Trent comes to the door way and motions you over. When you walk over to him, he leads you out of the building and down the side walk a little way before he slips his baseball cap out of his backpack and puts it on his head.
You look up at him as you keep walking and say "ah. There's my Trent."
He smiles down at you and says "I'm always your Trent.." And slides his hand down the side of your arm and intertwines his fingers with yours.
"I talked to clay, and he wanted to know if they could come tonight.."
"Actually they can't. I had to beg Scott in the meeting for you to come."
"Trent I told you I didn't want you to get in any trouble."
"I'm not gonna get in trouble because I asked."
"And what if he had said no?" You say, teasing him.
"Then I woulda snuck you in." He says matter of factly and you laugh.
When you get to his hotel, he walks up to the front counter to get his key.
"Trent Harmon." He says and the lady looks at him and smiles as she hands him the key.
"Mr. Harmon. You did awesome tonight."
"Thank you mam!" He says and smiles at her. "I have some friends coming over" and then he tells her the names of the people.
"Alright, call if you need anything."
"I sure will. Thank you!" He says as he takes your hand again.
When you walk into his room, he throws his stuff down next to the bed and goes to the bathroom. "Make yourself at home" he says and you smile as you sit down on the edge of the bed.
When he comes back out, he is in a pair of shorts and a tshirt and he smiles at you.
"Do you want some clothes?"
"Trent. I can't wear your clothes." You laugh and he looks offended.
"You wear my tshirts all the time."
"Yeah but I also would need pants."
He walks into the other room and when he comes out, he hands you his American idol tshirt and a pair of sweat pants.
When you walk out of the bathroom, he says "I told you that you could wear them."
You glare at him and say "I have them as tight as they will go and they are STILL too big."
He stands up and walks over to you and wraps his arms around your waist. "They've still gotta be more comfortable than that dress.."
He says quietly and you smile up at him and put your hands behind his neck.
You nod and slowly lean in and put your lips on his.
As the kiss starts to grow, there's a knock on the door and before you can pull away, Dalton walks in carrying two pizzas followed by a few of Trent's friends.
Trent pulls back slightly and looks into your eyes and you wrap your arms around his waist and feel the blood rush to your face as Dalton says "Looks like we got here just in time.."
Trent glares at Dalton and then smiles sheepishly down at you and then pulls away.
Dalton lays the pizza down on the table and opens the box as two other guys and a girl walk over and the first guy sticks his hand out to you "I'm Adam!"
"Hi. I'm (y/n)!"
He laughs and says "yeah I know." And then shoots a look at trent and the starts talking to him.
You look up at Trent and then the next guy comes up and shakes your hand. "I'm Danny!" He says as he smiles at you and then motions to the girl beside him "this is my girlfriend, tori!" And the looks at her "this is Trent's girlfriend (y/n)!"
She smiles at you and says "hi! How long have you and Trent been dating?"
You laugh and think about it for a second. "Um.. Actually 3 months Saturday!" You say and then pause. "Gah it doesn't seem like it's been that long. What about you and Danny?"
"We've been dating right at two years!" She laughs and whispers "just waiting on a ring but this lame-o is too scared. Apparently" she laughs again and looks at Danny who is caught up in the conversation with Trent, Dalton, and Adam. She glances back at you and rolls her eyes and you both laugh.
She walks over and grabs a piece of pizza and you do the same.
After you both sit down in the chairs near the table and talk.
After a little while, the guys come over and join y'all.
There aren't enough chairs so Trent jokingly sits down on Dalton's lap and everyone dies laughing. Suddenly, you hear a loud pop and the next thing you know, Trent is on the ground and Dalton is under him.
As they stand up, the whole room erupts in laughter again.
"Y'all think it's funny but that freakin hurt..." Dalton says after he gets on his feet.
"It did not." Trent looks at him, trying to stop laughing.
"Cuz you fell on me, stupid." Dalton snaps back and Trent busts out laughing again and says "sorry man."
"Yeah yeah." Dalton says and picks up his plate off the floor and takes a bite of his pizza.
He glares at Trent again, and every body starts laughing.
After most of the pizza is gone, Adam picks up his guitar and sits back down in his chair. When you get up to throw away your plate, Trent sits down in your chair next to Tori.
When you come back, you stare at him, and he smiles and winks at you.
"That's my seat dude." You say, trying to keep from laughing.
"You got up."
"Yeah to throw YOUR plate away." You say and he sits up and pats his legs.
