Trent opens the door to the apartment and you walk in and put your purse on the table. He walks in behind you and closes the door and you turn around and look at him.
"That was CRAZY.."
"A good crazy.. I hope..." he smiles sweetly at you.
"Yes. Of course. Good crazy.." you smile and then slip off your heels. "Can you believe we ate supper with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill?"
He laughs and shakes his head "nope. But better get used to it. Apparently Scott does a lot of dinners with all of his artists."
"A year ago I begged my parents for tickets to see Tim McGraw in concert but we couldn't afford it. And tonight we ate supper with them."
"Welcome to the craziness that is my new life.." Trent says.
You walk over and wrap your arms around his waist and lay your head on his chest as he puts his arms around your back. "I'm glad to be here.." you say quietly.
After a minute, you lean back and look Trent and he leans down and puts his lips on yours softly. "I'm glad you're here too.."
You stand there and look up at Trent and he leans down and kisses you again, letting the kiss grow deeper.
You put your arms around his neck and pull him closer. He pulls his lips off of yours and hugs you closer.
"I love you." He says quietly.
"I love you too.." you say. "I'm gonna go take a shower."
Before he can respond, his phone starts ringing.
"Okay that's fine." He says and pulls his phone out of his pocket and kisses you on the cheek.
As you walk out of the room, you hear him answer the phone.Half an hour later, you walk out of the bathroom in sweat pants and a tshirt with your hair in a bun. You walk into the living room looking for Trent but he isn't in there. You walk into the kitchen, following the smell of popcorn in the air. You fix a drink and continue to follow the smell into Trent's room. You stop at the door way and watch Trent. He is shirtless and has on pajama pants. He turns with his back to you and starts rummaging through his shirt drawer and humming. You lean against the door frame and watch as he picks a shirt and slips it on. He walks into his bathroom and the right back out and then notices you standing in the door way. He smiles and walks over to you, kissing you on the forehead.
"Feel better?" He asks, wrapping you in a hug.
"Mhm.." you say into his chest and smile. You pull out of his hug and walk over to the side table and take a hand full of pop corn.
"I'm gonna go shower. Make yourself at home. Find a movie to watch."
"Okay" you say and sit on the corner of his bed and take the remote. As he walks out of the room, you take another big handful of popcorn. "And don't eat all my popcorn" he laughs as he walks out.
You laugh to yourself and fall back onto his pillow and search through Netflix.A few minutes later, Trent walks back into the room shirtless with a towel wrapped around his hair and you bust out laughing.
"I can't let you see my hair like this" he says, trying to hold back his laugh and then grabs another tshirt and runs back to the bathroom.
You shake your head and laugh and focus back on the tv.
A few seconds later, Trent comes back in the room and slides on the bed next to you and kisses your cheek.
"You're on my side" he says quietly and you roll your head over and look at him.
"I was here first.."
And then you look back at the tv. He starts to say something and then chooses not to. He lays down beside where you are sitting and you run your fingers through his damp hair and smile. He looks up at you and his eyes sparkle. You turn back to the tv and keep running your fingers through his hair, messing it up and then fixing it.
After a few minutes, Trent gets up and looks over at you.
"Wanna glass of wine?" He asks, nonchalantly.
"Sure." You smile at him.
A few minutes later, Trent walks back in carrying two glasses of wine. He hands you yours and then sits down carefully on the bed.
"I brought Uno for us to play" he says, cutely.
"Agh I love uno!" You laugh and he takes a sip of his wine and sits it on the table beside him. You sit up more and cross your legs and Trent does the same. You put the popcorn bowl next to your leg, and as Trent reaches over to get some, you swat at his hand.
"Hey. Do I need to go make my own popcorn again?" He asks, laughing.
"Nah we can share" you laugh and take a sip of your wine.
After the cards are dealt, you let Trent play first. His first play, he tries to cheat and you catch him.
"Trent. Put that back."
He looks up at you, in mock surprise. "Huh? What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about you laugh at him and throw a piece of popcorn at him. He attempts to catch it in his mouth, but misses.
"So close!!" He says excitedly, "try again."
You put your hand in the popcorn and smile. "One.. two.. three" you say. After three, you pull a hand full of popcorn at him and he says "no fair!!"
"You had all those chances and didn't catch any!" You say, motioning to the popcorn scattered across the bed. You pick some up out of the bowl and pop it into your mouth and shrug. He winks at you and takes his turn.
