes over to you and smiles. You put your chin in your hand, facing the kitchen and he gets right in front of you and mocks your pose and says "what kinda sandwich would you like, my lady?"
'Sandwich?' You think but smile at him and say "surprise me."
He walks over to cabinet and pulls out bread and peanut butter, and then gets jelly out of the refrigerator.
"Trent. What're we doing?"
He turns and looks at you and says "hey. No questions. Remember??"
You sigh and look back down at your Twitter on your phone. The girl just favorited your tweet and then replied "so I still have a chance? YAS." You laugh to yourself and want to reply something about her probably not having a chance, but Trent walks your way and says "hey. No more phones." As you Put your phone up, he puts the two sandwiches in bags and then throws them in his backpack and grabs two bags of chips and two bottles of water and puts them in his bag too. He puts his backpack on his back, grabs his guitar with one hand and grabs your hand with the other and pulls you outside. He puts his things in the back of the side by side and then sprays each of you with bug spray and then you both get on and he starts it up.
"I know a place.." He starts "where you can see the sunset anytime of the year.. That's where we are going." You smile at him and scoot closer. The warmness of the day is starting to fizzle away and being replaced with a cool breeze. You realize you left your jacket in his car but decide to not tell him.
You ride for a while in silence, and then as he approaches a small stream, he stops the side by side and looks around. "Yeah. This is it." He says and looks into your eyes and smiles. You climb out and watch him as he struggles to lay the blanket out on the ground. Once he finally gets it, he grabs his backpack and guitar out of the back of the side by side and motions you over. You sit down next to him and he hands you your sandwich.
"PB&J homemade from..... My kitchen.." He laughs. You take it out of the bag and take a bite
"Mm I thought you were starving me there for a minute" you look at him and wink.
"Never ever." He laughs .
You sit and talk as you eat and then Trent says "look at the Sky."
You follow his gaze and see the sun just on top of the trees. The sky is pink and purple and blue and is the most beautiful you have seen it in a long time.
"Trent." You say after eating your last chip "it's so pretty.,."
"I told you." He says as he scoots closer to you.. "I love coming up here... When I disappear, this is where I come.. Only a few people know where it is."
You look at him and smile "can I run away here when I need to run away?"
He intertwines his fingers with yours and says "only if you always bring me with you.."
You lay your head on his shoulder as the sun goes behind the trees and y'all talk about nothing for a little while.
The breeze starts picking up and you start shivering. He pulls another blanket out of his bag and hands it to you.
"What is that?" You ask, laughing "Mary poppin's bag?"
"Maybe.." He winks at you and laughs as he stands up. "I'll be right back." He says as he runs to the barn near y'all. He comes back with marshmallows, chocolate bars, and graham crackers. He lays them down and then runs back to the barn. Next, he comes out with a small fire pit, a little wood, and a lighter. He puts it down beside the blanket where y'all are sitting and starts the fire.
He sits down beside you again.
"Why were there marshmallows and graham crackers and chocolate in the barn?" You look at him and ask.
"Clay brings ash up here a lot... He was supposed to tonight but I took it from him, and I just hoped they would be in there."
"Oh so this is where y'all bring all your girls?" You laugh.
"Oh yeah. All of them." He puts his arm around your waist and pulls you to close to him. "Seriously.. You and clay and Ashley are the only ones who know this is where I come to hide.."
As the sun goes further down, a breeze blows and even though you have Trent's arm around you and a blanket on you, you shiver.
He takes his arm off of your waist and you feel him move around for a second and then he puts his flannel shirt over your shoulders. You smile up at him and say "you're gonna freeze!!!!!" "Nah, I'm fine." He looks down at you and says.
You put on his flannel and immediately feel ten times warmer. He gets up grabs his guitar from the other side of the blanket and sits down beside you again.
He starts picking at a few notes and you look over at him. The only light on his face is the fire glow, and his eyes are shining.
He sees you looking at him and he smiles. You turn to face him as he starts humming a tune you can't figure out. Once he's done with that song, he turns to face you and smiles "any requests?" He asks you.