You shake your head and laugh "no way. We don't need to break another chair."
He starts to stand up and you say "nah you can stay in it" and sit down on the floor in front of him. When he sits down, you lean back against his legs and listen to Adam's guitar playing. After a minute, Trent starts singing along.
"I put that record on... Girl you know that song.. And I let it play again and again... You're in every line..."
As he gets to the chorus, the other guys join in and your jaw drops open. You look over at Tori who is now in the floor next to you and she has the same reaction.
"What're you listenin to??" They finish and as Adam plays the last few chords, tori looks around and says "y'all have to have practiced this... That was too good.."
Danny laughs and says "nope. We haven't sung together in about a year... And Dalton has never sung with us.."
You shake your head and look up at Trent who is smiling down at you.
Danny takes the guitar from Adam and Starts hitting a few chords.
After they sing a few more songs, Dalton's phone rings. When he hangs up, he says "guys. Elizabeth called. She wants to meet up. Soooo I gotta go."
"Lame.." Trent says and Dalton glares at him. When Trent cracks a smile at Dalton, he can't keep a straight face.
After telling everybody goodbye, Dalton walks out and shuts the door while saying "goodnight Trentbaby. I love you." You look up at Trent and see his face blood red and you can't hold back your laughter.
After a few minutes, Danny starts strumming the guitar and Trent slides down into the floor behind you and you lean back on him as he starts to sing "grandma and grandpa painted a picture of 65 years in one little house.." As he keeps singing, he wraps his arms around you and you can't stop the smile from coming across your face.
As you lean on him, and he sings softly, you feel your eyes getting heavy and so you scoot closer into him and lean back again with your head on him.
The next thing you know, you open your eyes and Adam, Danny , and tori are all standing up. when you open your eyes, tori smiles at you and you look back at Trent.
"Well good morning."he laughs and then scoots back and stands up. You stand up as he is shaking Danny's hand and then Adam's. "Thanks for coming out to support me, guys. It means the world to me.."
"Don't mention it bro, we wouldn't miss it." Adam says quietly.
After they leave, Trent looks at his watch and says "it's already 1:30... I have lobby call in four hours.. I need to get you to your hotel..."
You feel a sadness build up inside of you but you smile at him and get your stuff together.
When you walk out of the lobby, Trent slides his fingers between yours and starts walking.
"Thank you for coming out here..." He says quietly.
"Thank you for wanting me to.." You say back as you smile up at him.
"Seriously? I have wanted you out here every week.. But I think it worked better like this.." He says and then pauses... "I got to work and focus on my music, and you got to stay at home, in your normal world and be you."
"Yeah.." You say quietly.
"Thank you for understanding. About everything.. Whether it be my crazy schedule or anything to do with me or us."
"Trent" you say "as long as you stay you, I'll do anything to make sure that everything stays okay."
"I know." He says quietly as he takes the turn that leads to the front of your hotel.
"That brings me to an important question.."
You feel your stomach drop but you try to hide it and smile. "Okay?" You say as you both slow down as you approach the hotel.
"Tomorrow night, no matter the outcome, there will be press. For a while after tomorrow, there will be press." He says quietly and then turns toward you as he stops walking.
You nod and he continues "you know there are gonna be questions. About my relationship status. About my life at home." A realization works it's way through your body and he slides his other hand into your free hand and says "what do you want me to tell them?"
"Trent" you say lightly "just tell them what you wanna tell them."
"No. I wanna know what YOU want me to say, (y/n) because this is your life too. This will effect your life more than it does mine."
You look up at him and when you make eye contact, you see the seriousness of what he is saying "Trent.." You whisper "I don't know..."
"I don't have to tell them." He says looking deeper into your eyes "I just want to do what makes you happiest. Either way it's gonna suck and I just need you to understand that..."
"I know.." You say and then smile at him "if you tell them, I get bombarded with a ton of people... But if you don't.. they are gonna find out anyway.."
"Exactly..." He says.
"What do you wanna do?" You ask him.
He takes a deep breath and looks up for a second and then back at you. "I want to not have to stop being us whenever the press is around." He says as he moves one hand to your cheek. "And I wanna be able to hang out with you in public in Nashville. And I wanna be able to do this whenever I want." He says slowly as he leans in and touches his lips to yours. He ends the kiss and pulls back slowly, looking into your eyes.
"But.. I want you to still live a normal life. And I don't want you to have to deal with a bunch of bullshit. And I dont want to do anything you're not comfortable with.."