After the first rounds, Trent looks up at you and smiles. "You wanna keep playing ?"
You look at him and smile "sure!"
He starts shuffling the cards and you watch him intently.
You take a sip of your wine and he says
"So we decided where we are gonna live... what kind of house do you want?" As he gives you the cards.
"Hmmm.." you say as you decide what to do on your first turn. You look up at Trent as he takes another sip of his almost empty glass and then down at your almost full glass.
"I like front porches.. with porch swings.." you say, smiling over at Trent.
"Of course. We can't have a house without that..." he says as he plays his first time of the round. "What about bed rooms?" He asks.
"What about them?" You laugh "I haven't thought a lot about it.."
"I have..." Trent says quietly. "I've had a lot of time on the road. I like the big white farm houses with two stories. And have the master bedroom and a guest room on the bottom floor and then children's bed rooms on the top."
"You have thought about this a lot.." you say,
"I haven't thought about it a lot until lately. AndI told you. I've had a lot of time on the road. "
You smile at him and say "how many children's rooms?"
You see a smile cross his face and he thinks for a moment.
"At least two... maybe three or four..."
He takes a breath and then says "at the most 5."
"five? Are you crazy?" You laugh and say "I was thinking two or three.."
"I like that..." he says and then "and they could have a small play room down stairs, and then a big one upstairs.."
You look at him thoughtfully and play your cards. "Can we get a puppy?" You ask, excitedly.
"Yes. I think that would be a good idea. I'd like to have horses.." he trails off and you smile at him.
"Your turn" you laugh, snapping him back to the game. You sip your wine and say "where am I going to work?"
"You can find somewhere in Nashville or outside Nashville." He says and then remembers. "are you excited to start your new job Thursday?"
"I guess.." you say "it's just gonna keep me from seeing you..."
"But it'll also help the time go by faster..."
He says and leans over and kisses you.
"Yeah you're right." You smile at him as you play your cards.
"Do you have names in mind?" Trent asks after a minute.
"Names?" You laugh and then realize what he's talking about.
"Yes. Names. The children in those rooms will need names."
You smile at him and put your hand on his cheek and stare at him for a minute.
"I like the name Kenslie.." he says quietly a few moments later as you look through your cards for the right one to play.
"Kenslie?" You say "kenslie Kathryn Harmon... I like it.. a lot..."
a smile lights up his face and you say "any others?" He shrugs and you say "I like the name Brentley..."
He thinks for a minute and then says "yeah.. I like it.. but it would turn into Brent.. so we'd be Brent and Trent Harmon."
You crinkle your nose and shake your head as you laugh..
you play your card and keep thinking. "What about Grayson?"
"Grayson?" You let it play on your lips. "Grayson William?" You say and his eyes light up.
And then you say "I like the name Olivia, too.."
"Olivia..." he says and smiles "Olivia Kathryn."
"We said Kathryn was the middle name for Kenslie." You laugh. "But it does sound better with Olivia."
"How about Kenslie Paige?"
After a few more minutes, Trent puts the cards away and y'all keep talking.
"Yeah. We could have an extra room or two for Katie and Kyle. And our families."
Trent says and you laugh.
"Trent you understand that someone has to clean that many rooms.."
"So we hire a maid..."
You laugh and look over at him laying on the pillow next to you. "Yeah we just hire a maid.."
"I'm serious" he says as he smirks over at you.
"How about a master bedroom, bathroom, and a small playroom along with the kitchen and living room downstairs. And then have three bedrooms upstairs and a tv/ media room and two bathrooms."
You suggest.
"That could work..." he says and smiles "I like that a lot."
He leans over and kisses you and then stands up "you want another glass of wine?"
"Sure." You say as you hand him your glass.
While he's gone, you hear him popping more popcorn and laugh to yourself and pull out your phone.
You notice that it's 2 AM, and shake your head. You scroll through your notifications and see messages from Clay and Ashley and Hannah. You ignore them and open your instagram app. You have been tagged in a few photos and you click to see them. Almost all of them are the photo from Big Machine's Facebook page from the red carpet. You click the post photo button and select the picture of you and Trent at the after party with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill.
