"Babe, wake up..." you hear Trent say and you open your eyes slowly and look over at him. He's smiling at you and you are taken back once again by how good he looks.
"We are almost back."
"Mkay.." you say and yawn.
"I wanna go eat at the Longhorn before I take you home.." he says as he slides his fingers between yours."
"Trent.." you whine. "I'm tired."
"You've slept basically the whole way home..." he says and then glances over at you and makes a puppy dog face. "Pleaaasee."
You laugh and say "okay. Whatever."
The ring on your left hand catches the sun and your eye goes to it. You study the ring and smile as you realize that you get to marry the man sitting next to you, holding your hand.
"It still doesn't feel real, does it?"
"Not. At. All." You smile over at him and lean and kiss his cheek. "But I'm so glad it is."
"Me too." You say as you flip the mirror down and check your makeup.
"You look perfect" Trent says as you wipe the eyeliner that has run down your face a little off. "I have eyeliner all over my face. And you know people are gonna be there and so I need to look presentable."
"You looks gorgeous." He says as you reapply a little make up.
"Thank you Trent." You laugh and brush your fingers through your hair. " do I need to take off my ring?"
"Huh?" Trent asks as he turns into the Longhorn.
"There are people here and we haven't announced our engagement yet.. so do I need to take my ring off or?"
"Nah there aren't that many people here.." Trent says and smiles at you "and besides, I don't care if people find out. I can't wait to marry you."
You smile and Trent parks the car and then leans over and brushes his lips on yours. "I get to marry you."
"I know.!!!" You gush as he gets out and comes around to open your door. When you climb out of the car, Trent wraps you in a hug and you rest your head on his chest and close your eyes.
"It's good to be home."
"Mhm." He replies and then leans down and touches his lips to yours. The kiss grows quickly as you wrap your arms around his neck.
After a second, he pulls back "woah. " he says breathlessly. "Lets have that wedding, sooner than later" and brushes his lips on yours quickly. "Sounds good to me..." you smile. He slips his hand in yours and leads you into the Longhorn.
As soon as you walk in the door, Mrs. Cindy and RK come running over to yall. Cindy wraps you in a hug first.
"I'm so happy for y'all!!" She says as she hugs you and then pulls back and looks at Trent and then you "I couldn't think of any one better for Trent or our family."
"Thank you so much Mama C!" You say and hug her again. A second later, she hugs Trent and Randi Kathryn squeals and hugs you. "I finally get a sister!!! Let me see the ring again!!" She says as she takes a step back.
You hold out your left hand for her to see the ring and laugh "you were there when it happened, RK!" and she giggles "I know. I'm just so excited" as she grabs your hand and pulls it closer to her face. "I can't get over how pretty it is!!"
After a few minutes, RK goes off and starts waiting tables. You look over at Mrs, Cindy and then around the restaurant. "This is the smallest crowd I've seen in here since before idol started!" She laughs and motions at Trent.
"Can you and Trent take these drinks to the back room? There's a party in there and we need all hands on deck." She asks motioning toward some drinks on the table in front of you.
"For sure!" You tell her as she rushes into the kitchen to answer the ringing phone. You walk over to Trent and smile. "Your mom needs us to take these drinks in the party room."
"Okay." He says, looking around at the half empty room and then picks up the tray as you pick up the lighter one. You follow Trent into the room and quickly realize this isn't just any party.
"Surprise!!" The group says and it takes a second for it to register with you. You sit the tray of drinks down on the table and look around and see a room full of familiar faces.
"What in the world?!" You look up at Trent and see him looking at you, his eyes twinkling.
Before he can respond, Katie comes running passed you and jumps into Trent's arms. "Is it true? You're gonna be my new big brother?"
He smiles down at you and then back at Katie, who is smiling excitedly. "Yes mam! I am!!"
"Good!!" She says excitedly "cuz Kyle is mean. I would rather have you as my brother than him."
Trent tries to stifle the laugh in his throat "Katiebug. Kyle is still gonna be your brother. I'm just gonna be your other brother."
She gets really still as she thinks for a second. "Oh. Okay." She says as she slides out of Trent's arms and walks back over to the table. You take Trent's hand and laugh as everyone starts rushing over and hugging y'all.