"I'm totally comfortable with what just happened.." You grin as you lean up and kiss him quickly.
"You know what I mean.." He says quietly.
"Yeah. I know." You say as the smile fades off of your face. "I want all of that too, babe..." You say as you wrap your arms around his waist and look up at him.
He pulls you into a hug and you lay your head on his chest and close your eyes.
After a minute, you sigh and pull out of the hug slightly. He looks down at you and you say "okay. What about this? If they ask, you tell them."
"Are you sure?" He asks, searching your eyes.
"Yeah. I'm tired of hiding..." You say and then look around "we aren't doing a good job of it anyway.."
A smile works it's way across his face and you say "but, don't just offer up he information. If they ask tell them. But don't just get up there and say "I have a girl friend."
He laughs and then says "obviously"
You smile and look down for a second and. Then back up at him "are you ready for me to do this? Because if you aren't, it's fine..." He rambles and you cut him off.
"Trenton. I promise. It's what I want.. I was actually thinking about it yesterday..."
"Why didn't you say anything?" He asks as he puts his hand back on your cheek.
"I wasn't sure if you were ready or not."
He laughs and says "I've been ready."
He touches his lips to yours and slides his hand to the back of your neck. The kiss grows and you can feel eyes on you.
When you pull back, you look around and Trent looks at you, worried and you smile.
"Are you sure?" He asks you again, resting his forehead on yours.
"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be." You lean up and kiss him again and then lean back and say "you need a little sleep at least. Tomorrows a big day.."
"All the works basically done..." He says and you smile.
"I know.. Are you ready?" You ask him and he smirks.
"Yeah.. No matter what happens, I'll be okay. I'll have my family. And you. And I've worked my butt off to get here. And porsha.." He says and pauses "porsha is amazing. She deserves it."
"You deserve it, Trent."
He hangs his head for a second and says "I think she's gonna win it."
"If she does, congrats to her, but you heard Scott last week. You're gonna get signed anyway."
"I might get signed anyway" he says, correcting you.
"You will." You say and he pulls you in for another hug.
"I'm kinda ready for it to be over. So that whatever is gonna happen has happened and I can plan my next move.."
You don't say anything but hug him tighter.
"Don't count yourself out, Trent. I think you might be surprised by your fans.."
"Yeah they are pretty great. But it would take a miracle. She's such a powerhouse."
"Can't our God work miracles? He's in the miracle working job... And besides, I got my votes in... And mine count more than anyone else's." You laugh and wink at him.
"When did you vote?!" He laughs.
"You left me in a room full of people I don't know. I had a little extra time."
He laughs again and then leans down to you and whispers "who'd you vote for?"
A smile works it's way across your face again and you say "lemme give you a hint" and you close the space between y'all and touch your lips to his and let the kiss grow slowly.
When you pull away, he says "so Laporsha?"
You smack his arm and say "Trenton William."
He throws his head back and laughs as you shake your head and try to fight back laughing.
He kisses you again and says "thank you for supporting me.."
"I told you. It's my dream. Being by you is my dream."
He hugs you again and then says "I love you."
"I love you too." You say and he kisses your cheek and then watches you walk into the lobby before turning to walk back to his hotel.When you climb into bed that night, you pick up your phone and see a missed call from Trent and then a text message
"baby you don't have to call me back. I just called to tell you I almost just got in a butt load of trouble. When I walked into the lobby of my hotel, Scott was down there. And when he saw me he got so mad. He basically told me that if this was earlier in the season, I would be getting kicked off the show.. It took everything I had to not start laughing. But I sat down and we talked for a minute and he was cool by the time I came back up to my room. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I love you. Sleep good tonight."
"TRENT I didn't want to get you in trouble."
"It's fine, baby!" He responds quickly.
"I hope so.. And I love you so much more!!! I'll see you in the morning. I love you and I'm praying for you. And guess what? I believe in miracles.."
"❤️" is all he sends back and the smile returns to your face.
You close your eyes and try to go to sleep but all you can think about is Trent's blue eyes and the feeling that God is about to work a huge miracle, right in front of your eyes.Sorry it has taken me so long guys. Life has been crazy. I should be posting more often now!!! Love y'all! We are almost to 1K reads and WOW!!!!

Life With Trent Harmon
FanfictionA book about a girl living life, loving Trenton William Harmon, more than she was able to love herself. (Chapters are really long, but really worth the read)❤️