You type "tonight, Trent introduced Keith Urban at an awards show, and we had supper with Mr. Tim McGraw and Mrs. Faith Hill.. how is this real life? #accawards #bmlg "
You tag Trent and then post it. You go and look at your recent followers and notice that Thomas Rhett and Lauren both followed you and you click on Lauren's profile and see her newest picture.
You stare at it and notice you and Trent in the background. You tap on the comment button and type "this picture is presh, Lauren... and so is that couple over your shoulder.. ha! So great to meet y'all tonight!!"'
A few seconds later, Trent comes back in carrying a bowl of popcorn and sits it beside you and then goes back in the kitchen. When he comes back, he is carrying two more glasses of wine. You take yours and take a sip and smile at him when he sits down.
"What time is your meeting in the morning?"
"Our meeting is at 10:15 in the coffee shop next to BMR.."
"I have to go?"
"Yeah... Scott called before you got in the shower and asked if you could come too.."
He laughs and kisses your forehead.
"So what time do we need to get up?"
"Depends on how long it is going to take you to get ready.." he laugh and you play punch him
"Most of the time I'm waiting on you.." you laugh.
"No you aren't!!!"
"Yes I am!!!!" You say and kiss him between each word.
He laughs and leans back onto his pillow and eats some popcorn.
"I'll set the alarm for 8.. that way we have time to wake up before we have to get ready." He says as he pulls his phone out.
A few seconds later, he is leaning over. "Snapchat." He says and you roll your eyes.
"Trent. No. I look awful. I have on no make up and my hair is up.."
"Pleaseeeee" he begs and looks at you like a little boy.
"Fine" you sigh and lean over to take the picture. He types "I've missed late night talks with this beauty..❤" and sends it to his story.
"My turn.." you say and open Snapchat on your phone. You start to take a picture and Trent makes a stupid face.
"Trent" you warns and he smiles right and you snap the picture.
"Late night wine, talks, and Uno with my favorite guy.😘" after you send it to your story, Trent says "all the girls are gonna notice we are on the bed..." and laughs. "Oh great.." you say and roll your eyes.
After a minute he says "so.. I have something I wanna give you... and I was gonna wait to give it to you a little later but I think you need it now."
You sit up and watch as he turns and opens the drawer on his side table. You take a sip of your wine and a deep breath.
He turns back to you and holds his hand in a fist, hiding whatever he has.
"I told you at the beach that I was gonna marry you some day. And we don't know how close or far that day will be. But I wanted to give you something to remind you of that promise.. okay?" He says quietly.
You nod and he opens his hand to show a beautiful, shiny ring with a small diamond on top. He uses his right hand to pick it up and says "this is just a promise that one day, I'm going to put a real ring on your finger and to show the world that you're mine..and it's to remind you that no
"Trent" you say and tears roll down your face.
He holds it out to you, and you take it, but use your other hand to pull his face to yours. You touch your lips to his. You pull back and look into his eyes and smile.
"Do you like it?" He asks, timidly.
"I love it.." you say and he laughs "you haven't even looked at it.."
You pull back a little further and study the ring that you are holding.
It's the perfect size small diamond on the top with small Stones with yours and Trent's birthstones next to it.
"Trent..." you whisper and look up at him. He wipes the tears off your face. "I love it."
"I'm so glad.." he says, in relief.
You start to put it on your left hand, and he smiles. "Why don't you wear it on this hand? That way when I really do ask you one day, that hand will be ready?"
"And so the press doesn't get any ideas yet?" You laugh and he tries to hide the look that crosses his face.
"Yeah.. I guess.." he says and then kisses your cheek. "I'm sorry. You can wear it on whatever hand you want to.."
"No Trent. That's really smart thinking." You say as you slip it on your right hand.
You stare at it another minute and then look at Trent.
"I love you so much.."
"I love you too, baby.."
he pulls you into a hug and you stay like that for a moment. And then you touch your lips together again. This time, you can feel the intensity start up and Trent pulls away. He looks you in the eye and you can read his eyes and you smile.
"We need to go to sleep.." you say as you check the time.
"Yeah we do." He says and you turn on a new movie on Netflix. He pulls a blanket up over you and slides next to you and kisses your cheek again..
As you doze off, you can't help but smile as you think of what the ring on your hand means, and the future that lays out before you and Trent.

Life With Trent Harmon
FanfictionA book about a girl living life, loving Trenton William Harmon, more than she was able to love herself. (Chapters are really long, but really worth the read)❤️