45 minutes later, almost everyone is back at the tables and you glance over at Trent who is across the room now hugging his little cousin, Presley. You study him for a second as He brushes her hair from her eyes and kisses her forehead. He looks up and your eyes meet and his smile widens. He whispers something to Presley and she runs back to the table and he stands and comes over to you. You turn to face him and he smiles down at you. Suddenly you forget there is anyone else in the room as he touches your cheek and puts his lips on yours. You slide your fingers between his as the kiss grows.
You both are jerked by reality by the sound of Mama C clearing her throat. Trent is the first to take a step back and release your hands. You hear everyone laugh quietly and you feel the blood rush to your face.
"Anyway..." mama C says as Trent comes to stand at your side and slides his fingers between yours.
"Y'all can go sit down we are about to eat." She says looking at two empty seats at the table between your parents and Mr. Randy and then back at Trent. Trent leads you over and pulls your chair out for you to sit.
An hour later when everyone is finished eating and are all leaving, katie comes over and jumps up in your lap. As you pull her up, she notices the ring on your hand and pulls it closer to her face. Since her back is to you, you can't see her reaction, but based on Trent's face you know she likes it. She spins around and looks at you, her eyes wide. "SISSY! That's the prettiest ring I've ever seen. Where did you get it?"
You fight back the giggle in your throats and motion toward Trent. "Trent gave it to me when he asked me to marry him?"
"So he bribed you?" She asked as a confused grows onto her face. You look up at Trent and see him laughing quietly.
"Well..." you stifle another laugh as you look back at katie "I guess he kinda did.."
She gives Trent a look and then looks back at you and says "so you said yes?"
"Yes I said yes" you answer, trying to help her understand
"So when you marry Trent. Will he move into our house?" She asks, thinking.
"Well.." you answer slowly, thinking of the correct way to tell her "no. Me and Trent will move into our own house."
"But I don't want you to leave and be gone all the time like Trent is." She says quietly and lays her head on your chest.
You smile over at Trent, who reaches over and rubs her back. You wrap your arms around her and kiss her hair "I won't be gone all the time. And besides it'll be a little while before me and Trent get married."
You feel her sigh as ashley says "speaking of..." as she looks at Trent and back over at you. "Have yall picked a date?"
You smile over at Trent as he says "we've talked about it a little bit. We've picked a few different dates. I've gotta talk to Scott and see how everything lines up. But we are thinking sometime next summer!"
"A year??" RK says as she sits down next to ashley.
"Like I said." Trent laughs "we will see. We have a few dates in mind before that. But I feel like that's when Scott will want it.. after the album release and everything."
Clay rolls his eyes and you laugh. "Scott don't play about stuff like that. I heard part of their conversation on the way home about the announcement of our engagement and he was strict about it. "
"What do you mean strict?" Ashley asks, eyeing you. Trent opens his mouth to speak and his phone starts ringing. He pulls it out of his pocket and looks to see who it is.
"Speaking of.." he says quietly "I'll be right back" and rushes out of the room
"That has to be rough." Clay says
"It isn't fun." You laugh.
"What kind of standards has Scott put in yalls engagement announcement?"
"Basically.." you say as katie starts to snore "we have to wait until Trent gets back to Nashville. We have to have professional pics to post before we post any of that night. So we are supposed to go up to Nashville one day this week to get those made. The announcement has to be done at the correct time. Which means Trent has to be able to be in Nashville to do press and I should be able to be with him. We have to be careful what we say about the wedding. Basically it could all be announced this week or it could be 3 months"
"Wow." RK says, shocked.
"So this week is going to be a crazy week for y'all and us too, huh?" Ashley laughs
"Looks like it." You giggle as Trent sits down "but we made sure to tell him that at the end of the week, we are yours. He promised to surprises or anything."
"He said that was fine because that's the time I asked off for anyway. All of the rest was just extra, so I have to be ready to run to Nashville any time he needs me until Thursday night." Trent says and smiles. as you look over at him, you see a sparkle in his eye that wasn't there before.
"Everything okay with your call?" You ask quietly so only Trent can hear.
"Yeah just have some exciting opportunities coming up." He says and winks at you and the butterflies in your stomach take off.