"No. as long as you're singing, I'll be fine."
He strums his guitar and sings "the wheels on the bus go round and round" you bust out laughing and he laughs with you. As you get yourself to stop laughing, he starts strumming again and hums.. Then he's starts sings "you know I'd fall apart without you.. I don't know how you do what you do. Cuz everything that don't make sense about me, makes sense when I'm with you.." You sit and listen to him sing and look around at the stars. When you look back at him, he's staring at you. When you make eye contact, he smiles as he keeps singing "wanna call you mine, wanna hold your hand forever, yeah I wanna make you feel wanted..." His eyes are sparkling as he sings more, and you can't take your eyes off of him.
He misses a chord and makes a face while looking down at his guitar.
You laugh and he keeps singing. As the song ends, he sits his guitar down beside him and takes your hands. He slides his fingers between yours and looks into your eyes, and smiles. He opens his mouth and then closes it, and looks down. When he looks back up, you can see his cheeks are red, even through the fire light.
He looks into your eyes again and says "this isn't how this was supposed to go.. I had tonight all planned out. It was gonna be perfect. But, sitting here, right now, there's no other place I'd rather be..." You blush and look down for a second but then right back into his eyes.
"I don't know how I would have survived this last week of craziness without you. I know I've joked around a lot about my life being a rollercoaster, but that's really what it's about to become, and it's gonna be difficult and hard at some points but there's no body else I would want to be sitting right beside me.." He pauses for a second and your breath catches in your throat. "(Y/n) will you officially be my girl friend?"
You try to talk but tears form in your eyes. He stands up and then pulls you up. He pulls you in and wraps his arms around you. When you finally get your emotions under control, you pull out of the hug and look into his eyes again. "There's nothing in this world that would make me happier..." You say.
He stares at you for a second, taking in what you said and then he smiles. He pulls you in for another hug. He puts his arms around your waist and you slip yours around his. He pulls away from the hug first and When you look up at him, he freezes for a second, smiles softly, and then uses one of his hands to move the hairs out of your face and then rests it on your cheek. He slides his thumb across your cheek bone and he leans down and touches his lips to yours for a second. He moves back and looks at you for a second, and then leans back down and kisses you again. As his lips touch your, you move your hand to his cheek as he moves his back to your back. He slowly leans back again. as you look at him, he smiles and you can't help but smile back. He pulls you in for another hug. You sway back and forth as he hums a few lines from "wanted" again and then he lets you go quickly. "I almost forgot the most important part!"
He says as he sits down next to the fire pit. You sit down next to him and he says "you want a smore?"
You laugh and say "of course. You really know the way to my heart"
"I try. I try" he says laughing.
After you each make a smore, he picks his guitar up and starts playing again.
You lay your head on his shoulder as he sings "I cross my heart and promise too. Give all I got to give to make all your dreams come true.." You smile to yourself and pull the blanket up to your shoulders. As he finishes that song, he puts his guitar back down and you slide closer to him. He wraps his arms around your shoulders and y'all stare at the fire for a few minutes in silence.
"What were your original plans for tonight?" You ask him.
"Well. I was gonna talk you into going into the Longhorn with me and then when you walked in there were gonna be candles lit and food and we were gonna eat and then clay and I were gonna sing for a few minutes..."
"Oh.. " you say as you scoot closer.
"Yeah" he says thoughtfully and then "I'm glad that didn't work out.. I like this much better" as he wraps his arms around you tighter and kisses your cheek.
"Yeah this is pretty great..."
Trent pulls his phone out of his pocket and before you can say any thing, he says "I'm not really breaking any rules. I just need a picture of this moment."
You turn and smile at him and then take his phone from his hand. You take a selfie with him and then give it back to him. He types something and then puts his phone back up.
As the fire dies down, Trent stands up and then you do the same. He puts all of his things back into his backpack and puts it and his guitar back in the side by side. He pulls you to him again and kisses you softly, again, but longer. You pull back first this time and then walk to the side by side.
He is still standing in the same place looking at you when you sit on the seat.
"Come on, pretty boy." You laugh.