"So." Trent looks at clay and ashley "I haven't been around for the details lately.. what are y'all doing after the wedding as far as jobs?"
You laugh to yourself as you think "that's so random" but push it to the back of your mind as ashley answers first. "Well besides follow you all over the country, I'm gonna work in the doctors office like I am now. And Clay is gonna keep working here and playing gigs on the weekend and working with the crew during the weeks."
"Busy busy.." Trent says and you see his eyes sparkle a little more "so when are y'all gonna have me some god children?"An hour and a half later, Trent leads you up the steps at your house and over to the swing. He sits down next to you and you sigh and lay your head on his shoulder as you slide your fingers between his. "It's so good to be sitting next to you instead of just FaceTiming you."
"I agree." He says and you can hear the smile in his voice. "One day, this won't have to be out of the norm."
"I can't wait." You smile.
He pushes the swing off and you gently rock back and forth in silence for a few minutes.
"Thank you for tonight, Trent." You say after a second, with a yawn.
"I wanted to do something special for you."
"You always do special stuff for me."
"Because I love you."
"I love you too." You say quietly and then lift your head to look into Trent's eyes. He grows still and then touches his lips to yours quickly and smiles as you lay your head back on his shoulder.
"I can't believe we are here, engaged, the week before our best friend's wedding."
"I know.."you say as he wraps his arm around you.
"I'm so glad we are though."
"Me too." You laugh and yawn again.
"I need to go.. but first.." Trent says and you stop him "no don't go.."
You feel him smile as he continues. Before I go, Scott needs us in Nashville at 10:30 Monday morning and we have our pics Tuesday morning at 6 am."
"So I have to tell my parents that I'm staying in Nashville with you again.."
"Yeah but I need ashley and clay to go this time too."
"But it's the week of their wedding they aren't gonna have time." You lean up and look at him.
"I think they will find time."
"Trent." You laugh and look at him again "they get married next weekend. They can't run off to Nashville."
"This concerns their future. I think they will."
"You know that call I got at the Longhorn tonight?"
You nod and sit up more so you can look at him better and he turns toward you and you can see the Sparkles in his eyes even more. "It was Scott. The guitar player in my band has gotten another offer that we can't top so he took it."
"You remember how Scott watched my homecoming tape and everything from idol?"
Suddenly you realize what Trent is about to say right before he says it.
"He remembered hearing Clay playing guitar for me and he called to ask if I could get him up to Nashville this week for an audition. He's the only one Scott is looking at so the spot is pretty much his. As long as he can be at The office at 1:30 Monday."
"TRENT!" You squeal and hear your dog start barking inside your house and you start laughing "he's gonna be so thrilled!!"
"I know. And I get to have my best friend on the road with me."
"That's so awesome!!" You say as you kiss Trent's cheek.
"That also means that ashley can tour with us too, when I actually get signed onto a tour. So we will all be together!"
Excitement rushes through your veins and you touch your lips to Trent's.
A few minutes later, you climb into your bed and smile as your phone lights up.
"Hey baby. I'm home. Please don't mention anything to Clay or Ashley. I can't tell them everything I told you yet so I have to tell them tomorrow after church that I need him in Nashville. I'm so excited for our life together. And I can't wait to marry you. I love you so much."
"I love you more. Goodnight." You send back.
You open your twitter app and look through your mentions and like Ashley's tweet about what Clay had said earlier.
As you close out your app, you get a notification from Instagram and you click on it. Suddenly a picture of the night you and Trent got engaged is on the screen and you see that Trent had posted it. It was a picture of y'all's silhouettes standing in the Christmas lights with he sunset behind you, wrapped in a hug. Under the picture, Trent put "#TheresAGirl an I'll forever be thankful for her. 💜"
"Ditto, honey. Ditto 💗" you comment back.
You close out the app and put your phone down beside you and smile to yourself as you drift off into sleep, thinking about the future and how great it is going to be, being Mrs. Harmon.Hey y'all. Sorry it's been so long. Life has been INSANE! I'm gonna try to write a little more in the next few weeks!!! Don't forget to like, comment and share!! Thanks!!

Life With Trent Harmon
FanfictionA book about a girl living life, loving Trenton William Harmon, more than she was able to love herself. (Chapters are really long, but really worth the read)❤️