He comes up and starts the engine. As he slides in the seat, you slide over close to him. When you get back to his house, his parents are sitting out on the back porch, talking. When y'all drive up, his mama looks confused but smiles.
"Where have y'all been?" She asks
"We went riding and had a camp fire and sang for a few minutes." Trent says while grabbing his stuff out of the back of the four by four. You follow him into the house and wait while he puts his stuff in his room. Mrs. Cindy comes in behind you and says "you want some hot chocolate? You look cold.."
You suddenly realize you still have on Trent's flannel. "No mam" you say "i need to be going home."
Trent walks back into the room and hands his mom his phone "hey mom can you take our pic real fast?"
He pulls you over to him and you hug him and smile at her. She snaps a few Pictures. He takes his phone back from her and kisses her on the cheek.
"Thank you mama. I gotta carry her home, I'll be back in bit."
"Okay y'all be careful"
As he is opening your door, she comes walking out of the house. He shuts the door and you roll down the window.
"Trent won't be on AI this week, but we are still gonna watch it, if you wanna come!"
"Thank you Mrs. Cindy!! I'll prolly see you then!!"
He climbs in the other side and backs out.
As you ride, he holds your hand and sings with the radio.
When he pulls up in your drive way, you look over at him. When he stops, he looks back at you and smiles. He comes and opens your door. Once you get out, he wraps you in a hug and stays that way for a few minutes. When he pulls back, you pull his flannel closer to you and you say "hope you weren't planning on getting this back..."
"Nah, you can keep it" he says as he leans in and kisses you.
"I was planning on it.." You say, laughing.
"Text me when you get home." You say as he walks back to his car.
When he pulls off, you go inside and run up to your room. You get ready for bed and then lay down. You look at your phone and see 3 new messages from Ashely.
You open them and see a bunch of pictures from the fire, earlier. And then a message that says "congrats!"
You text her back and say "I DIDNT EVEN KNOW YALL WERE THERE!!! Thank you for the pics!!!"
She texts you right back and says "don't worry, we left right after the kiss.😉"
You laugh and then go to your messages from Trent.
"I'm home, pretty girl. I'm sorry that tonight didn't go as planned, but I'm so glad I can call you mine now.. Sleep good. I'll text you in the morning..💜"
You text him back "I wish I could stay up to talk, but I'm absolutely exhausted. Sorry. So glad you're mine now, too. No matter how crazy this ride gets, I want to ride it the whole way. Talk to you in the morning! Goodnight💛"
"I want you by my side the whole time. Goodnight💕"
You don't respond but open up your Instagram. You see that Trent has tagged you in a picture.
You click on the notification and see a picture that Ashely had just sent you of the two of you sitting by the fire with your head on his shoulder. The caption says "so glad this girl decided that she would ride this rollercoaster with me, as my girl. Happy doesn't even explain. 💕"
You like it and comment 💕"
You scroll through your newsfeed and then click on your notifications. You have 30 new follow requests from people you don't even know. You ignore them and then click on the button to post a picture. You find your favorite picture from Ashely and click on it. It comes up and you can see it better. The two of you standing beside the fire, looking at each other. You select that picture and then type "Tonight is proof that even when plans fall apart, sometimes it's preparing us for an even greater ride.... Y'all the next American Idol is my boyfriend😊💜" you hit post and then close the app. You click on Twitter and see thirty new notifications. You click on the tab and see a screenshotted snapchat from Trent's story. You click on the picture and see the selfie that you and him took with a caption that sad "talkin bout my girl" you smile and save the picture to your phone.
You open the new tweet box and click on the picture that Trent used on his Instagram and typed "sorry gals, my tweet from earlier is now invalid. He is taken." And hit the "tweet" button. You turn off your phone and lay it down. As you go to sleep, you can still see the way he looked earlier in the fire light and you can help but thank God that he is all yours, no matter how bumpy the ride might get.

Life With Trent Harmon
FanfictionA book about a girl living life, loving Trenton William Harmon, more than she was able to love herself. (Chapters are really long, but really worth the read)❤️